| DISTRICT OFFICERS , | istrict 7 Past President Mrs, F. Merrifield, EraeS{de "' Dl.sct)us year $ 65811%?3 President Mrs, A. Bennett. rnprior and from previ 8 ' First ¥§ce-Fgesident Mrs. Gordon Campbell, \ %iigl ?chipts for year W Pine Grove. .6 Second Vice--President Mrs. Hector Scheel, year $ 6?3?3.58 «9 rtville itures for n | Third S\;?:g?President Mrs. Wm. Buffett, Renfrew Total expc;'d;;'fif ° | ~ s 533.20 3 Secretary--treasurer Mrs. Campbell Humphries, Balance 0 $ * o Castleford. . ; | ' Federation Representative Mrs, W. H. Hamilton, - ? Glasgow, ' ' Alternate Mrs, R. M. MacGregor, | | 1 Lochwinnoch . ' A | District Representative Mrs. Harry Gibbons, | Balsam Hill pank | Alternate Mrs. Harvey Crozier, Roseban es -- _ | Auditors Mrs. G. Humphries, Mrs. Wm. Combined Brand: 7 $é';'3333 ; Humphries, _ revious y°ea 40 4+ ' Conveners of Standing Committees Cash on hand from P : m | Agriculture and Canadian Industries Total receipts $D'221'97 | p, p MIS Garfield Miller, RR. No, 1. Glasgow Sta. amt | ommunity Activities and Public Relations : . T | Mrs. G., Stoughton, Calabogie. Total expenditures | f ' "'m 1| Historical Research and Current Events: Balance on hand $5,500. | Mrs. R. J Elliott, Renfrew. | Citizenship and Education : || Mrs,. G, McNab, Glasgow Station. | Home Economics and Health : .t\ Miss K. Farmer, Combermere. "' Resolutions : Mrs. G,. N. Richardson, Burnstown. Special Committees Agricultural Sociaties : Mrs. John E. Miller, Renfrew, Mrs. F, Merrifield, Braeside Hospital Committees : % Renfrew : Mrs. W. Galbraith, Mrs. W. L. ' Crozier, Mrs, Carl Humphries, *# Arnprior: Mrs. J H. Findlay, Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs, D. A. Gillies. Federation of Agriculture : : Mrs. John Henderson, Renfrew. _2 § -- =---- J L. * «|