Lakeside WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 6, 1968-71, page 2

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The Fegruary meeting' (iffthe Lakeside. Women's Institute was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday with the vice-presi- dent Mrs. Allin Stewart presid- ing. The meeting opened with The June meeting of the Lakeside Women's Institute was held Wednesday, Jung 5th in the Orange Hall with the presi- dent, Mrs. Allin Stewart pre. siding. The meeting opened with the Ode, followed by re- peating the Mary Stewart Col- lect in unison. The roll call, "Is our school system doing enough for our students?" was answered by 14 members and a lively discussion followed the roll call. The report of the District Annual was prepared by Mrs. Willis Ball and read by Mrs. Allin Stewart. Mrs. Lloyd Kittmer, convener of the meeting on Education, opened the program with the Institute rally song with Mrs. Bryant Sutherland at the piano. Mrs. James Kittmer commented on the motto, "Buried seeds grow, but buried talents don't." Read. ings on Education were given by Mrs. Clarence Cole and Miss Marion Baker. Current events were prepared by Mrs. Roy Suth- erland and read by Mrs. Kitt- mer. A review of the year's work on the Tweedsmuir His- tory and Scrap Book was given by Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, the curator. Mrs. Leman Harris gave courtesy remarks and the meting closed with The Queen. The Citizenship and Education Committee served refreshments. W. l. Meeting February meetir / f'gfg' IQéY the Ode, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect and O Canada with Mrs. Frank McLeod at the piano. The roll call was an- swered by 19 members. The group was reminded of the Spring Board meeting early in April in Plattsville United Church. Mrs. Jas. Morrison con- vener of the Resolutions took charge of the program and re- ported on Resolutions from the London Area Convention and reviewed Current Events. Mrs. Walter Gregory commented on the motto, "Kindness is the oil of friendship, it keeps the links from rusting." Mrs. Glen Mon- teith gave several short read. ings. Mrs. Lloyd Kittmer told a story from Ethel Chapman's book "From a Roadside Wim dow." Poems were read by Mrs. Percy Vannatter and Mrs. Bry- ant Sutherland. Mrs. Roy Suth- erland won the contest "What Am I?" Mrs. Bryant Suther- land favored with an instru- mental. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Chas. Holden and the meeting closed with the Queen. Refreshments were serv- ed by the committee in charge. Attjk, w. I. Picnic i 'ttT Th akeside Institute picnic was held on the L.0.L. grounds The Max meeting of the Lake- side JVomen's Institute was held Thursday in.the Orange Hall with the president Mrs. Allin Stewart presiding. The meet- ing opened with the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Col- lect in unison. The roll call with an attendance of over 40. Mrs. Chas. Holden, Mrs. Jas. Morrison and Mrs. Jared Vining were in charge of the games and contests. Gifts for high scores were presented. Mrs. Allin Stewart presided for the busi- ness program. The tour of the Institute annual bus trip is to be announced. An expression of appreciation acknowledging greetings was received from Mrs. Ed. Sims, McCormick Rest Home. In 1911 Mrs. Sims (Arr nie K. Murray) was the first secretary of 'Lakeside Institute. An expression of appreciation for flowers received from the Lakeside Institute on the occa- sion of the. 50th wedding anni- versary was from Mrs. Chas. Langdon. The picnic supper was smorgasbord. Among the guests were Mrs. George Kirk, recent- 1y returned from a European trip, and Mrs. Wesley Richard- son, St. Marys. _ Dun, up. AVAMLJur Mr. and Mrs. Austin Alderson, Joan and Janice moved to their new home in Thamesford last week. Miss Marion Baker is visiting in 'Chomedy, Que. with her niece, Mrs. Dohn Hobbs, Mr. Hobbs and family. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Clarence Cole in the passing of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Pearce, the former Deyena Cole, a former resident of Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Seaton 40. and family spent Saturday with Fas. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Seaton. was answered by 21 members. Plans were made to sponsor a foster child for another year. The members were reminded of the District Annual to be in Hickson late in May. Plans were made for the Christmas stockings to be filled and to be presented at the District Annual meeting. Report of the Spring Board meeting was given by Mrs. Willis Ball. Mrs. Allin Stewart reported on the Offi- cers' Conference which she at. tended in early May. The meet- ing was turned over to the Agricultural Committee with Mrs. James McCorquodale as convener. Mrs. McCorquodale opened the meeting with "The Song of the Lazy Farmer" and commented on the motto. Mrs. Glen Palmer gave a paper on Korean training in agriculture on Canadian farms. Mrs. Merle Kirk gave current events. Read. ings were given by Mrs. Chas. Mitchell, Mrs. Armour Kittmer and Mrs. Alex Whittaker. Safe- ty measures were given by Mrs. McCorquodale. Courtesy re- marks were by Mrs. Bryant Sutherland. The meeting closed with The Queen. A sale of plants and bulbs was held fol- lowing the meeting'with Mrs. A. Stewart acting as auctioneer. The Baker family picnic was held at Harrington Community Centre on.Sunday, July 7th with a large attendance, with guests from Montreal Toronto, Ridge- tawn and surrounding district. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McCall, Ottawa spent last week with Mrs. McCall’s mother, Mrs. Clar- ence Cole. A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. Verda Kittmer on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Clark, Harrington. Friends and rela- tives attended from Lakeside. Guests of Jane and Joan Ris. don at the United Church manse over the week-end were: Misses Diane McReady and Jeannie Bruce of Windsor, June Jinks, Jo-An Kirkby and Vivian Brown of Chatham and Jean MeEach. ran of Stratford. They attend. ed the matinee at the Shake. spearean.Festival on Saturday. The worried patient was visit- ing his doctor for a checkup. The doctor said, "Have you been smiling at your troubles as I advised you to do?" The patient replied, "Yes, and the boss warned me three times to wipe that silly grin off my face and get to work."

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