Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1947] - [2013] Meeting Minutes 1947, 1949 Programmes - Penage Road WI 1949-1950 Sudbury District WI Annual Meeting, June 10-11, 1954 June 8, 1956 Newspaper Articles Penage Road W.I. Friendship Morning, Feb. 19, 200
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1947] - [2013] Meeting Minutes 1947, 1949 Programmes - Penage Road WI 1949-1950 Sudbury District …
Bromley WI, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1968] - [1998] 1968 Tweedsmuir Curator Committee: - Mrs. Murray Burwell - Mrs. Malcolm McLaren - Mrs. Ray Forrest - Mrs. Alfred Dillabough Curator 1982-87 and 1987-98: Mrs. Eva Dick
Bromley WI, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [1968] - [1998] 1968 Tweedsmuir Curator Committee: - Mrs. Murray Burwell - Mrs. Malcolm McLaren …
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