The Brantford Expositor - The Women's Institute 75th Anniversary, page 3

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WW .. __ , y , 2 t ; V _ t 'v', ' .h _ ' _ ': ',' j, , will“. Exrosmm. ammonium, SATURDAY, rennin, 1912- T / I , g . a, Each branch a stor of d d . t q Oak Hill WI Lions were made toward in M ' T . . - can! Pl _ . . . , . . . r oak Hill School was for stalling village street lights ' eusant wr Burfoid W1 Giaudeu and Tciracc [lull Ohsueken P, _ ' t' many years the prime com . V Contributed to the fund Twenty women were en- Burton! Women's Institute The Graudvicw and Ter, Ohwckuu1 Wyutn.'s “my (tern ot Oak Hill Womems for the fire-escape for the rolled when Mount Pleasant has celebrated its 70th anai. race Jrll branch' was organ~ tute was organized ianuue, Institute organized in Fe. town hall . . . The branch WI was organized in Fc- versary. The organizational ized m May ot 1913 with 18 1905' tlus.fir'st, un the Six Na., bruary, 1916 . ' . The branch also raised the necessary in, binary. 1903 . . . Members meeting was in January_ pliarter members . . . Dur- “Minimal! Aeseryt . . . In provided a piano and the itial funds towards a public knit mittens for the village 1399 under the direction of mg the world wars incm- 1916 it was disbanded so that first musical instruction at library to be met 50-50 by "Elli-MOM Femtn. . . . Mat, Mrs. Laura Rose Stephen . . bcrs helped to issue ration the Woli1en could concen- the school, served hot lunch. the government. The rate- anal aed financial help have . Mrs. J. E. Bruhour was books, and served as hos- hate on It,“ Cross work!” es, Supplied books for a ti.. payers, fearing a raise in been Elven to prepare a vil, the first president. ' . Com. losses or Maple Leaf Club the (llll'flllml ofr,.tht Jirsi . _ brary, pictures and kept the taxes for Upkeep defeated Iago history. . . On one occa~ muaity projects have includ- for tynlisted men . . . During World War ' '.' Since its re- first aid box filltxi For the project at the polls, sion a representative of the ed building memorial gates P0300. the branch provided organization Ill February, some 40 Years women-msi- Mayor trt.' Mount Pleasant, at Burtord Pioneer Ceme, stquipmert for home nursing 1921, the “W" has been in- L dents at the Home for the Oakland WI Mich., visited the branch . . tery, starting a lending li- carried on by tho school shyn.1ental it!.gettiyg diput- Aged _ Inter Pleasant View "T , f . . In June, 1962, members bury in IM6 and contvibut. nurse, . . . Kitchen equip- aria itu1ueu1uions for school t Lodge _ were provided with "go a the 27 charter participated in unveiling a ing to tho village trustees to ment, d i s h e s, silverware, children, school Janitors ap- f a dinner and gifts in Decem. gym-hi; remain in Oakland plaque to commemorate Dr. buy litter e o n t sin e rs to sand boxes and swings were pointed, i " t r 0 d U C C t1 the ",: , hm. . . . Pocket money was 60th u c . will celebrate its Augusta Stowe Grillen, the “help keep BurmRr-beautr donated to Gr andview teaching of music in the , _ given c P an at we Mm b PII,",,'.?.',"""" in Fe- fistst woman to graduate in ful 't School. . . The branch is re schools and bought a piano : hawk Ins'mtitute _ mars, 1973 . . . Early medicine in Canada. She sponsiblo for the organizinc anr1 kitehen utensils for the , . t5fi'C',,t"TiL,saty"itf , mug waf 5117mm in Mount Pleasant Vittoria WI f, Grandview Home and conurumity hall . . . a ry am orine in 18 _ ' . Se oot Assn iati Th Brcr . . . 5' Atherton home and school assoeia, Through the efforts of the member of fd,' 2,line1ndwg first 'Unt,a,y,1,u,t/.yg,c'1, 3i: --a . There were 19 founding lions at Oakland and East . The branch has also been late Mrs. Helen Fee, the Vit- the association's first mesh villagp donated gum toward i members ot Atherton WI, ow Oakland schools . _ ' The involved MI unveiling a tuna WI was organized in dent . . . Annual awards {we a vrii7'niG;fiiiir'iii'i' provid» gm known as No. 3 branch paid a SIS annual plaque for the Honorable November of 1039 . . . there presented to students iriii ed sports equipment for _ Highway West Branch, or- rental fee for a piano at the Arthur Sturgis. Hardy, a na- were 22 charter members . . district . . . G and TH made young people and Junior I... ':" g . ed in November, 1932 ' old Foresters Hall _ ' . m two of the Village and PL .Along with the local home centennial quilt tickets and stitutty tnryntbors. Under l 1 ' _ _ The branch furnished a 1920 it.tiisbanded for lack of onset ot Ontario and a and school association, the sold them . . . The proceeds the Regional Library Svs- , . room at Norfolk General a president . . . After a lapse plaque on the m?w Bell .Tcle~ branch sponsored a ccnton- were used for two bursaries tom, WI members got " _ . mm in Simone, and one tat 12 years it was reorgan~ phone Building in the village 11m program based on the for girls 5 tu d yin I' home brary for Ohswekeu com- ( ', ot its members has served on men as the East Oakland WI . . . 'Ne.rurst word spoken work ot Egerton Ryerrsrru, a economics . . . The branch plate with a children‘s story q _ i' the hospital] 1 as repl‘C- and by 1939 changed to Oak, over a wire connected with Vittoria native, who was in- has purchased a life mom hour, films, film strips and 1 ,i sentative of South Norfolk laud WI with 43 members. _ the Bell Homestead was strumental in the ostablisli- bership in the Brant llisiori- concerts . . . Annual gifts _ : District . . . That same Aftes. the Second World from a house in Mount meat of the educational SYS" ent Society. are given Grade 8 Students l I 5 member, Mrs. Cecil Proctor. War members raised $353 Pleasant now occupied by tern in Ontario . . . A wel, with highest average and _ _ t assisted in the founding of from a bazaar on the Brant, the Sinclair family, come home party was given Lynn Valley who have shown greatest l i the Norfolk Unit of the Can- dyxf market square and fur- . for veterans at the end of There were 20 thaN improvement. v, l r adian Cancer Society in 1952 hfhed a bed unit and lounge Princeton-Woodbury WI World Wat. ll, niembee, (one is still 5cm?) ----_---e- ___-- -- _ - _ l f . . ' One member served in C air at Sunnybrook Hos l. . . 1 C .. . I I' Mfieeg at the various WI lev- tal, Toronto . . . A highlight A . cemetery improvement “Wuhan WI c'itiutvn, YER? WI trial: IT) 1 , cls, branch, district, area, each year is the annual project started tO 1921 by The Lynedoeh WI was uteto the Git o ety1. P,t Q a f I 4‘ 2- . " . Christm . _ the Princeton onodb . _ is or- community 8 tlt t. provincial mm was a voting is _ as mcctmg and tar my gauized m June of 1914 . . . aeeds . . . Co1'respor1Mr1ee . , I t?, the ACWW Con, key dinner with district offi, Women's Institute was com- the first exhibit was made and a gift exchtmge has Gift Boutique 'r) -' ference m Ireland in 1965. tors, another branch and pleted in 1930 with the con- at the county fair in 1938 . . . been maintained for many ' " 1 Grades 1 and 2 children struction of an arch, gates, In 1939 there was a display yours with a branch in Wishes all members , St Williams w; from Oakland School as posts and fence . . . The im- at the Canadian National Guildford. Surrey, England . of the Women’s I The St. Williams’ W1 was guests . . . The children provemcnts were_noted in a Exhibit . . . The most van. . . The branch, in conjuno- Institute a Vert . c'l _ orgatdggsd in 1914 in the provided entertainment. formal presentation to the tare som e project of the tion with a neighboring WT, y i k Town ata . . _ ttttr-ttranch Pnnceton Cemetery Board branch was raising money was instrumental in having Happy 75th _ _ f, apomsoirkt a New come Bunch wr during the Old Boys' 1ttt- to buy the Anglican Church a plaque erected on the, par Ant'izytrryyat ' - -__ r given by the "triatmr-2)r. " Bin-tab Women. 1Niitatis T union celebration in August, which had been closed . .'. meaty of the original Mock _ L Le.CLTa ', _ i can: alumna mu. 'raEcegrzgz%rrrgzr,2Atw, as" 1330-"; . 1;. - - _ seagiegg 7-1:»:an " tag%atX " " . ' " - 9V?" - - _ ' , I N "J. Ass2agtttiii'gigtgt'th ’26 " 1IMiigN' I .- ijaii _ MM j TIM, RM amen ' Td,' " MI “1 a" menses . . m t meg »- " . - . H T - c_ - . - - ' . Tq “ 'vt . . . .T cit/entail a1pvoghet was emu " - ' ", - rn P? mum -.. manna inanch hugged. has}; piano smug... 31 the my. yen . - . u aA. l , l 1 Jtiyitiud9yt1:hts.ti.tA a... a... m. mm. Atsrituisb' cm and mm... at some . t it",u,"ut'v'gt,'t?ov/e1lri,,i, Jgpsttgus'"1'ttf can: s//.,, _ -= Nil-WW 1s?eya8tsmrss 'yt1t . .-. My School where meet, motlnga "ANS Ut . . . N Bagermast, a teacher at the mas dinners for the children tk, "S-mam on‘gmm 1syigrntetsttrmststs.Ptsshe . . clock was presented to the school {or 40 years . . . were among early activities - - (" qhsitsErrr'ti.rk'sA're battab . in Iil6t ATI antique 6'ssssq lenccton Memorial than Menu came in costumes to ot Pleasant. Ridge W1 .. . 119 ColtMtrmy M. 1 f l in. m the town w more auh tea Watf featured at when '& “'33 enema in m centennial night January '.S, The branch was organized in r r i ‘4: went overseas . .- . The Bunch Community. Centre and. a book is donated each 1967. , April 1921, _ 759u58g0 , _ _ T frsasssr6 qFT56 WM: dee aadqezaatwetzizef-vid. gaze, . . A mat/mid niartpo, Ce2C'dr2'____.-'e"i'te,.-----e-'"t2"-r-'t'er-'"f, 3 , C' starting a. horticultural su- apple tree was planted on for Thomas Home: was Riverside North Bram ' ”Wig-133.7 It , V . - was... “if.” il",' l ' ciety . . . Financial dom- the church lawn ‘as a cont/on- sponsored by the WI and er- " ”in. e .. . - 3. St'-,':".?::::',.,' I' "ga7---.aaaa-aawat--aF--a'a “in project, acted by the historic sites in addition to the usual WI q ' committee . . . la 1967, $300 activities of providing 4-H . . ' . . . ’ . E) T i BURFORD Cathcart WI was contributed for kitchen Homemaking Club leaders ' _ . . . 1 V 0r anized in 1903 Cath- sunplics at the new Come: and entering exhibits at 9y ' ' . Itl N .3 T carthomen's Gisii'ate' did nmal hall, in 1968 stained lcdonia Fall Pair, Riverside OLD COUNTRY‘FURNITURE Bg _ “SEPTIC TANK SERVE! not meet regularly until 1914 glass window was given to North Brant WI features an - I " . LIMITED , ' . 1 E when membership increased the Princeton Ce metery annual meeting with their . [ ' 4 a " . ' V ' " . i _ " Vacuum Pumping to 37 . .C. After the First mausoleum and in 1970 the husbands as guests. The - . INTERIORS - f . 1" . . World War a la ue was branch was host for the dis. branch was formed in Sep. . r . m ’5 téhemical and Oil placed in Gotham-2 Public ttict annual convention. tombcr, 1946. ' FINE igli'liNIllIIl lg ,r,.,' Sludge Removal School in honor of men of _-_-__-ee --_-_i____H-" - “WWW -. " lt, ' I i El if . . . the community who fought . V I ' - accesso . , . . is: , T owdusmsnl St"" . . Another plaque and an . Ill _ MES By ‘snFFEl-a REMINGTON lil' ", , _ we erv. co honor roll was placed in . . , OVER ' ' ' ' a . ': V , ‘Cathcart United Church tol. T ' _ 1 . 'd'l'i "00"” “WW?” WSW" .. . _ lowing the Second World "q t . - e ' » . l 24.4mm] 9mm; . War . . . In the late 19205 the ' . HIGHWAY cars] _ GP, MILES win or ~ ' , " 'r, 1 WI signed a more” lease on . I " BHANTFORD . acnoss mom amp R! ME 1 .1 C . a hall whieh was bought LOOK INTO THE RM. rr Mr, . o. . . . T is: mum, Pop from the Canadian Order ot . . 'lg, ' ”ONE MFA 6'9 â€" isa-un' ' " _ , -e _ Fume... “mm... lease youthful swung in eye wear styles gt, . , k, - . on 3 1 4492340 expired . . . The two plaques Sir, "agmmmm'm’ = E4ilgWTMitl . “3%"? g "I,“ now hang in the WI hall _ from . . . :5?tt, 1gk2lkaNWaIEallt Oman» " .' ' " l a tt which also serves as a Com- 'tsl', ' ' ‘ I . 41 , _ amud Hall. _'i?'jfx, 'a -w ', 1ttt.r1e1re1etteei-iu11itEE1l1c__._,, " Manufactured and Distributed Throughout Canada by ',s.'iriteli'i-j, of," v. V WpmaAr, mm comm moo F 1 _ --_ _ ' ' " " " " . It .4 Lawn .lzviswifm: FirstSm , " ' ' ‘ m " _ _ Available ’I'lirou h the Ophthalml P ter, ' . ' ' T _ . . ' C ro ehstoltg : OPEN DAILY 9 a.m.~5:30 p.m. ' f Your Protection Is Our Business V - I 1 ", _ , 'q--...).--..--.-------- _ I THURSDAYS 9 a.m.- 10 pm. ' . . I _ ', ':. _ '_- - _ Boldly revealing l FRIDAYS 9 a.m.-lO p.m. i f : Extreamly appealing "ciiii'si"giigthttt V . , . i ., ______ .. . . . , 4 2ktt5 4v x ; . "t' tEtWii(Jfi1'C'a'" . ", R M . . Excmngly you. -'vrr'irs'8e'frmM - ' . BttMiEf,le'i'tr:Cju" ‘i ead, t Icar ' == ' ' - r . . OVALS ROUNDS _ I e ‘ ll 1 Limited V SQUARES . UWIA r " x 5» F General Insurance, Life Insurance, , Fs'liiirih'iffi?, " f». was: . ‘ - mammals 'lMllllMMq - . . I . R l _ Mt Fish"") “5-415?" irlry,%M . i'siiiitmg Lei, .. ...,...For Over 100 Years ' . " ea Estate > 39.3.33? 'ghi . yt, .'ja'sii,iy?iiii?"A', 2& i',?,Tiihu'i5,?srF,r:, " ' . ', . . y _ _ s'i'i5iiti(r'ai7ail' - "en'é - .‘ni‘: "ti' T ',Si,tsl,,_'i:liiii'i'l5 Atm - ‘ . - e, 'Et%tEalMiill , . , 2 : .t - _ _'i:r,ij'if,iSl El),','),':, - Fp,') rL's'st':ii?s'i'1'a'ri"' , ' " " P. ‘ - T - , 'irg, A». "L. . rA " . , , I ; 5:23. 'fir?))? r.',irre):':) ",iiifii',-o,c' 8t::i7,rgljvisjia .5114, “Amy GIFTS WmCH ALWAYS PLEASE. JUST DIAL Cii ”s2#.f5 , Wsst'ss'l'iti):r,3, DUNCAN’S “GIFT LINE" 752-5900 AND YOUR Gut '"' ' B., fig: 5...; kfv',iyi, . 'llFjiii)_i'rtif:ci'i, WRAPPED BOX IS ON THE WAY! . 'WX Wi'a?'diiW: A%1'g' News 2Cj,1 Fi:' 'y2* , 'ie?",?', w" "gyii'iirife':irr'i [ 25 tting Street, tbrtmtford, Ont. R8i 'ia%'isA .' gang‘s” Cl . I _ muons ACCEPTED 1N ALL DEI'TS. , f , aitiii-iiiirir-imri.r.i.rrr.m-. l - q .1 L l, I

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