Citizenship: Home --- Mrs. James Fulton. Paper ---. Mrs. R. E. Wilson. Roll Call: Name a noted Canadian Woman Fair report. q auction Sale and Committee. os esses --. Mrs. Ken Eve PN . q and Mrs. Basil Mick.' Mrs. Garfield Hodgins Agriculture: Home - Mrs. Cedric Reid. Motto: Don't walk this year in last year's rut Mrs. L. Campbell. Paper -- Mrs. Ben Foy. Roll Call: Your favourite Snnffiqh ennd Hoste-sses Community Activities: Home - Mrs. Gordon Larone. Paper - Mrs. Harry Gibbons. Roll Call: State number of years you have been a Paper --- Mrs. Alex Stuart. Roll Call: What to do to relax. Programme Committee. Exchange of unknown friend's gifts. Hostesses - Mrs. Earle Hodgins, Mrs. Ben Foy and Mrs. Gordon Larone. W.I. member and pay 2 cents for each year. Motto: Kind words are worth much and cost little. Mrs. E. Ch Amaron. Hostesses Health: game - Mrs. John Foy. ses -- Mrs. L. Campbell, Mrs. D?) McIntyre and Mrs. R. E. Wilson. ses --- Mrs. Gordon Box, Mrs. E. C. Amaron and Mrs. Cedric Reid. NOVEMBER DECEMBER OCTOBER JANUARY Paper "B Roll Call: community Activities: Home -- Mrs. William Pettigrew. . Motto: Hundreds of mothers are stars.that shine, but only one mother as nice as mine. --. Mrs. Annual: K E , -- Mr . en we. . q 1ilgyt-i-ir:a' Psay fees and a written suggestion for next year's programme. Report of con'vonors. Election of Officers Hostesses -- Mrs. Rncil Mink l Current Events: Home - Mrs. William Box. q . Motto: Pull; if you can't pull, push, and if you caht push, get out of the way. - Mrs. Leslie Gilr bens. Roll Call: An Irish joke. Paper -- Mrs. James Fulton. Irish programme-- . . Hostessei - Mrs. Ed. Lamina Mrs; T, n T,ivirnt:rctntnp Education: : Home - Mrs. Earle Hodgins. Paper - Mrs. Donald Farquharson. Ron Call: Your favourite TV educational programme Valentin e pro gramme. District President. Hostcsses _ - Mrs. Willinm Pettigrmu Mrc Harm Ken -- Mrs. Harry Gibbons. all: A short written article Tweed-ir History. ses - Mrs. Ed. Lapine, Mrs. L. D. Livingstone and Mrs. Mack Gibbons. .ses _ - Mrs. William Pettigrew, Mrs. 11am y Gibbons, Mrs. Clinton Ferguson. - Mrs. Basil Mick, Mrs. James Fulton and Garfield Hodains. FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY itable for the