' ~" s & 3 . , I c Te ... ous ue se Qéé\'"\gfiifif\é{;@i&%&@ _ * the Indians have a ghostly explanation 4 t t n ol e o s&}g{:}% \fi,\&%&i"g&@)';'fi \'sf-\:\,; for this freak of nature. . | pas o ccesa t atant R $ yoae & P Cb e *'M&"'%'é%"fiwéfi»y §"'§§i esren mfif«%W@ : ,,%** r*""*"sQ\%*;*zfint;'\@@i?\é §§W§ 3\%%%& ««("}s*,}fizz*ffqfig ( e tssc es 1st e 0 k o \N%@%fi%\i 1 mss &&\@s@f% wl [ s _ esc . . t : sc ts td §~«4~';}¢ i sn: s s es o t wese d Minermeitmawiel . o0 olcneg -- e .. NCA & w @w"* s3 f'x\zgxg"g;\% 902 hy Te A N C, X'K:?" B : "}':}s'z 6 10e usc ce i. --~ sc sy s . ; tw 2 m iess Jaé&*z@*&e;'fié\ wl ie whans $22 enR k . [' ( e ks ae 6 ¥iy souge 3 fe t . 4 ue C 3 foas e s oo t 3 wenel £000 m s e f se 0 . - S * 2c' ns _ ism is 0. | Ath un o4 Mgesc t se y o. ~ ~ ons u.. w i. . e eX e meicae 000 _' 0 .lsc' ... o . esw ---- uies . L n cle ie ul O ie ts en ol C hi ie ce ( . o e w' s S e pmac e oi e wl e cA ie 4 '»:fif;?'f'f" ue _ es yae . : % w hlicee 3 es s y o e P e e s ns Cms _ .9 t 4 es : e en mss & _ slsc a 0 . l 3 ® * # P Luae . t e stt dW 0 n s f | h # & ):\Q» . e é;%%* ,;i; ie . . _ mssy s . i _ es o esc ok 10 > $ : 66 R " .. mc §§L C W ;. The "Great Stone Face" | $' zer© _ A o . i es e t e o pero : k : K se t _ % ns &5 c f Coperem. . _ Jt aonske dame AGBF . 0) 0. ; $ 54 +7 > w r _ i Mess ans c . O i f (C!TANDING erect, rising up.to its full, fiftyfoot brooding out over the water of the bay. 3 PM . .. oo ts , l e t , ) height on a lonely island where the water of However, the tragedy was not done. The Gitchi . es' .( _ o es , ies t \__ Georgian Bay becomes the water of Lake Manitou was angry with the Chief and his people, ¥th : _ < maape . _ . . . 'Huron, is an ancient "taboo" rock of the early and sent a plague on the whole tribe, wiping them k" -- _ ols :y; o & 'f © --Undian and a spot near which even the modern In-- out completely. And, so they say, it was their bones tine:-- AHlstl _ m . o . . 'dian would prefer not to camp. 4 that the first white men found in the caves of the ic _ or j"«,';"{g;:f:'«,«.«m%?;*';. 4 ' _ Flowerpot Island, three miles off Tobermory in island. Even today, also you can sometimes see the . "3' 8 o oo k: 3 ?;,;«:;' e t ts Ontario, today is a National Park. Tidy cook--stoves _ lonely Indian maid walking on the shore under the $ > in Mess . . ';;m«m and a picnicshelter have been set up on the island _ Flowerpot. s _ .. e Eow M,x:éigfs"g by the Department of Lands and Forests, and a . Modern scientists may scoff at such ghostly: ho it . Ph+ '{x',%:gx'a;"é% winking lighthouse warns ships away from the _ tales, but they still are not a hundred percent sure w 2 . .. g;g;?&%,,/b}: a (treacherous shoals. Twostrange--looking "flowerpots" _ What actually causes a "flowerpot." This natural v'wx« 4 ,'?'.'i %*@WZ':&:\: lare &)fliilts of. interest to thousands of visitors who _ oddity rises on a slender pedestal like the base of f "'%%x e atee .. "fE@WM 1 flood through the neck of the Bruce Peninsula each a goblet. A man standing alongside it is dwarfed by W uc oo e wie / . . w;g;;@g%é \ year. But, from the water, and unmistakably, you a mass of stone that looks<as if it were cut and e ':%@%fi:'?fi ».2'& Nee (lP 000 ocpaaes & i can see a great, forhidding stone face, an ancient | fitted by a master mason, 3 > e ie e l oc e age ; \Indian staring gilently out to sea. ~ + Undoubtedly, the glaciers had a hand in the ' No . ; _ Many years ago, they say, before the Iroquois~/-- formation, and then the tools of water and. wind Sn j > f (wars and ma es, and when the Algonquin In-- did the finer work until the softer rocks were eaten 'tfi?%?;":{'_ \ J : f dians still stole silentfonted down the forest paths away, the harder ones left balanced on top. ?Jrv ; \ of Georgian Bay, the dusky daughter of an Algon-- Originally,--there were three flowerpots standing {[«;" i \ 'quin chief was courted by a Huron brave, in spite.. on Flowerpot Island. Today, there are only two, pove Above: The rough profile on. the, 'of her fafllpr's disapproval. However, the princess = for one of them finally toppled and crashed on the se 8 wight side .of Flowerpot, Rock is, . and her Indian brave met secretly every sunset undet®. rocky shore. But newspaper headlines grew excited, ', supposed to be. that, of an jAlgon-- 'the tall column of rock that rose at the water's a few years ago, when a new flowerpot was dis-- hok L on » in Chiel .. (o=s u oof) oen Cgaintn' @erge and there, one--night, the Chief, himself, 'Ia"fi'siz covered in a lonely cove of the mainland, This g}':'é{r forl sog it 4P sntateine t % ffi*'fl- C _ "Devil's Pulpit® rising among the shrubbery, is if,\" \, $ [ With one blow, he scalped the young Huron... shunned equally by Indians who see something un-- g'?'f,;é";'}' s !But, next day, the grieving princess was missing, _ canny in this freak of nature, and by tourists who Sn oo f {and she, too, was found dead under the shadow of _ must. pick their way through the woods and down g:f;{&{g{v;?&;_ Left: If you find the face hard to (the "flowerpot." Only then, did the father realize . a high cliff to see it! But even the non--superstitious '&}A\L{f distinguish, here's a simplifica-- | what he had done, and his grief was so great when white man sees something strange in the three Lz(u;'jsn tion of it. 7 he found his daughter that his anguish left an im-- -- known flowerpots, one of them with a great stone ,'4;,';;?;:;:.1,, * \ pression on the fifty--foot tower of stone. There, to _ face, rising gauntly on the shores of Georgian wfi%{ 5 3 a this day, you can see the imprint of his features _ Bay.--A. L. 4# & l;w t C f ; t ' _ ' P i S t o o n e I' 1 ' m \