Mrs Dorothy Futcher, FWIO president 1947-1950, envisioned a museum for both the city of St Thomas and the County of Elgin. Plans were started in 1954.
WI branches from all of Elgin supported the idea of a museum and rural areas were canvassed for donations. A partnership with IODE was established and its members collected donations within St Thomas. The house was purchased for $10,000. Rooms in the house were used for collections, memorabilia and a tea room; an agriculture building was added later.
In 2006, the museum was relocated to the fourth floor of the Elgin County Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St Thomas.
For more detailed information, drop in and see the museum or check:
(for directions and contact information)
(Click on “Collections” in blue banner menu; click on blue”on-line database”; in search line, type in “elgin county pioneer museum- there are 239 results. i.e. things in archives)
(Elgin County Pioneer Museum 30th Anniversary, 1987-video)