__ -e'u"rt""0-'i_t1a'=r?,.et=rr-L= p.‘ e---------"--------""'"-"'""-'"-' r ".T.'er-W'T---.--e.r.r.wqr_-m_-------'N""r'He----t--l=VlF-_r-"--. i Gums. ' ' tla, gas/Blah [Jo/[hf Rt. q/w ' _ g! t ' () ppmmcn; cunt/h, Zegtaf, ..OWhat hive they seen In thine hOUNe?uco iRt l Iv,. el,- Isaiah 39:1 , f . vou can learn more about people by one visit fit - (is.uos; to their home than by a thousand contacts 1n puba Llakt . lie outside the home. It is in the hem: wheri 'r, . . Vere likely to let our hair down and oyrit act mg . _ , _" . pretending. You can tell whether the husband and thLD DAY o? IPR,"? - Being wife have tastes that ere artiptic or drab. You T observed Frlday, tebruary N l can tell if they are muqical or literary and IO, 1967 at Lakestde United whether they are interested in sports: and outdoor Church at 2 pomo H) the life. All this can he learned by just a casual Lakeside Unite§ Church I observation of' the furnishings, books, ornaments,' bemement. Angllcan ladies etco _ . . invited,, All ladies weleomro, Isaiah the prophet tasked King Hezekiah, "What did . I the King of Babylon siee in your house when he Pe- “ _ i ireone17 visited you'?" Isaiah knew that a peretort's," The Junior Choir of heke~ 1 home is likely to reveal the hearto . . ntde United Church "H. ', The size of the televiéion screen is often 1n 1.rvas Ahnir. Sunday, ngPUEFF b? . ' p â€a ,. r2r22 io to the yniritual atmosphere; under' the leadership of t Cty .. ef) (C? Freda Peder and Ethel l “v Gre or' .9 th or enitta . s (ri'ata. - ups-rs-tgh,.,) 9 y F e g a: , I know three thingq must always be Now Ed & Mike went oar on a "l To keep our country strong and tree: _ spree . . N . . - h (Sellin s ree, that is} yv P“? Le ta hauarthsrtone éFtht Eno, y"' when this getuéned full of ") diLL bury, hepny loved omen near, glee. A . , Their frame remarked, "Gee w, One 7w .9 ready heprt and harm 1 whiz!" _ "l, To love and serve and keep the tend, You fellows dnn’t need a wife ‘ . _ . M d ' You’re happy with Confedero one " a Wide and travel? W7 ation Life" ‘ Towhere the people go to PT'8t, How this 1mm: right, may ‘ ' . . 11 love their wives go long P'., thege are RSV? a, ve a 'But they feel bound to prom _ bur country end people will gurv-vet " tect the lives or other folk, like you and ', d Keep them glways everywhere- h me . ' i 32? hegrth, the flog, the place of prayero And that is why the selling _ x " ’ If . _ agar-eat _ _ Author unknotno (Homesté) y T . . Ed Towle & Mike, Kelly _' " 1.7 , F Confederation Lire _ F Noodgtock Ont~ " " . - LV 3 ' SQ , '. 'l a I 3 Ld,.,,.., ..