Lakeside WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2a, 1910-58, page 8

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sv..iA'auk4i'E . e t7i?:5:WiRr:s'si"g, .. " «we-+7.1,WMk r" =- HQ? T-r-'"'"""?"".?,':?,'?-.',',,'?".",) - "T" t'r'Ct,C"swa -r". "r'- -rs'" N _ . :7 . . ,. . k ‘§§N§1§1N1s§‘\ww‘uy b 3 w'" 5 3.? , . _.-..' N I” V"'? a _ --m l _ ' _ witme‘ewehiw1w" l ' l g" --, -, , ". " f ' _ ' _ _ _ ‘, 13143433311ka 'Eitriem-it-lift'?"" 'iii'iiti ki "iit"illi),t1ti?arat .'- siegiN’X 1,.et13,1t:11§1:% «3141“33’r1’h‘ " m 1,1,11,éwe§§;1/,Wa - ."'icr, . P, ”a 'j':l)1'/ri,(':':):'ii:ri"' r“*~ea*‘z“1<1vw‘ ‘fifi‘fig " maa‘ "rf: ,' i' , ' '. 'i/;ji:'fi' 's. f11“!”s13t‘1iéa13eégmfiflei”N“: as " MEMt if! ! ‘ Kiirtm t2h"iifg. 1%?»3’11 _rj.':rr" 1"r', 'r,' yi":':-'"".,': 1 °e°r§“’£%~f69*§ji“”°*mt3ww In "itia5iM" - i 'jj?ifj?jfXa , _ " 1,3,11,61,31,” 'e:, V 1, ;._ 1.. 'i?,tfiq fiz£¥€i£3d=§=§ft$22‘=2'31:f:é:i:i.éit:'=éi5353;'.'1.'.’;‘v§;;s§s€:\~‘;3'E.iii5a5=55‘}’:5'<.€s‘-53;Efs>:‘asz,»;3«,11,13*41@fiigefihit”)?§hfle‘af§%‘dyfiffisag 'Air - " , - IMih"iti'i't Rt . ' ' i.tiifia'uiiiiii'iiiii'ii'tit mr,'",," .‘ _ Ci. ‘1‘ 'kts'iiil'tsfiCr)), writes/91 {N " - a, Wehild’ét‘lt '.WltlB8.ttrM3lltlRl8Blr. T' "jr.'. "rj Ennizse1{11fmhr%wh$’°w . 1 - " IllllliEs, a z<ye§§fÂ¥bg:::':54_..;';‘,;:z:;-.. ,3 'p.', ;" 39%),1-11112513511135"533?};,5515;:-::1'1E";:Egi;.'t.,'153%,?""1;" iEfki':i'ryst'.tjtcilis:i.iiiiii,i' fr,+”,¢{1*"*431,*r1Â¥*,&§$ » .. - " 'ttl- " , i?c'fiftii'att'?jti"tr, Crt..?,?:.':::','):'.:'.:'?..?:',:..';.'?;:' " ((j.'iif',iiii:.7:ir, _ V "'. , (f". " ' ' ’ 1“,, " N ttli . ~ Wéhc”<$ ':.ij,j'jiijiiijji'i.ii,),ir, "i: V ‘. l "rV, _/_': 1! I I . ‘5” {h‘MNN . 1 , m. '.Q.9KS . MPG' I MN '_6'.u'.'P."P,r_wpp'P', bT'rk','.'r'.Prl. T . , _ .. 'FT' '"? b'bC, . . _.. N .x - - , Y». im h, ._\_.1. ii2:y'iy"y':rry.tff:uJiPiiAre,W: ,9» .. V ..6-, V w','.'..' "lei' . ".' '. _ .4. . . Jwhiw1sh'ies'C_ * --»~e . " " PP F. . 135:“; t'ftvttEag'ii:ij,:.?.iii?y:Crj'i_ TFV 51,111.11.- _ . _,'. ., ic",. 'V-', V , _ 'err'-::--.) . .- ~ qh 1,41,. 1 . .q& 111;..,g...-._-.-:-.--;:»:;1:.1:v:::4-;-§4-:.;.;.;.;.:., fir.:; ..1.,?1<;.- shone-4...:1,,---.14::!.=". 1urcy ,'-' v':..: '., sr" "aFefy"e'riy; q 71-.» ffil "llEitr,'sii)is'ift"i'aE' llllllltllNlNtitt"'i'l'i"i'l'(.isy'it ( ',,-'. ' _'",: “318‘ " . ' I “‘u‘iih‘iie’ It " 1"” (r::,r'.ij. 1 1lralIl 'IB $11,113:; 4 ' , BM Mrdrt3?:rTr?':'a? 'grietl'4 _ B ' _' tMtBlR1lt8 "13::.,. tRri'jj:svf/yss,r .155 v h . . ' IN ','eStitiMStit%lEEMg4iBt'h"i:'t"ssi, 'tfi/r) j'?::':).';':';.:',':) "'3".252:11:132133".‘E,3;‘;E:1:Ei§:5,'§:-, ‘ * \b‘gx’fgbxe :‘ N . KIll $111,: ""3531: 1‘": :5 . t ' - :‘V>\NNN\\\:>,§$~\>1~ 'iii'2?:Ctrr) a???‘13375N.=-';5.5‘i3:-"135§5£§r3éifii=§5§5 El llllliitilfii'siiii,iliiili':f.:.i1 - Illlllljlrlllti, Il 1 'ilt " li'ei'tat I ' "ll. ‘-ah1§e‘ia~' . 'tr.-, - x r co , , = N2B5 - 1.1)»: 'cl:":::?;,.':.'.::',, KE, . . » " . q " ‘ T 'Aiii 1 ':9d"dcc'isifr'ri'j:j?.;ji:"::?d?:RRti5 when; tigWsit M" w. MM 'M:,': .' ':/:,e?ry:Crfiy:fr1r;'sfi2.; I IiagltlillSlitiiiiitiiatiiiiii:i, ‘Mgh'xwfi " " _ " - I ' . - ‘ RG.' e133,, 1: 'ax, . 11““ -rjii4ia, - '1 = V Mir ., 11 r ', I MgMitiN . . ' 'ii'fdt:':?::.7s:?s'c8.f:,B, f""'1lt'l-f":'>:s:;'=isi;?zis'132*";1:4 ir:yatrs"s'i' ttYW?.:':,?;')"?:::.).';:,:",;;::.'".;, 'r’ jy_'si'i'f),i,Pj. 1w " - . - - A 'iiiiiEsiiiliiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiilil ’ Iltltttt " . 1 - " fieevNNHn'sNS Or'2. 1 LIN ME Bltm ‘ MI harsh» ' T'i't V , ' ' :33 's ':ift?,?s.'ii?'s';tii; tvdi:ijyjy..i. 114°»! 'rr'ry:::%aN. DOCTORS UPPERMOST 'it":::,":,)':;:'::::)',, I . I " zihhii $4»qu gee“ Etii"i'ii. l " , ' - ,éngwg‘ogg N“’“’”:”N§;fc:t§ i'ii:'ft:Fii'i:ji:,'i:i'i'i:.'.ii ct."""-"';;'-',':::":::-,-)";,"'::'-':"'"-'-"", V . Bitit: , _ , , - )3 -.*32»‘1a ,Weggwf @3133 _ ., /,T(t'rlr/,C, - I - 435% fir‘wewr “‘3‘ 2441* 1'00“ tir a e as "lr:":,')",,,',:,:):-, " . 1llt Weq.m" - .11srrne eggs . - .i.(i:_r'iiirtii'i, _ . WV' - .1111,” . wiEiho'i't"'it' V»&w§§%“$r ' lk'?ttiil I F m P _ . ":.':',l_ll:i,'r.,,'i"i"d: ii; IiiiriiiriiiilliiitllliMilE , I weave n _ 'iiirdri'd ' . , x 1 _ . g ' _ . “V" _ "t"“w~é%t1§,‘” , C ' . F ttlet Ma ., P'.'. . I . © 'i,1'j:'iif3,5i 'i'rt:)iii:',r" M '1,irrisi?t i 4 _ By STEWART MncKAY' Begary - who took upon him- BB" Illllii E;glF,t,,r,',:,l, Ft ' , - t snet'hhi;§13~§%n»a~w§me The hamlet of Brooksdale, self the task of seeing that tne " Illlrilill Itrrii'i,jfi':yii, _'.":";: iBl , - . .%' 35131,;wmgzfiwfki 'j)i"'j'1:rf,-t / v. _: //, . nestling in the limb-west, sect. new, and often crudely manuf. rrgi 'R,,t:,'cil)'ii)si:rtt I21. i), s" ‘5 l i':'::-"---' r/:vil , yi-r' r' yi,): rc,.:),:);-.,)',, ion of Oxford county cames no 'litutffihitr'g"tg memes! such “‘1M‘nmsa,,1mw,-._ taint of falsehood in its nomen. as e irst reapers, were kept ANDREWS CHURCH clature because, right beside it, in operation in the community . Hm__________s_T__________iâ€"â€"-â€"â€" there is both a brook and a and would .work, night and day -.__ . _ _ _' dale. The name was given to to a.eeomplish his goal. . . it by one of it’s sons, Dr. Hugh Being a men of unusually high MacLeod, who was first a tea- standards 111 formal education, cher in the closest school, and where begotten it was pot - ' _ .__ ...... _ later became the, family doctor known, he also took upon hm of the church founding, held in in the community, achieving self the task of keeping the 1958 and attended by hundreds some fame, other than in doe. books for St. Andrews church, of sons and daughters from toring, from the horses he drove then the focal point Ill the 150- near and far-away places. _ - night andday. _ tfic/ not the, economic life, The fa.mily store in the com. The early history of the settle- of e Ppmunity. . munity IS run by the Demons, ment follows the general patt- Mr. Lindsay, whose family .and Mr. Dawson, besides help- ern throughout most of the coun- was one of theearliest to settle mg his wife in the store when ty, m that m the early, early in the community, retains many he can, is a decorator. and trav- days, 1810 and thtr.earoilf there of those loves common to his els far abroad m his trade. Pt were. a few fyt.tilitsiy United time and era and IS himself a The original Lindsay farm) Empire Loyalist stock to be gi‘eat'lover of horses. He has was owned by onerhn Laverty,; engulfed, not much later, by the 111 his home an unusual statuet- who obtained the appropriate! Ea'q ”“1” It/ir':':'?':',"-',": "sr::;:':' 1. , flood of Sutherland Highlanders. te of the famous horse 'Man Of title papers in the manner of a h' ' "ri?"'?;';!':!.-.",-.-".?:).:?,,',-',')',, ';iiiili)..,iii.'iiiiahi 'i.cjit,', .3 _.'" I _::rpii:;i_"'iiiyji.i."e,'. lTo fueh an extent did the em War' but confesses rather sadly crown grant, with, thereon, the - . 1 ‘gultlng process take place that that there have been horses in signature of Sir Frances Bond-‘ . I ‘ 44,1 'jf"',.))'::':: tl 1,, ;common gossrp has it thatthe more recent times that were head one of the earliest gov-J ‘ ilittilih'itl""rlii"ii"' , .::)f:":,i'i',iii I!" EU. E. L. pioneers became more able to better the record of his r o" f U C d d t " ' W.“ Btigt4 " _':'..':,';?,'::.), h'eii"eiiiitithm ' - iscottish than their engulfers favorite N12837NSTNh If“)? an?1 a,, Nthet , rs Reva Bg1YaEy PrP. , 'ree ' TArd -1 . . . ' - . . . e in " s ave a ‘ . ~ 'IMEalrlKiM Tno _.. 7s '.rf: Ctrl '1abits, beliett, and even in Also having some respect for document in their Nhossession _ l . - ‘ -' 143’, CCC:?:"; r11: "r: . . . > - . "iMNi8N h ' 21:11:. .4,a='a;:='53-?’5:<:§st-:-1'51’:1£?5-15-22'2:::;E:EZ'<>':i:a,:.i'::’é:tv‘";i:-F1r: dialect. the accomplishments of those Last b t b le id , . Bt - 'a"kifjii): "f’;°,.13%f11>’<’? Like most of the modest cor- persons who had to depend on . ' P y no means as, r ' - ‘ iii-if??- of??? , T . . . in.the list of characters well. - 2' Cc::::':::. Riref. ! ners and hamlets throughout their own inventiveness for pro- known in th communit is th t r - e . V trigid:" 1NӤa1’“ss/”‘s-. the county, Brooksdale never dilation of essential tools, Mr. of Ca tai (hd son {11,16 H? ' . r ' ' Mit. #1 ';ijit.ti'tiiii:'i(iii;:'ii, became famous hecause'of it’s Lindsay has preserved a car- Mras up 83, t 3,1,: iii w If ' ' . ~ ”1M3..,4"a4 , great Industries it's bea tif 1 penter's tool of earl vinta e-- 0 . p y. , as ac ' vim“,% Ef..)'.'.)?)'.").':).,'.:.",'?,:) - . . , ll ll y g , [tjil,r3b',% M1.” '@fi';s,'vi:)',isa?,'iiij, a ually a captain on the Great . 1111- ,1141,» Mtirviit.'tWrsi,yit'4 " buildings, or those sort of a square-made of walnut cut . . . ' . , ti ' 'iiEgtltgtiitW.iji'si;st)i':Qi, $.43 .1 - . . . _ . Lakes in the summer and a . 15,113,411 's?sit'stlt',ti:'i:ii' a ':.ffittit1 I' things. but m its exports-- from the trees of the family Brooksdale farmer in the win ft}; It of it's sonsand daughters, to. ploneer settlement, made by ter lti th u ht hi fa w - ' gages, . "/" ',s"1 places of high performance in hand and "beautifully carved, iii 13b 0ng IS. me. 'fe, "lim ' ti ”1%,2N2gf11éy4/ I , .1 ir" the world of science, medicine with an ingenious device of (1gl1f1ifiu'sysilltii.'1g unique m IS 11" I /j,;1?’!‘$/§€§’31“ ,1 1, c, . q . 'F " r " ’”+,<<”v. t and the like. Not least of these wedges to keep the square in 'I-ee-W-ee-iff?:-.----, _ ......‘- - ' r iiitlllll 5:21, . , . , ’!>¢§*avé°i’§%‘"a IS Dr. Gordon Murray, who, as perfect position in all weather.. 5 - ' .llll8l8F:s,:':i5i:';,_i'j.'i,Pgll . #i‘ttéirf’ig, a . boy, attended the 7th line Reflecting the type of settle-3 ‘ x ' ' 4 , - “eh/éfigteéiej 5811001,, Just north of BrOPks- Pent, the area still retains the r . I MlE'iciiii:)iiiiiif.i',i'R, , . . NNtfithN N53»? da e: ater went on to achieve family names in abundance and _ ‘ ”12.1"” “ ' , I NNNtwagfyéy"! Ce,e,tgtl?Ni1.i.y as one of the includes in the list the Mae. ' ' ’11 - Ilritillg 14$ 4.ruttr,ttryli,ng blue baby' doctors Kays .(apparently most proli- _ , rb":':"i:jj:iM.s.B"'it'i'i'.diN _ ._ IlifIlllilelll 313/” in???“ a.nd in greater fields. tie) Murrays, Lavertys, Reids, _ "& ttTit':;;.'.!,?:.),',!' - is?;,.:,!., - B'i,i.f.f,'l,,,iisi,lt8iii')"; Cu ' istorians, for Brooks. Yomgs, Mathesons, Greens. In. _ _ . é {fibgfi’r'iiw a, , ,1 " if», dale s, were Mr. aM Mrs. mes, (herurweths, Meadows, - 14 a . IU, . ' N l Gaanet Litndsay, pioneers in the Whites and many more. _ i _ . @171! ’ , W2”; re' _ . , . , . q ' . 'iR%'iiyi:i'iiiioiG'iim W, E' c‘e - . iievtit2imfftigtri “w retired and Also refleetirig the heavily, . llKtl . 14 , _,,Mlllli'l'tllill8itiiiliiii'iliN' "Fe, recall rig . ' weighted Sutherland, highland _ . - as . . ,1; ",Fiiiiiii"illlalsNi Bl days ythere wa at in 31% early population the church, St. And-i - . g r . llliiill'lii'ii!i,i (t1. . , 'Ill' t . s a We - eloved rew’s, was for many years the l a ' ' ' r.,8,lttiiri"caMlllMlllll I ' b1acksmith, at. that time an Mr. central socral. life spot. Top , a“. ' " ~11, . ils!lySllllBjial , 1if,'f,t/d1u1sft"jgdii1 ite. wheels shows the gathering to ' Ff . 'all . , ". 1 ' - I [ . . . Tr - _,., 4 ,4 ':'f2?s.'::.?sT.'sl. "fyge'.i7i'??sS.t'eT, FW',' - MP, P . SI-ey-e-uv - TPW, .. "lrr'Ho11plee1tlE1tt the 75th anniversary _ 7 . Ti . t M11??? E .' "r, a“; t _-_- 2.c,-, _ . _ , PIONEERS MR. AND MRS. G. LINDSé "' r,iit'ii-i ccs"i'sid,jgiiyati: inr- Ceii., , " V _ -' - . _ m = . 51. a

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