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- This building was originally the Calton WI Hall, but was later sold to be used as a private home.This building was originally the Calton WI Hall, but was later sold …
- The Elgin County Pioneer Museum, 32 Talbot Street, St Thomas was founded in 1957. www.elgincounty.ca/archives (Click on “Collections” in blue banner menu; click on blue”on-line database”; in search lThe Elgin County Pioneer Museum, 32 Talbot Street, St Thomas was founded …
- Nobleton Community Hall. located in York Centre WI district Top: Under Construction Back in the Thirties. Bottom: 1986 Nobleton Community Hall is truly a “community” place. It was built in 1936 by voNobleton Community Hall. located in York Centre WI district Top: Under Construction …
- Top: Hill Farm Meadow Park , showing bench in background. Middle: Plaque on bench marking 95th anniversary Bottom: Plaque in Cherry Park, acknowledging Community PartnersTop: Hill Farm Meadow Park , showing bench in background. Middle: Plaque …
- In 2017 Gillies Hill WI members proudly marked their 20th anniversary of cleaning the roadside of a section of road north of Chesley, Ontario.In 2017 Gillies Hill WI members proudly marked their 20th anniversary of …
- This is a photo of the Mount Pleasant WI Hall, located in the community of Mount Pleasant. The Hall was donated to the Women's Institute in 1905 by the International Order of Good Templars. Mount PleThis is a photo of the Mount Pleasant WI Hall, located in …
- Pinnacle Park was created by the Bonnechere Valley WI as their centennial project in 1967. This resting spot with a picnic table is situated at the corner of Pinnacle Road and Elliott Crescent, veryPinnacle Park was created by the Bonnechere Valley WI as their centennial …
- North Grey WI Branch decided to refurbish a park bench that had been placed by the former Annan WI at the Peter Cameron Children's Park in Leith. Here is the after photo.North Grey WI Branch decided to refurbish a park bench that had …
- In 2003, the Erland Lee (Museum) Home was designated by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, and a plaque was placed by the sidewalk leading into the side porch of the Museum. The plaqueIn 2003, the Erland Lee (Museum) Home was designated by the Historic …
- This plaque, mounted on a stone cairn, was placed at the roadside in front of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home in 1961, while it was still a private residence. It reads "In memory of Erland Lee and his wThis plaque, mounted on a stone cairn, was placed at the roadside …
- Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967 to celebrate the Centennial. See other photos of plaques.Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build …
- Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967 to celebrate the Centennial. See other photos of gates and 1931 plaqueArkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build …
- To celebrate Arkell WI's 100th Anniversary we dedicated a bench in Farnham Cemetery. Previously Arkell WI supported the Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967. SeTo celebrate Arkell WI's 100th Anniversary we dedicated a bench in Farnham …
- Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967 to celebrate the Centennial. See other photos for plaques.Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build …
- Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967 to celebrate the Centennial. See other photos showing the full gate and the 1967 plaque.Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build …
- This plaque was erected by the Goshen W.I. at Goshen Cemetery. The plaque reads "Goshen Cemetery 1831 - 1931 in memory of the pioneers." It is on the brick wall in front of the cemetery.This plaque was erected by the Goshen W.I. at Goshen Cemetery. The …
- To mark their 60th anniversary, the Maple Grove Women's Institute went to Cambridge Manor, a new nursing home in our area and asked if there was anything we could contribute to the home as our outreaTo mark their 60th anniversary, the Maple Grove Women's Institute went to …
- This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. The group has since disbanded, but their excellent work over the years is represented by this project. Service people from WThis cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. …
- In 1967, as part of Centennial Year, West Haldimand District undertook a project to build a pavilion. This impressive pavilion is located in Haldimand Conservation Park, near Featherstone Point. DuriIn 1967, as part of Centennial Year, West Haldimand District undertook a …
- This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. The group has since disbanded, but their excellent work over the years is represented by this project. Service people from WThis cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. …
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