J 9 tir DEAR OLD ROCKER . . I'm never alone at my Mase Even when no one is there, For I found a very comforting Harry J. Munds, formerly pf Lakeside, died Monday January 8th in his 90th year at the Dearness Home, London, where he has been a resident for the past five years. Born in Kent County, England, Mr. Munds married his wife, the former Florence Smith, who survives in 1909 and the couple emigrated to Canada that same year. They first resided in West Zorra Township, later moving to Lakeside where Mr. Munds was employed with the C.P.R. sec- friend In a dear, old, rocking chair. It consoled the crying infants, Eased my aches and pains, Heard all the conversations, Listened to losses and gains. As I gently pat the head-rest, Stroke the cushions growing bare, I recall all my little children Who were rocked to dream.. land there. Each child had his favorite story --l always tried my best to please--- [ As they crowded in this dear, old rocker Across my shoulder, lap and knees. So, at night when I'm very _ tired, But in bed I can find no sleep, We share a quiet, secret Harry J. Munds Was Former lakeside Resident tryst-- My rocker and I count sheep. O LONESOME ME LAKESIDE W.I. MEETING The June meeting of the Lakeside W omens' Institute was held in the L.O.L. hall with Me. Clayton Kew presiding. Mrs. Roy McCorquodale was -.:<.’nvenor of the Education Pro- gramme and read a synopsis of the similarity of the English and French Culture by Dr. Donald Sutherland. Other papers were read by M James Morrison, Mrs. Cecil McCordic, Mrs. Glenn Mont- eith and Mrs. Alex Whittaker. Mrs. Russel Vyse gave an interesting demonstration on antiquing fumiture. Mrs. Plisdo'n was presented with a small gift before leaving for her new home in Chatham. Funeral services were held Thursday, January 11th at 2 p.m. from the Lindsay Funeral Home with Rev. Warner, Christ Anglican Church, in charge. Pallbearers were Charles Mit- chell, George Davis, Jack Young, Jared Vining, Alex Pick- ering and Frank Baker. Inter- ment was in Christ Anglican Cemetery, Lakeside. A member of Christ Anglican Church, Lakeside and a Past Master of Lakeside Orange Lodge, survivors in addition to his wife are sons Wilfred, Florida and Allison (Doc) of London, A brother Jack and a sister, Mrs. May Burgess, Eng- land and four grandchildren also survive. Lakeside WI Name Officers tion, retiring in 1948. The following is a correction of the slate of officers of the Lakeside Women's Institute. Hon. President, Miss Marion Baker, Past President, Mrs. Clayton Kew; President, Mrs. Jim Kittmer. The auditors are Mrs. Lloyd Kittmer and Mrs. Mac Gates and the nominating committee are Mrs. Bob Holden, Mrs. Ross McCorquodale. and Mrs. Jared Vining. 5.x -/ f o = W. 1. Plan Bus Trip The annual picnic of the Lakeside Womens Institute was Wednesday afternoon. Presi- dent, Mrs. Donna Kittmer and Mrs. Margaret McLeod, secre- tary, presided. Plans were arranged for a bus trip to Erlon Lee Home, Stoney Creek. -- Mrs. Mary Holden commen- ted on the motto "Every privilege carries responsibili- lies". The roll call was "Name a Canadian woman who left her footprints on the sands of time". In the L.O.L. hall the programme committee conven- ed games and contests. On the lawn races and games were enjoyed. The picnic supper was in the L.O.L.. hall. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs Bryant Sutherland. lf’73 Senior "itizens‘ éurvey Proposed Austin Gay and John Mc- Murray were invited to a joint meeting of the councils of East Nissouri and North Oxford held at the township office in Kintore last Week. During the meeting a res- olution was passed and for- warded to the Ontario Housing Commission asking that a survey " of the needs of the senior citizens of the two townships, including the village of Thamesford, be 4 taken and suggesting that an apartment building could be constructed in the area to accommodate these needs. A representative from the housing commission, Stephen MacDonald was present at the meeting and Mr. MacDonald agreed to attend the meeting of the Senior Citizens Club at Westminster United Church Hall at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13 to present the views of the commission and to answer any' questions which might be raised. Mr. Gay noted that an open invitation to all members of the townships and community who are over 60 years old has been extended and he said the club members would be pleased to see '. a good attendance at the meeting in support of the project. ' hump LAKESIDE UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, May _f...tft HOBBY FAIR 8. TEA 2 sis p.m. 79,23 Sponsored by Lakeside WA. Everyone Welcom. BAKE SALE I M, .\ Woman to her husband: " MP. and Mrs. Lawrence Tay- lor were Sunday evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Taylor, Guelph. Senior Citizens of the Lake: side community have received an invitation from the Lakeside Women's Institute to attend a Christmas dinner at the Lake- side United Church. The Christ- mas meeting committee mem- hers are: Mrs. Merle Kirk, Mrs. Clarence Cole, Mrs. Bry- ant Sutherland, Mrs. Wm. Steward., Mrs. Leaman Harris, Mrs. Roy Sutherland, Mrs. Harry Munds. President Mrs. James Kittmer. (Sec. Treas. Mrs. Frank McLeod. Mrs. Roy McCorquodale is a patient at Victoria Hospital, London at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Allin. STewart were.week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCutcheon, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Baker spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trip, Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Peters took the pupils of Christ Church Sunday School to see "Jesus Christ .Super STar" at the Vogue Theatre Stratford, on Sunday afternoon. . wrap tin or metal container holding them _in asbestos paper and a few layers of ttltr minum foil. This will make them completely fireproof . Document Safety _ If you keep valuable items such as insurance policies, car titles, deeds etc.,_ at home, Woman to her husband: "All right, all right. I'll admit I like to spend money. But just name one other extravagance!" HINTS