Almost Died In Epidemic .1 West, PSB3 James Stecle Returned To Paisley 13 To Spend Fifty--five Years In Business _ "My father ,cmefifif"myt over 100 years ago, Mm"'d'afl but seven years of mjfiehfl'% and was in business in the vil-- lage for over 55 years'--and yOU knew --by his attitude that JAP es H. Steele still thinks this WHIGE® li an ideal spot to 1IYC 'fl;; it's people are the salt 0 earth. C ;;g;g R Last Thursday Jim" Stecle celebrated his 90th birthday, when His 'cousin, Mrs. Russell Brown, entertained relatives. and . old cronies of "Mr. Paisley" at an informal afternoon party. "It Was all a surprise to me,/ Mr. Steele told The Advocale. But he had keenly »enjoyed' the: reminiscing and the reunion with nieces Mrs. Dougald MceDonald of Vancouver and Mrs. George Comnwall of To-- ronto. who were among the guests. LVE Mep aNett 2w years. Contracting typhoid fever during an epidemic which lastedl two years and saw 120 cases, he was cared for in an Amprovised pospital on the outskirts of t.he' town. There he spent two weeks in which he remembered not one' incident, and. at which time his life was despaired by doctors and nurses, But a strong constitufion' pulled him through. Recovering, he returned to Paisley, then work-- ed: for a couple of years at Ches-- T Pm Acatrmen ... i. ADOp S CE ol e e o ae ley, Uxbridge, Glamis and. other Ontario points. 40 . Paisley . w ye Ivedialt. s D y dife here, e ba the i 1999 »--and you s that James ; -- this village / reland thats =" e bought out McGill. That was n 1891, A few years later he pur-- chased the Steele Block, centrally. located in the first block. north of the Teeswater bridge on Queen Istreet, There he remained. At one time he employed two others, l but with the advent of the motor car, the harness business fell off a REWS J he puts it, "dabbled estate." He made sev« trips to the coast, the 1 kently as 1948, but alwa: ed to Paisley. mt oe o e nere prence 2 z & SS Expressing a desire to return to [ Mr. Steele recalled that at one Manitoba, he was dissuaded by [time, years ago, there were in his father, who offered to back|the village men by the name of} a loan of $500 at the bank, pro--|Bone, Foot, Shanks, Body: and| vide board and pay his business Head. The wits of the day took vental for the first year if the pleasure in introducing the men to son would remain in Paisley. one another. "Mr. Head, meet Mr." Thus was born the business he Foot," was always good for a operated until his retirement in Jaugh. ' 1947. 4 Bone was a tanner in the vil-- He commenced his operation 25 jage; Foot operated a livery and opposition to the man with whc:fn Shanks was a grocer. Body was Eahe®n s ol l2 o Bnl S " S U awaea and for some years MC UPERETE! alone. About 1908 Mr. Steele went to Vancouver, at the height of the great boom, and temporarily, as Nesaisl on operated until his retirement in 1947. He commenced his operation as opposition to the man--with whom he had apprenticed. Eventually he repaid to Ahis father 'the rental advanted in the first year and the "cost of clothing which he had re-- ceived free from his father's plage 'of business. After eight years he "dabbled. in real / made several other'_? oast. the last as re-- but always return-- m Bone was a tanner in the vil-- lage; Foot operated a livery and Shanks was a grocer. Body was employed in a foundry, and Head as a photographer. ( Mr: Steele, who is a member of /Aldworth Masonic, Lodge and: of Knox United Church, was always interested in municipal affairs. 'He was a member of village coun-- Icil for the first time under Reeve \ Tt ws a capacity, crowd of 2400 per--, 19th. In the above' photo H. L. Mat-- .'sfpfis which witnessed the impressive|thews, ticket--taker, is directing John op'e,ning céremonies at the Paisley War| F. Scott 'of Hamilton, his aunt, Mrs. Mémorial 'Community Centre on Feb.! Alex Wood, and M iss Isobet Aitchison, acob Robb, then was elected to the reeve's chair in 1904--05, re-- furning for a second period. in 1917--18--19.. Altogether, he serv-- ed on council 14 years and five as reeve. Although slightly hard of hear-- ing, Mr. 'Steole is still mentally alert and can discuss present--day onditions or reminisce on events of 75 years ago with equal clarity. He takes his daily walk and re-- tains remarkably good health for one of his years. THEY WERE ON HAND FOR)TH E. OPENING, CEREMONIES qhcite 5 j e .of}2,400 per--, 19th. In the above photo H. L. Mat-- he impressivelthews, ticket--taker, is directing John l * (GCommunity Centre will be _ / | Officially Opened Feb 19 ooo Oe es nE 2 still in a state of flux, but it is quite definite that _ Owen. Sound Mercurys. O.HLA. senior hockey 'club, will be one of the teams participating in the big affair. Efforts had been made by the Owen Sound management and the local committee to have . either Hamilton Tigers or Stratford Indians, come up as the second team, but because of play-- offs impending,-- it was impossible 'to effect these arrangements, . It is now hoped "to «assemble a «very »strong -- is star sextette to tackle {-h{'y -Me'rcfiffi?la? On the evening of Feb: 19th, which is the first anniversary of the date upon which-- Paisley's first memorial . com-- munity centre was totally destroyed' by. fire, the official--ceremonies in connec-- tion: with the formal opening of the fine new Community Centre will be performed. As yet, arrangements are the 'tid--bit--of the evening.. 'Plans are! proceeding: for 'other phases of the big official opening night, and full details should be ready for next week's issue of The Advocate. Better keep the date open. Rcmembgrhiss §aturday even-- ing, Feb. 19th h204 0.