Lo \| 8 C _ A Santa Claus Day was an annual affair for some years.A cook camp was built, equipped and kepfi'in'repair.;} In the fall of 1924,the Institute had a share in establishing the Red Cross Outpost dn Liom's Head by its'co-operation with the District W,I., and the Red Cross. f It was in 1927 that the W.LI was approached with regards to helping the local Public Library.A Library committee was formed from the Institute and have been active in that connection ever since. Largest membership recorded thirty--nine. | Largest amount of money raised in one year $547.89. The first delegates sent to the Guelph Convention were Mrs(Rev.) Gandler and Mrs W.B.Moore in the year 1908.December 9 and 10. Delegates (j\? had to leave Lion's Head at 7 a.m. on the morning of the 8th,travelling ~ in a covered sleigh to Wlarton.The driver NP George Hummel provided foot warmeré,making his passangers as comfortable as possible, From Wiarton to Guelph was by G.T.R. and on arrival the delegates went to a hotel,owned and opsrated by John Hesson who had lived at Barrow Bay.Mrs Hesson was Miss Mary Myles of Lion's Head . The first Supt. of W.L. Mr George Putman presided at the meetings which was held in the auditorium at O,.4.C . Mr Putman was the lini : between the Government and the Farmers Institute and the new organilzation for women.He held this office for years, Following is a list of Presidents; Mrs W,B,.Moshier,Mrs J.H.Davidson,Mrs ¥.B.Moore,Mrs Bartman,Mrs J.Myles,Mrs Roy Hacking,Mrs George Armstrong,Mrs Wm.Améq,Mrs F,G, (;? Moore,krs James Weaver,Mrs Alf Rouse,Mrs Byron Greig,Mrs Chsrles Eldriége,Mrs G,.D.White,Mrs Charles Caudle,Mrs Alex McDonald,lurs -- _ uiomeHEapw.t TwEepsmuim msrory--corig» 2004 sey EM |