Motto--t--I kWill honour Christmas in my heart and try MAY o kaep it all the year.--Mrs. Vosk acMillan. Roll Call--Christmas Gift exchang.e. uylen. }gome;:gsr_s;filfstl\cfilr.icl\a/lll Research and Current Events. Speaker--District President. \/[Oorgo--'---The happenings of today make the history of \ Hostesses--Mrs. A. Bahm, Mrs,. R. Bahm. -- tomorrow.--Mrs. R. Bahm.. d JANUARY Roll Call--Old pictures of local interest f0r 1 weeds-- muir history. Home--Mrs. Stewart Carmichael. Hostesses--Mrs. S. Carmichael. Mrs. H. Banm. Conveners--Citizenship and Education. * | Motto--The exa.m'ple, of parents is the most important J JUNE book, which children can read.--Mrs. Herman ; Home--Mrs. Alfred.Bahm. Bahm. Conveners--Resolutions. and keep young. Roll Call--A fact about a prominent Canadian Motto--Laugh more, worry less woman, Roll Call--Father's Day versc. Aucti ; o Dewar, Mrs. Chas. Bahm. t c 1031 Sa'le--of miscellaneous articles. Hostesses--Mrs. Duncan DewaAl, ostesses--Mrs. J. M. MacMillan, Mrs. G. Lavallee. FEBRUARY §0m§~Mrs. Stan Lemmon, GlASGOw onviners--Community Activities and Public . Relations. . day evening each month Motto--Remember the Institute Creed--"O Lord God Meetings held third weanes ayMrS. W. K. Hamilton Bo Let us not Forget to be Kind.--Mrs. Th ' President j A. Young, Mrs. R. A. H011 Call--Sing, say, or pay--25c. _ t AdOMsOI Vice--Presidents Mrs. J. 4+ ostesses--Mrs., Thomson, Mrs Vosku le Stewart. Mrs. W H. Hamilton, MARC | CC Secretary--TreasureL C H w Station. gome--School, Distriglagigr%\ctor Ars ll\\fl,lrs'Bir,Cfifge]}}. M%I:;fengiis---flome Economics and Health Branch Directors lart. | | O:f tnhe fclil'St hour of the morning is the rudder J. Russett, Mrs. M. stewar}. i1C V ---- + Roll Call-- ay.--Mrs. S. Carmichael, JULY all--A first aid hint Current Events. Hostesses--Cookies and Ice Crea Historical Research and urb m. Hostess--Mrs. George McNab. s J. W. Hamilton H M APRIL Coaveners--Mrs. A. Carswell, Mrs. J. C a ome--Mrs. Duncan Dewar Mrs, G. Eady. _ he old; one is Conveners--Agriculture and Canadian I f Motto--"Make new friends EutNl[{reSeth Carswell. Motto--Fac_e powder will get a man: r11) tndus.trles. silver, the other gold. ~--;'t'on' frc.>m the land of Roll é)ofimér will hold him.--Mrs Ifiunléanb%{mgr Roll Call--A custom or superst® 0 all--Fees and written pet: ewatl. your forefathers. year's mestings en suggestions for next Refreshments--Mrs. T. Carswell,YM;;.dG. Eady, Mrs. Hostesses--Mrs. Chas. Bahm, Mrs Donald D R. A. Stewart, Mrs. J. A. Youns. t . ewar. -- 20 --**--