Motto-Do not climb it. Program-der' Hostess-airs Program-a/hrs. H. O'Neil, Mrs. A. Morphy. Hostess-Mrs. J. Craig, Mrs. C. King. Public Relations. (Jerry) Roll Call-A Motto-Pray for a good Harvest but keep on hoeing. (Lila). Roll Call-Wear a clue to a song. Paper-Public Relations. Three members to speak on the influence, The Home, The Church, and School, has in the lives of our Children. Each member bring a month's program. Appoint a nominating committee. An Irish Program. _P_rogram---cMrs. S. Ferguson, Mrs. D. Stoughton. Hostess-Mrs. E. McIntyre, Mrs. J. Easton. Motto-rn youth Royl Annual Meeting Motto-May We MAY ---rn youth we learn, in (Jerry). 'Call-A hobby for The, . A sale of flower slips t A report on the pr0gres Aged in Renfrew] (f Plans for the D. A. Bring a Grandmother. '?sm-rfhrandmotheiU. ,7-- up ALGOL] 111 JU always generous. (Mrs. Craig Calr-ipaf fees. Report of Standing Committees Election of Officers. Program Planning. Institute Treat. waste your (Mary) . . Ferguson, Mrs JUNE never be the progress of MARCH APRIL The. Aged. 14 time looking at your hill, hasty in judgment and (Mrs. Craig). (Ruby) or plants. age we understand. the home for the . McNamara. Roll Catl---How to spoil a meeting. Report on District Annual. Mimic a farm Animal. Paper-mole Gardening. Friogram----Yrs W. Elliott, Mrs. l Hosiess--Mrs. J. Craig, Miss M. E Honorary President lst Vice President 2nd Vice President Correspondence Sec Arnprior, RE Recording Secretary Moorehead, A District Director Branch Directors Mrs. R. Levi, Auditors Pianist Picnic at Graham's Flat. Sports Et:Gunittee---Ha.fver? Grace Holbein, Joye Booth 'criiiirnittee----Ear1 M Melanson. Basket Luneh---All ladies Meetings held Home-Mrs. Home--9Wrs. bar; Um.--" - Roll Call---) cool summer salad. Motto-mingling in the sliieaves--uurs. Contest-Mrs. Frank Levi. Question Drawer. Aostesses--sMrs. Carl Graham, Mrs. President 1d, AranlUL , Jung... - V - - . or Mrs. Frank Levi tIIS Mrs. S, Duff, Mrs. D. Campbell, Levi, Mrs. C. Graham. Mrs A. W. Stewart, Mrs. W. Wallace . who a Mnnrehead iarl Graham. cool summer Secretary RE. No. CLAY BANK second Thursday at 2 o'clock ' and Treasurer Arnprior, ILR. No. "If n, Joyce lVlOL .Earl Morphy, iiarvey YPun'g AU GU ST JULY Mrs. s M. 12) Mrs. hostesses. Moorehead. nhv. W. Wallace, Mrs. W. A. Young Lloyd Cunningham Mrs. W. J. Melanstyn Mrs. Harvey Young Mrs. R. Robbins, E. McIntyre. Braden. Mrs. Earl Morphy. f, Mrs. W. Wallace Mrs G. Moorehead .g, Stewart Duff, of each month L. Cunningham