5-Lessons from Bible Biography. Ab- raham. Pastor and Wife. 12-Modern Missionary Lessons from Paul's first Missionary Tour. Relief Rutledge, Harvey Irvine. 19--How we got our Bible. Mrs. Dunlop, Esther Weston. 26--fhuladra and the Empire. Edna Sims, Mrs. Dunster. FEBRUARY 2--The Duties of a Canadian Citizen. Young Men’s Bible Class. 9-Lessons from Bible Biography. “Jo- seph. ,, Ernie Alderson, John MoMurray 16--Modern Missionary Lessons from Paul's Second Missionary Tour. Missionary Committee. Topics and Leaders JANUARY TO APRIL, 1911. 23--TTaw We Got our Biblze. Thomas McLeod, W. E. Rutledge. 16---oModmm Missionary Lessons from Paul's Third Missionary Tour. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. 23--Boeial Evening. Social Committee. 30--ETow Parliament Does Business. Fred Thornton, Miss Connor, Ruth. Rutledge. MARCH 2---Ho,w our Laws are Made. Miss Relief Rutledge, Robert Me, Donald, Miss Feprier. 9-Lessons from Bible Biography. "Moses." JANUARY Rev. A. Thibadeaw. I] d Hon. President. . . . . .REV. A. THIBADEAU President. . . . . . . . . . . . . .W. E. RUTLEDGE First Triee-President. . . .J. F. Helium.†Second Vice-President. .FMINNIE PRESLEY Third Vice-President. . . .ROTIE RUTLEDGE Fourth Vice-President. . . . .NELLIE Emu Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. E. ALDERSON Treasurer.................EDN.~\ SIMS Organist .................BIRDIE SIMS Assistant Organist. . . . ' . . .OLTVE SMITH “Joshua.†Mr. tri 20--Bible Doctrine. 27--Tempsranee Meeting. President, Minnie Presley. tyom.--uNelh'e Eyre. Annie MeMurray, harry Eyre, Mrs, Thibadeau. Miss Ir- vine, Mrs. JUlm MeMurray. Harvey Ir- vine, Frank Stair/on, Ernie Aldersnn. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Ruth Rutledge, President. Com.-Mrs. Dunster, Relief Rutledge. Miss Farrier, W. E. RutIedge, Olive Crer tis1, J. D. Switzer, Harvey Irvine, Irene Smith. APRIL 6-Annual Business Meeting. 13r-ryTons_hom Bible Biography. . COMMITTEES CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR DEPARTMENT. J. F. McMurray, President. Com.-ire Smith, Relief Rutledge, Rana Sims, J. E. Aldersml. Miss Perrier, Fred Thornton. _ MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT Liferary Commiiicix. OFFICERS Mr. and Ellis. _ Eldon. [ The Pastor.