This plaque reads: 1914 1919 Erected by the Women's Institute of Westport in proud and honoured memory of the following members of this community who fell in the Great War: Orval P. Adam Frederick Bo
This plaque reads: 1914 1919 Erected by the Women's Institute of Westport …
This cairn is situated at the corner of Goshen and Yantha Roads near Renfrew. It reads as follows: This plaque commemorates the 70th anniversary of Goshen Women's Institute - 1914-1984 With grateful
This cairn is situated at the corner of Goshen and Yantha Roads …
Pinnacle Park was created by the Bonnechere Valley WI as their centennial project in 1967. This resting spot with a picnic table is situated at the corner of Pinnacle Road and Elliott Crescent, very
Pinnacle Park was created by the Bonnechere Valley WI as their centennial …
This cairn, located at Wellington Park just outside of Arnprior Ontario, was dedicated September 2, 1989 as their 75th anniversary project. The plaque reads: "1914-1989 To commemorate the Early Settl
This cairn, located at Wellington Park just outside of Arnprior Ontario, was …
This Cenotaph to honour World War 1 soldiers "who paid the supreme sacrifice" was erected in 1920. It is located on the south side of County Road 25 at the southeast corner of Spring and Norway Stree
This Cenotaph to honour World War 1 soldiers "who paid the supreme …
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