PROPOSED BY -LAws POR bRbCE. comm wow-rs INSTlTUTE Fs4 r'"sc t . I. That the name of this district be Bruce County Women's Institute. 2. The officers shall be elected annually for a term not to exceed four years, with the exception of the office of president which shall not exceed two years. 3. That the nominations committee be the pest president and vice presidents and that they fill the slate of' offices from the whole county. 4. That the District Directors meeting be held the first Thursday of March, the District Annual be held the fourth Thursday in may and that the Rally be held the fourth Thursday in October. 5. Branches will be appointed alphabetically to host Distriét Directors, District Annual and Rally - two for District Directors, five for District Annual and five for Rally. 6. Complimentary tickets f'or District Annual will be sent to Grey South and Grey North president and secretary, Area Chairperson, Provincial Board Director and guest speaker if any. Complimentary tickets for the Rally will be sent to Grey County Rally chairperson and secretary, area chairperson and Provincial Board Director. FINANCES ()siAsr-t' 7. The Bruce County Women's Institute will pay for the cost of the halls for District Directors, District Annual and. Rally and for complimentary tickets that are sent out. 8. That the mileage be paid at the rate of' 20g' per Kn; both ways for all executive members to Bruce County V5.1. district meetings. That the President be paid mileage to two district annuals in Grey county and Grey County Rally. 9. That the secretary-treasurer shall receive an honorarium of $10 per branch from district funds and otheauegenses such as telephone, postage, etc. 10. That up' District President or her representative shall receive directly from the branches " for her expenses incurred by her official visit during her term of office. a,.U . II. That the district fee be ()2 per branch member per year, except district life members. 12. That the' 'iTiil1'lCi! representative to F.W.I.C, convention shall he the president or alternate member of the executive. Each branch member shall pay 25tt per year to pay her registration. ""7" -""uer:rlt" SCHOLARSHIP ' 13. The scholarship committee shall consist of three members elected at district annual and l their expenses will be paid by Bruce County W.I. s.? 94...". r 14. Sending out and receiving applications will be done by Bruce County W.I. secretary. They shall be numbered and identification of the candidate " to person tqitattartenre shall be deleted before the committee receives the same for consideration. 15. The committee will mark the applications and bring results to committee meeting prior to spring board meeting of F.W.I.O. so an application can be forwarded for provincial scholarship consideration. A winner and second choice is selected. 6c I5.suf ma" 16. The secretary shall notify the committee of' the winner and they shall present the cheque and memento at a suitable occasion. The committeeshall also make a press release about winner. .5 1)litb. . . I7. By-laws to be reviewed in three years by the Bruce County V7.1. executive. November, 17,1667