Mount Hope WI Tweedsmuir Community History Volume 1, page 9

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I Vt»? [ HISTORY OF.LOT 6 CONC,_ 1 ARRAN TOLJNSHIP , The Crown Deed of this lot of 103 acres sold to his son Ernest H. Grant in 1911 was issued to Solomon Kennedy on June 28, who was married to the former Amy M. 1864. Rushton. There were three children born to this union, James B., Evelyn H., and Sol. Kennedy was born in Glasgow, 1itland Ruby Ft. in 1799. Mr. Kennedy sold this farm to _ Duncan Munn on January 25, 1870, prior to Ernest Grant enlarged the barn to 60 feet his death on Narch lst of that same year. by " feet in 191?, stoccoed the house and Solomon Kennedy is interred in the ceme- built a Verandah in the late thirties. [ t t S the ton Ontario. - y {n ery a ou mp , Amy M. Grant died on July 21, 1923 at 36 _ .3, Fix fmnn must have been a very industrious years of age. Wm. H. Grant and his wife man as in the 13 years which he lived lived here for some years,wm. H. died there he built the barn, house, and dug here in 1931. In 193Ir Ernest ll. Grant and struck an overflowing well. He had married Elizabeth Pearl Mills. Ernest H. the same man who built the steps in the died July 24, 1944. r" t Cite Hall to build the staircase ly'ttfd,'od;)1Ts?i. James B. Grant erected a silo and had a well drilled in the mid 60's. , There has been some thousands of' white I pine, red oak and spruce trees planted on the southeast corner and through the wood- -\.l » -ta" _ P.'-Ne"t, lot on the northwest corner of' the farm. ' - ki ' , ' Written by - " , r; "r. Lue, J. B. Grant, 1967. J C "L' - . - T ' I " I ... _ a PEBF..7T" l rid in}; Jim Grant moved to Owen Sound and died in w- _ - V - -, 1990. r . , -/ . _ _ . -, " - The farm was sold to Roy and Mary Trelford. , l, T f "' Their family are Terry-Lyn and Shawn. Buildings on Lot 6, Cone. 1. In 1883 Duncan Munn sold lot 6 along with lot 5 to Thomas Hopper. The Munns moved to kinnedosa County, Manitoba. The Munns must have been elated at leaving the neighbourhood for when they were going out the townline they all arose in their carriage and gave three rousing cheers. Thomas Hopper died with one of the first locally known cases of appendicitis not ' kplg long after locating here. Mrs. Hopper and *' the family moved to Port Elgin and rented the farms to a series of tenants, namely: wm. Hay, Mg. Armstrong, John Robinson and Angus Taylor. The Hays bought and settled _ just east of Tara in Derby township. The Armstrongs bought and remained on the 12th of Elderslie. The Robinsons bought just southeast of the lot on cone. lk, Elder... slie and Angus Taylor bought and remained on the lrth concession of; Elderslie until T retiring. um. H. Grant purchased lot 6 from the ' Hopper estate in April 1907. r/htio in turn l,

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