"eiar1orrs---Mrs. Rhoddie Bahm Lemmon. Mouo--It you don't believe in co-o] watch a wagon if one wheel c Mrs. G. Lavallee. Roll Call-Orme thing my neighbour n give. Nostesses~Mrs. J. M. MnnMiHan Tttr-., Home-Mrs. Charles Conveners--commd/ Relations-Mrs Lemmon. "when"; x-cthi, Presment Mrs. Ronald Dewar President Mrs. Alfred Bahm lst Vice President Mrs. Stanley Lemmon 2nd Vice President Mrs. Duncan Dewar Secratary-TreasurG, Mrs. J. M. MacMillan, Braeside, R.R. No. 1, Ontario. District Director Mrs. Charles Bahm Branch Directors Mrs. Donald Dewar, Mrs. Stewart Carmichael, Mrs. G. Lavallee. Pianist Mrs. Herman Bahm Home-Mrs. Lloyd Cunningham. Roll Call-Ways to economize in th, Motto-Over-sleeping and over-eatir people than ?ver-workrng.--Mrs Sale of home-made candy. D_iSp'1ay by 4-H club girls. Hostesses-aMrs. 1hrm.-Curlningham, Mrs Shaw. Programme to be arranged later Hostesses---Mrs. Frank Levi, Mrs. l I_-Ion0rary Past P Meetings held . fharles Bahm ommunity Activities and ' second Wednesday of each month at 2 D.m, resident DEWARS _ my neighbour needs that I can . MacMillan, Mrs. G. Laval'lee. _13_ economize in the kitchen. JULY JUNE over-eating kill more ln co-operation-just wheel comes off.---- . Wellington Barry. Public Mrs. S. . W. Stewart Harvey Home---iMrs. Donald Dewar. iii,1Ten2rs---citirery.s1ip and Educat Bahrn and Mrs. Serson, cMotto--Kind words are worth much Mrs. S. Lemmon. Jtoll Catl---An interesting item from Country. Hos,tess----Mrs. Home-Mrs. Alfred Eahm. Conveners----HoTe Economics 2 Bahm, Mrs. R. Thomson. Motto-lt is better to smile th Mrs.. Chas. Bahm. Roll car,-----)) recipe or 10 Visiting frnitfirttu----stiyvarhi,y,'ry __ "" UHF-m M1 Visitiryg "MAW Hostesses---Mrs. Home-Mrs. Convene-rs-f ~Mrs. ="i/iotto---Were Bahm. Roll Call-Name a Hospital Dggations Hoste:'iseS---. Home-Mrs. Rhoddie Bahm. ('c'11('vCri';i-C.uiTs-ihutions----M1's. G. Lavallee, Mrs. Donald Dewar. Motto-Always accept advice but make your own decisions.-----)' J. M. MacMillan. Roll Call-A law we would like, to see passed. Donations to Children's Shelter. Hostesses---iMrs. Herman Bahm, Mrs. S. Carmichael. DECEMBER Home-Mrs. Herma'n Bahm. Conveners-Ag,ricululre and Mrs. Duncan Dewar, vs,-. S. Lemmon. Mrs. Duncan G. Lavallee Historical T. 3, Carmichael, Mrs. J the grand old days ,) SEPTEMBER AUGUST Dewar. ip and Education-Mrs. A. 3. Serson, .m mm~+h much and cost little.--- 55¢ 01. 100 fine. st-ewartville. Bahm, Mrs. Da OCTOBER pioneer NOVEMBER R esea rcr item from Home and D ew ar, , of McNab Mrs. Donald Dewar. Ir--- than to frown.--- and Health-Mrs. Canadian Industries Mrs, Chas. Bahm. and Current Events I M. MacMillan. " iJiood?----Mrs. Township. Bahm.