::.- Elwyn; WVALKER’S J‘IBIBRC). . .. THURS DALE WILLOW' GROVE Do.............. M APLE GROVE Mrhr()N E's†w YTf )N... pt: ,i",':-' Epworth _v:r_':'rr League _ ij, Convention. STRM FORD 1900 2t.ccul' r'.", a??? ika.. 1.: t ", $1.21: --- 377*" ."_',r. , . r sii"i'i,,i._i_pf 5111mm) th:tathing 2ppiutmthlsr @xtcnhmg to 3111111,- who: _ {$52.5 .' "I _. _'i", if}; f REFERENCES :--(N) Quarterly Cileeer w,r'i'iii.c' collections taken up for Educational p Pty, ' fifv"; £32.?" Special Sacramental Sorvige-s ( Ir. 1; '1’ Willow (HOW, Feb. 28th , Thovndale,, . "Ch tf l . Flaw-mans will please announce (“831$ iiéhudisl Chu?ch ef' Canif'dda. . _ , a I c I, .f 1 jrii,'lVi- 101 101 10.1 '2 1 21 I 1 JANCany. "Minimum: MARC. 191:1) L 21yn 11 21..28 fi a livid , I ' .--us,gieff'o'y,wttioi "Vf)iliw%v.ty.srestav- 2H}; .1: 1x "e-'e%re'-rmr'_r-vsrmr-r-r-rsrwvesrsrsrsrsrvmermr--r -rqi4,il.=,, '-""a"a"-t.rr-.a.m.s--s-sa.isrs--u-""_a._ Strangers, Vruiitoys, and Young: and ()ld l’mplv METHQDDIST CHURCH, KINT‘ZRE. a f l Christian Endeavor Weds Every 'irhursday Evening at 8 O'Clock. Ir, l F. 1 F, FOR CHRIST AND THE CHURCH. 7- 1 iiijliijj'jCri" are Cm'diztlly Invited. EMBRO COURIER PRINT. deeeions ; (E) Sermons to bet preached and , 30593; (C) Contingent Fund. '(sii'ii'si1i" at Emln‘OpFel'. ll, and May 16th ,. ',. . Feb 7th , and \Vyton, 28th Feb. stiptly ill appointments and collections. Hi " ._...o p --e- OF THE A P RI L Ix (3 1x 1x i; M AY (3 J ENE. Ill ‘ ""-"-s"---e-e.a.s.e-, , , s--""""" July 20---The Leaven and the Meal. (A Mis- . sionary Meeting.) Matt. 13: 33; Dan 2: 3l-3.5, 45. Miss s. Stainton, John Glenn). J uly 2f-Tntempevaee Pleasures. II. Tim. 3 : 1-7. . Robt. Ayleswovth, Grace Aylesworth. Aug. 3--Lost Opportunities. Heb. 12: 17. 6 _ Eva Eldon Louie Eldon. Aug. lo-Soi/it,) Growth. Mark 4 : 26-32. Rev. Dr. Aylesworth, Mrs. Ayiesworth. Aug. 17-That Good Party. Luke 10: 3342. Lizzie Thui'low, Mavy Alderson. Aug. 24-, Work \VhereChristTeleYou to. John 21 ', LG. AnnieHobson, MatyWhetstone. Aug. 3r--Literavy Entertainment. Liter. Com, Sept. 7--Giving a Measure of Love. (Systematic and I?vopovtiouate Giving.) Mark 12: 41-4-1. ‘Miss C. Homnmn, Miss E. Hrnsnnan. Sept. H~--The Living Bread. John 6: 26-35. wy 20-'.. Gem-349 Eldon, Ada Aldevson Sept. '2l--Lihwty and Love. Rom. H : 1-23. Mary Whetstone, Lizzie Thur-low. Sept 'r.5--Con.s,vevation and Business Night. Oct. .5-lheen Pasture, the Chvistian's; Pleasurv, _ Psalm 23: lui. Il 1'. D. Lawrence, Gvaee Lawrence. Oct. 12-Unhesitarin.ur, Confidence in Christ. 9 9â€. Tim. l : l-12. 7th Line Leuguo. (ht. lo-The. Living Brew]. John (l : 26-35. Out. (a. J. fi'HyTPThiT, :?(j-A New Name. :1: 17. Milton C U? Fd "'r"N'"""-'-'-r'-mr-r-trvvemr-- John Newton, James Clubb PREACHEKS. w Name. (Ton. 32: :.ylcyJ ', Rev, Milton Conway, Milton Gregory H