Mount Hope WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 4, page 4

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' i .' -. . , >12."- M. R l . , Ill-'91 cf, , ' 3/ l Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary l' S) EV " 2) 'd "_, HM _ , 's' Me- . ' T __ R 'Cr'" 2 il CELEBRATING 25TH F ANNIVERSARYLE R, C _ . =2 -----. V 'i l T ' r V ' I l One morning in May, Ig39,9ir. . l t . ":, ' Wittreh began an adventure, the .tl . _ V" we f 2 w. ': ., T _ ' minaiion of whieh is one of t)1ls. ate" t l l, . . . ' ti ' tr, ' finest firms, Wittich's Bread Limited l I C _ _ Q . _ k 3 x . _ " 'V' l J 1 ' _ .. . I t , of Ayton. . . 2 la. . ax _ ", "a . s .' . {I , T f . 7'd " . In that first year Mr. WW"? wo? _ 3 l! ' v, C" is!) ts, . i ' , "" 'itti l ' ' ed alone with the aid of his Wit: 2. - .' ~. a C .3 C _ f . . he early morning and ven - . 2 is [Pg AA, . pf T . baking int " . is. T a 2- _ ti |Golden Wedding l ing the fruits of y"g,1atiovu,r,/titsh,e,2: V l it , w',' Jg f _ i, cal residents. The qua My 0 215 _ _ I l a _ MI ICEIEb rated At I l T chandise soon became renowned and 2 . a _ r ' : T . . _ . lveS ' se, = .2 L? ll many were the grateful honsew _ ll L' 3. I 'iiy," T ar, Dobbinton Home .5 I. who were freed from drudgery of a i L" tte.' T" {has T" wrT E 0 W dn sda i ht F in u 1'h é' hot summer oven, d f hi a .2 - ity 553- 'L. a}. n e e y mg , er a2. [ . T n or is 2 ' ','r_ire'iiai' A, s " 19th, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Miller; Early In 11940 the dam: tl that l ,__ .._ :i ' Celebrated their Golden Wedding; wares had increased so area y ' . I (i, , Anniversary at their home in' Wir. wittich was forced to move ms; 5 il alga???" with about 'hins"divei ' shop to a new and larger location on I i I The couple were married in: the main street-of the village. Thel _ 5 _ "srlti'c,, q, Mildmay, the bride of fifty years) next year this site was purchase pr, . ' E _lgai'iia t8 tfu1ii'ime1t {311116in Agusta theiresJ the sum of $1100. At this time the! g * im' 53 l er, le ave t'esi e Oll, . ' . _ I . ' im b') KM T the second echoes-shin at Arron first full time employee was also 'ill 2 ', A", ' t PR; , " , all their married life with excepl-, gaged, Mr. Bruce Sachs, who IS sti 1 _ , ac - CK' w, tiou of two years in Port Emmi connected with the firm. . l l _ :- h' _ T Egg]; laJic."ive and enjoying; l This trendilo expansion has contin- , » . . 2' ' _ ... - Te ref They have a family of five! iued through the passmg years .13)" '; l . . _ " .. .. "' 3.. E2, daughters and three sons, name til now in the year Of tts Twrslty."F.ifth, r t _ 9 .1" sri',"?, Gl saga. lg: ditti'hi, Medora, Manitoba;) Anniversary, Wittieh's Bread Limited - , A 'E v. z. 5 _ EH rice. I rs. Hugh Galbraith,'; , . _ 5 T q i , 3: Er " '. "f Dobbinton; Clarence, Tara; Gla-l Has a permanent staff of approxima i.'uc, _ I' "' w, dys, Mrs. Charles Morris, Owen , tely seventy persons and a working l E3 Ttt ". .- _.. Sound: violet. Mrs. Bert Scotti fleet of seventeen large trucks. These _ . . . ",r:tcF.?l- V ' ._. _ aggqmgig; Xenia. Mrs. Gordon vehicles serve a wholesale and retail _ 7.. _ _ q; ' _ cu, "'., w-'-" - ...~,.... . aw, ', A . _ . . _ .. - ,, , t , . _ . . kul_.._.rcey 'x. _ c: - Fc-C; :~ c-h, L- '_, . , at Calgary, Two children are de- encompassing 120 mile Circle with Mr trd-Ill";,','.",';,-,.--); . __ 7--»«*m~\~1~7-;22~ I ceased, Florence, Mrs. Jack Cold its centre at Ayton, _ . s. ert Millet of Dobbinton, who marked the fiftieth mm and. Harvey There are twen . . . . . anniversary of their marriage on February 19th at their home "1iii%li.'v?iu'ii' grandchildren and iii; ", Although its ser'wee area has In- friends and relatives joined them {or the happy event. They haveig'rem grandchildren _ creased to huge proportions, the same "pie/In",','"?,,)) lieu/Isnt Township nearly all their married "c-j A three Tier. anniversari- cake: spirit of friendliness among MR Wit- I y es iegiist. K 22., -. (i,'irl/i1',e/i,d,)e,2,g /iog"'Jff, table, rich, his customers, and his staff has . I land 1tfl1rlli"'l'jes1f,11xtl ihrjhlg' not waned: The majority of people 1 mowers and red roses which wcre': employed in the business to-day are _ 1Tifte,'.d by children and grand-] from small towns, rural areas and dis. I 1 Ten. . . , I Mr. and Mrs. Miller were pro-2 tricts which the firm serves; These, V sented w i th e daveiio. Supperi people take great pride '.n their work I . ' was served. , and their main concern is far quality I 2 . . . l) and the pleasure of their patrons. i ' . ' . ' " - 2 . -In this year of their Twenty-Fifth} . . ' , 3r ' m l "33"" l = I ' ' Anniversary, Mr. Wittich and his em- I , a "was _ r', tiiiiia l :2. ' rr C q ployees wish to extend their thanks! T v.', Et _ 33h» - =WCT y. " l . V T to their many customers and friends, f _ j T " in 7 . ",,, . T _ , and look forward to serving them for "r, ' s: . ~ t2 ir, ' _ _ T many years to come. r ' E '.- 'EL'a "is; ' kt; {are - r .i. ----- _____--' "st', , I ( "v 3A" f = . . . H r V: r V _"') '2; » a, _s' , is" . ce a _ - ' .. _ ' - i _ r " 2 u _ t , _ I; , ' '* ' i " " ' l, self, tje' ' 1 T TV " _ Itt', C , 'riy,tor:"er- _ , . _ . t', _ .. a - - Te .2 . .a . q . _ _ T , , ,' ' 2:1" _ Jr" i e.' , .5" -. yr.N, Q at... '. r i. Rt.Tc", V , A an _, ' ., IriD,, " x 'tyI F C?ire "i'! iit"ivy. '. . T __ i 1liial .. 2.4.5,, , . *1. _ t' _ t. 'a a. _ _ A We"); , . a _ .1 T .093 '.: Y' 2.33:1"; l / ' = - . 3. 2;; C l F5t5? .. ' -."~;. . ; - use". i ' warm}; - "wiry / ts"",,') -r.vce,: ' a , .8imm _ T . ' "aru, . TiiC,7jfe- 'B" Tr a; . gil 1 i ' tau: ' v C GrM ',' tC. Q" 1 _ " ' l T i r1sril ' . l EL, .' trtr, 'ey . . _, _", " C, II 2 " "Egg? 'r' tdia' ifi4 1m. , g " wr 1 . ,. . 35-7- , _ ' _ ' ", t", = _.' 3/ . if trr' v/d; . "yr, : mi 'gllt% I I . A, '. r4, [ I _ 1.. ' Pt " - _i-r'rtr,:MilSBM. "", 'C'. be _; - " kWiir 2 C, _ _ I" . - iiP . ii t _ ' 'sal8llN .22 ge'"d - .. ' is», tTL q - n; tu" I .r"", a. r" 2 _ 'si . T" 'erki Jihll,tf/ta)t - . E TLI w'r-.'r'Y' WF , K, _ T av 1 "N 1 2 :22 MW. "swirm 'INN 2 , . . Iv":',? - - ,r 2.14;; - _ _ _ _ " ' . hue;- :v' 'atm - . 5iN , i' . " ,' rs, _ 1 , -", ' t him' 2g iiillic'geillE. ' Mtg). ' cy) l T 'nucn EAST WOMEN'S 1NimTUTE-Mem. Paisley 3, 3rd VicevPresident. Back row, Mrs. - _ 'Ry ' - - " ' ' , :1 _ r " ', 'i'" w" kth" if; bers of' the executive of the Bruce East Horace Clarke, Paisley 2, Federation Rep- ~. . CG, . ty "V - _ ' , ' "' l _ {:2"- _r, .- _ Women s institute are seen above. Back row, resentativc; Mrs. Leslie Pilgrim, Eden Grove' " I in. , 1"ll, " ' 2 ' , g, " p.) PIE ya; Mrs. T. Cornish, Chesley, Alternate Agri- 2, Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. George WoelfleJ 'Nlilit Rd" 2 Mgr, -. l ' ~ r l _ , _-l!!:-')).",'.,'; "23,3; cultural Rep.;_ Mrs. Ed Krampp. WalkertOn, Paisley 2, President; Mrs. Roger Hood) . ' I, , I ' " "r " '1 2 ', Iii/3.2), t 2nd vice-President; Mrs. William Middleton, Paisley, lst Vice-President; Mrs. Fred Friar, " BRM ' _ ' I ' r im: WK i r CJtesle_y_.2c2uriai2.-__.__, -. l " aa . - I .- . 3* 'Ir/ ( 'tml, ' _ ua.., "2' .. _ ' il!M' T T _ 2 Convenors are seen above. Mrs. Carl se . ',. r. . " " '~ VJ Remus, Walkerton, Citizenshi and Erin ti ntatrve, JIT Joseph r tZSImmons, Pinker» ' p ca ion ton, Historical Research d c T tf (L s/ Convener; Mrs. Robert Atkinson, Paisley, Mrs Art Teasd 1 D bl " "nemEvcnlsi ' . H, j I I - Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. Hugh Melnt "a e'Elu )1 ron, CUrator; Mrs. I RAP" , te Maxwell, Chcsley, Resolutions; Mrs. Agriculture in? Satay?" 'dFifermm ot _ cor e Manor Ch ' . i n _ 1 N. Ro 1d j . g y, esley, Museum Repre- Exam, Elmwood, Home Economics "d d . _ V "e-----'- _ ea L (Ph tos by Siegrlst) . l

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