DECEMBER Home-a/Irs. R. M. Robertson. Roll Call-alms/ge of Christmas gifts exceed 50 cents). Motto-With bountiful cheer conclude Mrs. Wallace. Guest spe1ker----'ropic, Citizenship and Christmas, Story-a/fist Mildred Cunning] "Hostesises-Mrs.' R, M Pnhmtsm mfr, --- 1"iostesses---Mrs. A. Holbein, Mrs. G. Moo: NOVEMBER Home-airs. Alex Holbein. Roll Call-----) one cent for each year you a member of the WJ. yotto--Readini on Ryr1embrance--cMrs. W. Paper--Home Economics and Health-airs. Contest-- Question Drawer-- Hostesses-a/rr, Harmon rt,.,.-, mmo -----, Home-Mrs. Roy Levi. Roll Call-Your favorite T.V. or Radio programme. Motto-Tis loving and giving that makes life worth living-Mrs. J. Legree. Paper-Agriculture & Canadian Industries-- Mrs. Holbein. Reading-Mrs. Don Instrumental Music Contest-- Hostesses Contest-a/es. W. Barry, Sale of Grab Bags, not to Community Singing--- Hostesses-LMr, A Tt,1r,, Home-Mrs. Harvey Young. Roll Call-A current event. Motto--A merry heart is good medicine. Morphy. es-aes. Harvey Young unningham. Mrs. Donald Campbell. Mrs. J. Legree, Mrs. R. Levi. SEPTEMBER as Mildred cfurr:rrrrgaiii". . Robertson, Mrs. Mr. A OCTOBE Citizenship VIildred Cun 16 exceed 25 cents conclude the year. Miss Mildred . Moorehead. you have been Education. l A. Young . W. Barry. (not to . Young. Mrs. Earl Homer-u-Mrs. W. Barry. Roll Call---" thought for the New Year. Motto-Moon" walk this year in last year' Mrs. Wm. Cunningham. vaper---corrypenitpr, Activities and Public Mrs. Melanson. Hostesses----Mrs, Lloyd Cunningham, Mrs. Campbell. Home-a/Irs. W. J. Melanso-n. Roll Cail----P:iy by your waist measure. Motto---? friend is one who walks in; when the rest of the world walks out.»Mrs, Stewart Duff. vaper---Hist.o1tifa,1, Research and Current Events. -,-a/Irs. Robbins. A Valentine Box. Contest--- iiostesses,---Mrs. Melanson, Mrs. Stewart. MARCH Home-----))" W. A. Young. Roll Call---? ifousec1eaning hi Motto----) beauty of the hc life of the home is love head. Guest spoaker---ci)1rs. Bennett Hostessesr---Mrs. Wm. Wallace Horne-a/Irs. It. 1 Roll Ca1r---Pay r, Annual Business Conveners of vs 2onveners of various report at the IT Paper-C-Chl/solution?----? Hostesses--Mrs. Stew: Home-abs. Gerald il Roll Call-A Mother' Motto-We 'need you Young. t at the meeting. J1utions---Mrs. Earl Morphy. Mrs. Stewart Duff, Mrs. Jo MAY 5. Gerald Moorehead. A Mother's Day verse. --cMrs. Bennett our L . Wm. Wallace, Mrs. APRIL .. M. Robertson. I membership fee. PSS Meeting. FEBRUARY JANUARY at our Ling hint. the home is love.---] committees, the New Year. 3r in last year's rut. 1'7 meetings. "iiiris." jdhn Shaw. 2 is order; but the Mrs. Gerald Moore- r District President. Av; R. Robbins. Public Relations--- present your Mrs. Harvey