Roll Call: Draw a slip of paper and do as it in-- structs." CALABOGE E Hostesses: Mrs. A. McLeod, Mrs. M. C. Fraser. - Mccetings held second Monday of each month at MARCH & . C1 D + 6 . s 8.30 p.m. -- Community Hall. Community Activities:: | P * Home: Miss A. B. Campbell. President Mrs. C. MceConnell, Springtown | Programme: Mrs. A. McLeod, Mrs. J. Stewart. . ! First Vice--Prosident Mis. S. Ferguson, Calabogie Motto: "Flattery is like perfume, smell and enjoy Second Vice--President _ Mrs. W. Elliott, Calabogle it but do not swallow it" secretary--TPreasurer Mrs. E. Mcelntyre, Calabogie 1;}011 .(331%.; Najge a famous Irishman. Districi Director \_-- Mrs. J. Ostroski, Springtown ominating Committee: $ Hostesses: Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Dennison. JULY Basket Picnie. A 1 2 APRIL Motto:' Home is where the heart is. nnual Meeting: Roll Call: Memory of your first school teacher. Home: Mrs. D. Stewart. Guests: Family and friends II\{moltlt% l'iWI(__e) neffed you at our meetings." | Roll Call: Pay fees. Election of Officers. ol AUVGUST Hostesses: Mrs. Brunskill, Mrs. W. McAdam . Agl'lélll@tlll"e and Canadian Industries -- Mrs. J. c mith. Motto: Life is like a garden, i 's the fruit y MAY ~ garden, it bears the fruit you Grandmothers' ing: sow. -- Alma. . Home: Mrs. A. III\}I%EIE}:(;%. 5;')(1)1;1&;111: "1%1 bnsthalL;ty rule on the farm. Motto: "There is no substi | mo-- rogramme: Mrs. G. Church, Mrs. J. Moran. ther." no substitute for home and Hostesses: Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs. J. Craig. Roll Call: My grandmother's maiden name. Induction of Officers. SEPTEMBER Hostesses: Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. McA¥Adam. RQSOIUUOHSZ Mrs. J. Craig. | Motto: Be sure the brain is in gear before you put JUNE f Bo) the mouth in action. -- Lila. Health: P(')l 'Q'ull: Ssomething I wish 1 hadn't bought. Home: Mrs. J. Stewart. Ifoglql}lnle: Mrs. J. Ostrosk1, Mrs. E. MclIntyre. .Mottlg): "Over--sleeping and over--eating are . MOre Ostesses: Mrs. HM. O'Neill, Mrs. B. Wilson. armful than over--working." ' \ Programrpe: Mrs. Brunskill, Pvgliss A. B. Campbell. w22 OCTOBER \ Rolltgablltuygfiitld'l?lealth rule would you emphas!Z€ &I}éltzt(e)m.}r}ipk and Education -- Mrs. L. Emon. 2 . _ lake time to it 1 : 1 £ Hostesses: Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. A. H. Fraser. wisdom. --' it is the foundation 0 Ronb(éall}éllf Ib\\'ercce1 a shut in how I would like to nembere -- 18 -- ' -- 19 _