Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 9, page 2

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. VWM‘ . ' W a, ”:9“? WW My; Ce'j?tiiiit ”a“, ii,? «a E ',i,?'ii.iti',i,ii;' 7 ' ' I . fore," . (137‘ I I “by, “I ,9 d}? orb, "e ftiiiitfi' ." e-.l1ir,i's-,',.',.l.ie,Cadir.".i5te7'bltd"ts:" ”“1195 wt an“. IC), T T . a. L b ' . L . - W . an! 1955 'tti., I'iksi, 000 ' 'ai gl, r'e'i'itk', 1 pin! a: LAN?“ . I . tr, t Xi i,1fb?gg2, JJ.ii.elf, A- '."diiap, m; 2..va i',ii't'. 5’“ a: ., I Hawks l. 0:153; 1;-avgm r aw ,1'iii'g1ieo't'Js' ve,b's'i " 'iietur ”any" ' tw wu’m' 13"" go? 'triiit'ie,e'l'li.',iijit “Wm,“ an ffl'GPfa"ald,,','i; 1n W for l “I in TF" AM do Att - a Shiig w” 1.0“" in!" 111“" at fififfififiéfiw‘” “at? in. etoiof aAl A 4‘”; 'lr'),?,,: 'r'itlle'oit,'l,"ae W wwflwm 90993“ 'i',)'?'.' ”$5333”: Ill' an» A.‘ um Fi?t 'kit Ff,,','Ge,'. 'rurorhi, Wind . 1'i'eti'riti/'ie'ih'saiiiti,'f? 'ie, ’ W” ',ie. Je', 't'eiit1iii,'vrt9l',s,'iiiaf w Atl,',",';?, f,,'li',irt'bi' er, m 'la'iit'isii'li,'iit'iits,'i'i', . MdeLad log, "t an fiwfiaw Trt1'l7 bire ig Us?” _s,iiia'it.t',,iii?,ii. I y ”My. mugsmwww’ gitrril,ii?, (“DB . -. Haw yaw . 'Gite', (3.115,, tlb2h'J, Fw, ”MW 'af. I ,',"ifiie,', . ptr, Giet' aw" . and “,er- IN?!“ on we can in any”; oat tsort,.," ii's,lii),'g,rit'ib',"is) “A 'll'Aieg/, Ebervbntiadmthewmb ttiiitii,i,l,i d'wEmeW . t)'i,ii,ifii'i,i,'i'; with“ “A 3:17;: Tof who” ot the newly! ot an: a0 um Mn“ 'i2to'i?tli' oF", turn would all . volume. A! one [i',i',ii'i'ii'i,'jii, 1001. 'iritl' rm, . rsrst ',','iFtt,',', of (tret; “ta 't'ii',?ii.i,i,,ief t,US, an“. kyoniywdinthofivrwltbe ' ttf I I '!:,iiij,)liiit,li;'ja'i': ' Greer. of than: 2"iie, from their, irl" 5ti; ad a" may 10““ Fe.',,"', an! ranged Mush the neigh- ‘w iil?,ii',t'ii,'tjl t'a'it,0 . a . T1191 'irtrrl'. 11:1an and I brit,t 'ii/if Tel 006;, the Imam In may “fab” :'iiiiiiiii a" 1m we: dMyed Fit. panama of w iirN?, i'i'ii,iji1',: 'het y, Jr,? ilgnd' 'i",',")!,?,",'?))' My! _ 'jh'lit) as: pad “on: 58,000 to no, can 'l'iitt I, M WW] er.; F, om flaw J1e',",itlj, . eti'i.ijcr,e:-,e,-e::i',',CC,c", bt', ot sti,f!ilij,,5 I T . _'iitl, 'At or w W of Jonas. 'tii, ')'ifiiilii,f,'iii' The ., I!" had ot wart. Md 'ililliif Fie, M by. owned by 001- biief Hanan» ,".'sl'iet'r, New PM” F9 M nail, tw, "’ iiold W and.” "trt mm Ce'.' “was Wu! pat. abide. hilt)'. “I” ”MAW "P. pi {tam :11 FX', of a 11an ”MB!” sf. 'i'ii'iitl, pee! tv", rd 1t'itllisiiSs,1i'i, m" “up of j'iiiti 7Pf. #1611. ittfiii, important pigs Wore: . iier? 1 M, 'iifl, _ ','?i"trore, ID"; Be -th a??? 'i'ir'ii'if'iilf'i?liiirtrt,' 3‘95 " t F" _ W 'i',ekiiyi'i,E t AF, ", Fjl)'iiit)' flFtlie, t” ' it . " f i“ 1t5'rl if 1?srii',','i “:WZwfi%Wfi 'fif'p,Ft i'li,iittyt M "iffiiWiiit; 'l'al'Ft .e .95 (L',' 'i?lrst1riielre CD R - 1 9 E D . I ' ', ' r > I . I l . IN (5l z " liit BN ', . sci.,.,.,,,) MI Ith" s, iiitii'fgf ' Il l ' E _ . .. _ -',, 5.Utt ... n . T / . Rilig K i.itiliis,i,'i' ff b?,,: -=) _ git KW: itti g;u:._\ ttt a . ' ' Ii'lllllhiill E51i'd' 1fld. - _ 4.4“ To Ta i'irlijlllliti,ll,l,,,.,!,i,.l.,l_ i'it3,l8lii? F, ly ‘ ,.’ ' ", Mr, ' , - 'ESTS " tfp'cbrf?', e',',uev--e5-,5'CiF s,' 1411-713 ' Q _-i:'--,':---,"';";?)?,:,,',,', ONTwa/yww of , -" (,2ee-tier" 10 / THE 'SSW)] g , 7-. ///,;FBIDAY JUN 09% ly Wt: sosN' ssooo, o8 of' H TB” “"11” "L.. , 76. $0432 _---" . bug“, 11941 L ' " air? tr, pne w u a: 1,es.rtt::Ct,, "'1 :5: 'iiiiii',iiiiii Madg€%‘§%£ogg " GV'.' bare'. I my g mime ,.,'.,r,5f,?,ii,i"C, b‘dno‘geggEX"Jrvinal“w‘”ar are?,', _ . H ' T . f an Ii . spmwwox k t -'" rtpl 5:29:33 at”; i"j,iji'i,'iii'r'i'iiii"iir (fi', bis for 155ng ”Wall‘s: 3339333 A ve:,",' and.“ c,e,itf' ol fl? and an “in: new) to get bVsls" m mama tsr?,",; ‘3.th saidw . . " a t,Goorgoooewuwuna.odwud- “"on m ow' fifigfimwfimflm'mif; j::,,.,),,";,;':')')),:';)',; 'ii,iiiiiii)i'j, . 'frgrf ,ittllii, _ 'lee', T grow a n , “muons a. ' . " jot. any“ 59”" orkrocenll , ‘Frombtyw T l wyy/g( flgfii‘ififififivsWK'z-nd two :zflmvfgsxt‘mm tfi') - 'l'iFi tr bow ends irm.se, , am my! n-rllaliu and New “U do!" We waning In awly Maud among, in mm, sign 'yrrte but in” 'l','ire,',' [w] iilre, J qurulrnpodn‘ him, (la M eidr,iye"s',i,itit/i' one "b ','i,',i'r'r'ti'j,1wi 'at',',', oomutnmm‘ . ‘Avc'ry in” N: £011,011: 'i,'i(i':l'ii'iei) of mum waning physiqnn, ondnmuz [oily-Mn yam in ip/r [[0 does id man Frughnh, b ~~nvurm am“; in bin (mu mm ”m Italian, Ankh, Turkish u "M, wil ','ee o W "I! n W (rip, li',ivl VOL-- 100 NO. 38 my b'iri',k'i,'li ve aw ' J'!'s'/ V B' ',s',,i'i',li',,i'i'i'ji',i,,"lii'i, ",'li,ii" WWWWM Fi1"U, Ji,fl', M“ it,i;',iiii,iiii',i;i';"'t;,i [ Wfiflwwwfll \,Wfiflflg”w"‘i% M 'W!, 'fit on” 'jfi'lii'j, “W: bil. wfiéflwfié‘fi ,. 'l(i?iiril,ii'k', £1" 9|»:de P2d'T, w, 'C/we dr tGM: tl H” J)itt, 'ji,,5ie'F?J'liii',J'(it7 The Itiloi/iiiiiiilh. Gazette 'rr'; W ' w but!” we!) “as!” aaff‘u'éh Eet'liiii, 'pre marl" .. bu” we 'rs, W’ Hr"' m , “511w” dtseti""irre'E on» ue. y and " "iso""" we” " ttie, Pad fro'" ' :0": P. armada,“ seeeisee-te'l',C,." ' tao yaw :4“: F seseer" "or"" . ttlit Jr, T I, of I": “(a Gianni? $'sFis),i),'iii2: 'IF) movfiwmw‘fiwfiggfi s,'i,i'ii'i'iii'i'iii,i s cl pad-£32: 'ljrie,t (14132111an iiiitif,'s tii.'),),'),"'),' ir? i',gliiiiAqis1l funniddinl", trid,', Wt m 'isVil'i'igtf? and ie.,',',".)?.!',: kPa," th'liii' 353 _a 93mm W14"? 000,13. rd! W r)"',,',:",:',":,' a - “do?!" I fore: by Jiri?', “my, a 'iifl, Pt,? . I ,...u n 131'? plan!“ . _. maul”; nu“ W53? ',','iirt] lb'ii Bo up gt P509 11 53],“, . d V pile . . i” h” ik [i)' Gii.1",'Grteh, d 1110‘" an an Mo , bah! all? “If "i,".'."'?:,',',' 19 LI,“ sms') tee' W sp A, . h y, . A“ -hjph " a0 ., i; -. v81" bp" ser", 335 tor ioo, are" hive 95! A”. BB” iig? ' but " "ir,t4'ls'r; we, I Mr: I 991... bib 0593; I3mm! w an“. . _ if. ru" bsP. one Ion "' if”: “A, 'ii,ef',et4 n answer srtMr It ”(Jr at _,s's,i(t:'ii'ly',/,', 4 ”gym" ,ho we' an 11.1 midi“ “damn! we A no” “ml? 9,. vi” Trier, :0 we an” we" bo, of "i5es» , 1Fy','Fiihiiieto'é",t,', ik n24 Ft'.',', r'i,lti'iiriirt, V - mriwé W43“ " ritj,i,i?hl', gaining) of oe ,009 ; ie?,',',,,',"?? ft'.? ii'e ”a £233: -- " 'iitr,i?,it'iii'; ,A K "iriF _ mauv- . M, 3.111100“! Gr ' ' H'ediir, " ,mr w. " ,te,,"aSd'Jk no oo M I iikt'.',,"G “VFW qrM", nu," flemwm io t'lr., 'J1't'e"hf,irei','e', of ftfii,?ft'e'iie .52: we . a. ?/'.ta' "in” In? 'fire,?,', 1873' brgt oo an“ tlkiJ,t,fiel'ii, s'el,1'?r.vtsi'i,i,'pf, m mm, 'siFy.i',,tG'ee', 'JllF,tll,'s, an» my l'rF?hh'Fe',,',rif w- gavmwflw 4.. ie.',',,,'??, " f.ea trYt1Hat'/, y w a,» ,. 0.111] 'e" m I at” isrtr in)?"l up. trth ae M Ib'?, The Opt“ Mr is e Ft! arte. . tffl, kr' tur' - G1titic,"liretl 6 © iii, (ii; iii".':':':)), a” e! a ,0 Ire. ' d y wi A "Lwefa, ttsf Forir, I . 6. r for “a Ind L;- Et' __ of a 00° 0“. 541006 ls .3 3111 V I" IE W” 110“ 1* m ' ith" w v ft 'ies,'," , '/jbro,t','; vi I rstr? ; ' ' "#ir, #43”; a” ' ll r at ; ' -1. I”. f I “me jun/wt”. "r. . V 31 r?ffafirrtd IM"r. E”. V te'"., V Jo' tJirir, a! $2136 , tty.". bqrt'.'f,rseeCi4ar 'tyy) =34; Eef e,,,tir55i'iTrs, ,itiri'irriit,?-", MW" - - se" N: on V intl? 1155 My. . with Wayne. y be MD I: . an” an tu" _ Colonel Smith told am a)“ " ad to know wt 193111 Jia.! the we he would iul me. It aM, spam. Ind if be ','IG.sr2 bled be 'la", rho, 50 the bred, bled trip, Fe!" le, mat ”is, "Mal, and w Le.', “gamed down so 4'1: 19036196 " be 'J,'ii're,'t ' l we burl tsa"," s. he my! the {and ‘40 new" In” '"V we?” w “and,” t,'i'iiiliiiii' Itriede,') F." 1.151 i'i'iii','iihii' uh, "s),ii'i,'ii'i,'i,si,',iiiii [',i,'(',t'tt,fiiii'ii'ifii w 'aid,' of M. in 's'lll'ri?,',ll; . ‘l Mm 'ti'i;ii?si,iii",i'"tit " I Judith“! a: r'i'iiii,",', 0509 of Mk an! sex- hymn Ce,','," a»: 't,'r,'i',7/i'r,'i bye' _ h rer,hl'ri, Jiie! - A claim; down - t?g,1'Fi"il'"C,' iiee, J: “The nexfa any be W My)”; 9:111:49! we layup”, 116,,»de mm up same Wynne H a bucket of aarre Iced. Tun: night one 110me mu iz,f,),-i'ti'iet, Jag, ,4 we ”at“ at bf the ads or um mule. Jana! tw’ Mame hadn't the epilooty, l o t _ the 1',,"GWe', a t tpet' tr, d "aid f i g k " ru “m tsf In “at. trit "w , MW" _ an“ 4 mm” 'ir,ifir.S' "" him out 0113.6," Ind no . rirott 'ttie,',', ttr I V trid,', ' 100nm l 506 p» w p, WM” he s"iefi? ed the w? of Mime bill, ',iot " My M DIM-i110 of we todd'be “a? ' :1] a . We! 1”“de 001151)“! I Mar pu of an,» 'elirif1 . " ar li";),',,',',', 11101160" aiAr w taf, ii"td, may by a,” “a .119" toll . am we 13“” o:1,t)'ills,'e"s, at?, 0 we” be {all I“ I Ge. kw p‘ a!” do“ to tw'. be” ' we ','Siiiel, M995 durum. iii'l'5iit, 'i",),')':,'";,",,','?:?,, iiif,iiii'pfrivt','ii" Inna do” by 'rsia be M the tr ke't, ii,tiiit/'iittif,i' ,rtrfl.' fr M. In?” W . ',l,'.ii,',il"'i', “a. “a i?,'Jtl .1157 511106 4.0 w a "at . I A; . 'Pr. w t/)l'iretfh.?is,, as blind Id EeNiir. II? I 1",'i,Te rice.'.': ed to tro 11-! tFe,,' .'"'Pe and” " It" a an ,e m por 1353' t P" i PfG'é Va; 'rg.r', iel;ire,,'G?ie "ittf2's'%, w on. P" up. 'flr'iiigl' et, _ ool w}? ritr' 113:" 105 'tijjitii? 53"]:5‘” w t awning p ard two ' d Ann I: 35E “In! pe 11-7: "'st'iet so". 'tae w do. C--racret'," wee')', . ' ' ht" W“. L., t',iFg',st,ii)le, “if" we, up: of tbf fill? "e In” 4.1 __ ao “the ttstr. V w" ' r do“ tbore., M. 'ikrtt sib Fe- Mu w mob J'ik bver Vim . ootr n uv. P" Ttapr, 'l'l7.re), “a “.1. ilba “W 7 ir-e, Pl ".'r"t " ”W 'P'T w a , 9M' $119391] b 1 srel 1fs '17?a','t )1th JC',, Who I)“. tlil', 10 V W .- 1U,'lirtt.,',,'hi? WW” - - rd tl.'friH.r,. wtunt " w. m6 15.3, Joref tpe, - Wp “a ,,. a not” d n Lnd nothing 'pf ,'Gr.tt', .45. “an be My ., av. 2e, r a" t'ebbet " 3.3a ttSG: l' ‘1'" V ' pe " 171’“) in van” ca - .I1L tpHe'c',C, on]? / -','a'iGe,',',',te' V ///// 'i-et;";':',,','.",),,',,,',,!,,',,,,': 'iiii'riit.,,.1s ' " 131: 1i'itias""' _---" "...,ae'ff.', WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975 are, " PCL" 'kwh 7 ' . . n - ' ta'iiett'ur, dish/ur- 'ttiii my '. n iWh nm! _ " I l. . . sound! " 1. GGY, r'G'iieg'," a th.M' 'riiisirtii'iiiii ., s':',)';,'),',:',),"?,')',';,? , as mum-.4 ' “by: tl' 'Gite?, rd 'l5EH, a to!” w ',li')'ii. 'dry.1, “in; pro behind the it? 'ai1t.s Manama by with, for: ttIii?,,',",',"', ”his of ”to. very a” J “A ijt,i'(r5,,iif,'e'5ret,t'e' Win to Tania)!” tato ‘I: 'llfe', " we 3. ig1"rCit.b,'; G',eiey,t p?? {rout (‘0 'o,'t,7 tttt . of W! t,iel',iiii5t:i, 'ria;,ti'ii,iili; £13m: . - = “I O . t the“ (w "w M -m 02°”. d)" 1,.-. w" rem glow oom'v ' -. 1311 {aw .4115)” s?,ea"e.'u"i W53]. sr, Pl um '/ili,s,i,e;1'i', @5333ch 'iris,",)?)':,",",'),' . a $'frifyt,ti 11‘1””le to . a; (”Vida an!) d M, a, ee n1 'l"eel'li,"art . "I; I M W . o "te.',,'srioe,',r, Fe: v.7 wskertiiif of “I”, “we “a, . ,or,1 i & a ”on m, y the“ ”my -' re , . Fe,";; to"."", '93 ',,'tii'stiiji,f,t,C,': 2,t, bf . in ad .1 - " i,,',.',.',.'] b', IW, 'iit?lt', br not a," ”gfigéwzhfi - .m. A. .110 'ii/k' a,“ " tiifW,4wfh',, iii/if"? b'h' nbénncc i,gliivrra/ie we: we; '.TPG'ti,re, a.» We 7 copper, are, ‘51: MP9 11: every snipe. who. unit in Mary WP“: pow”, “a, W, em, ow widen , than :5 m be p69 were m an; naming! Use? M have bo' yet gnaw Brad prawn” I Pf' 59M.» an twr W’ no: of sreure.f l be! Janna he.", The We”!!! is an: altar aha ”1996' ut aw Emma” 'ip,',", my, " 12.1an mm The gm: " 13W. but ,re' i,lit,"i'i,1ii'1. In Amarim at I out!“ of $95,000., from the 'Irie',','. one 'ara! pen“ nuns of bre,t, midi. has! an! 'iFt"'t .11 in teams! work, bid sr" Att, pone n 'J,lF?,fi' ownion 511 tbr' vhala “him “In”. The Fe. sito' hos 'g,','tiiio,'"'! "lliiitgl it, £90115 than! vary pgmy my“; and» "att?, may work ”19905 io' vanes god bright 'fre young ppt $1903 Wane"; tiger! 'HP,, lonqadnn airb the)! 1fib,ii',)1 t'i,i(,ikf'iit'l 1air,?,"l', manly mi iw to moan for ae rtrriei FYh' for the unpaid. We remember .- new)” ',,','iril?,?, at qrt, we we M; ‘n - 'CJnmoO. a1'i'eaf,,'i; Ooh" “kins. tina it quite hid: “4 up, behind . Annual of , I,” t',7] “a. “n” I,” 7 won“ for ttst' 'P'rkr. :13. i,f,iiyfl)i'iii','fi'i?, " can “41.1"”, '11 V. a hip , looms. and“ ae..',' "W a . 'i',ryf', and so. behind a _,iii,ijiii,ii,iii',ii'ii',ii w ',r"li','s, g F I Fe 4rt ”won: of 519 me "(351'de iiit'i'i,iifrt'if,i'ii'i an»; of I Fe', 'IFiitt it? I, "V FE ',fii,it't'ti: 'aiAt t,i','i"i"i'ili' Grief.,', Ite ban!” hog! totwd " by “Kenny, . . ttM? Fe! b whine; a ail, an“? 'i'iiiii,'iiiliiii',l' Md, L ”viva”; JP of I ' r1111 M. “fa Cs,'iit.]t,',' of J. f .4... we" union.” . mil driven ., iud 'iib,ib',iia,,ili','i you», we stun awed JP PP'rd bone do», 540-, B”; And My», alight! tar-nod bt,iii/fli,ittr,; "iruot M oil $395”: ":'i',ia'is',i'i'i,'i,'i?,),iii": GA?' to gowns iii,iliiii'jii'i, ',iit1ii,ii'iif twat: tun .mp6 51.1511 " Nev-1mg Ltte; {mining 90119? for 1W5 gm: . “to 91 I am $195193 in ‘-'n. bruised lei! “0x50 vim 11-10, tGi a Ttrief, , r wood”. 'l,G;'?11 . V '7 'ii'if,'i'i'i'/tiii siii,'?i,iiiti,,",'i'lr','i' Jriir. 1,fiid/if, ”when iid i'uiif,J.'etealsf, or* w trr we Gre', giiio"t tea. 'ite,".,; in iiu?. fl,') ttt 'ipaF' .- .n LI i'ilse"/G" 'tiid,', PW .. . Lab Eiffiiij grirff; £4.35 ir. 5 .10“ faithful w go w . cl 1”, it, and the pews bad I 'ie:,',,',',', w F ground in can: to each 'p'iiiith, , on” of wax ',e'he,t,". I priest m Fe"'; iiigd'!iig,t or the brifi,t a ' Sl'iiLof wanna, aw, ae of the BD' '4 .auo lee; “and 'ge be] I!” otu'T, vaf! Cs:'.?,'?,),'-")";" vi Fr? m Lis 1:31 1517 7011115 I o. r33"! legal”, W’ mag __ “and 'tair, , . :tfll'isiif '11:” _ bio'? 'ii2w' - _ M ' an” gutted for g,it,'iiitl' aid irAse',', “was of m I}, it 'iiiee; krrsgti'le' of " bf 'i'ieg' {(1 J rIe,cREWrs1Y tyoiiryci:ivclE )NT NJJ ICO _ bo) iitir'l',Fl: ,re I" PI'. “Iii iiil '0 an . - 1w: , d “.0", t an" WV wt'uanv if71s. "'Kat 5946:: in ,i,tr,o'eriti'",'ti: 'ef, ”ave-“mu td MiritJ'iiitgf, "5 18t 150% p G'; "ll "Sh'i, ii'ii't"giitis'ii bum.) he 1taiiegrrFet1 --.. on a cap ee-e'tC, obs, fe.'." trih ga y, iGee", 'iiiitgeis,tf'Ey to itjr d A! 111 . a a vex-1 'gi 535x11, J,hi;rt,',C's' 'iyi, 11’” not te'IG “at, Tamil” ee - em” . W, W a”- 7 Ana“ ' “thaw“ W T,', 'Y. and 1" womb nah 'rii%,',"ie,0.." d .tehra.?f', W“ ff,'Giite, , :3" itFiitt, ','.ft'isiitl,.e $l'.liet'k.r'd (at . up "ul “on: . " . _ u, tteeGre 9:10 'pf'i,iSlli,et 1119‘ Wu, Free volnnw ., Woe, it! n 191p “ban or the ta'krergt of the yap... '.'fv'griy',t,' u whoa}, the makes!- tte"" ttora t','Gfi,t',,",l' w ",ie'e')','fe,'l'i'.', an?! the love“ from from {atrium to. Nay- are'. Fre'.', $511!wa wonky? 'm the saw. any isis “PL? use hxghast per cent. A ago mummy nurse {ram 'i'iii'ii'iiooiiii'i'i'i'iij, 'ibie , very fair 'iiiitl') 51301} per aan runmng dung - a (was My to 'g"ltreti'sli '~-. iriit' an eye n ”was WM? “hurt! do ieorn the Jul -r tor the p.51 'hueiou lug for, 7 L815 a tdTiso, To Wt the number u. legal 'l;'ifie,1 959, am. per Fr: at bi]; air/rum h h at sent. t? the snow», , n r: a nin daily rampage; >01: r, die N 15 another chad e . . o H (but a 187' r #6' ' are chi). -. haw-son n r a: d twenty. " any a criod between -a ”111 Mm DigDItH Pf', - reached in the . "hr arm. 'iF?', 'd w F? are" on? A. I W cant. o' V" BM srM in 1"" . of the enrollment n ,rM in 1850, when it F”: ibt? " ,or' t we“? b01135 . "at! (354111“"09 1860 to 00] Fer-cc,",' 4.4.109 W.» the W " In wudon MW'" for. old Emilia. Spa-J, Pam was for l/Jett ovum». sleeve 11me “a! and wdkcrabiun. an! arm?“ tanner 1195:1118! we! .é.t',1' (,i,i),',J't.'i',iii'p,j, in gly colors, with --n mm): .1115 pawl FM, are ",iel- -rT to tJ.:,tflli over Wk blue, Aug airuy. “56 wot it the A.“ “a: . .- 0 . luv“ ‘5‘:pr - to [Iv Ffl' or PM an: IG; Tbe {amenable t” I otoeT, L,'ii?f, is a buck ,ailk 90“nt sr"'.', ve {him or new chip bsd covered "in, AM: aid Fit",', we. and a bunch of #019“ or f,JlFiit", m an, .m- b. Wash ter, WM! of as“, , an; . glad Att', t",fiii'ryi,iii'i,s',')'s, ”$2 tlt m .1911 'ie,',' In Iowa at “I In: a, h . They Are in- - 'rie,l'i',ii,',r' at. d s _ l " 4mm? 5'9 Lake" 56d In . aw my», waded tor 59001141 u, we 0011M Won. The (have English mm: by Jiiig Ir3etr velvet, " 5nd lumen, No ',7eh' is seen on 'there,. They go of Eight): amv pm! trsrf 511196, in 'visri: ant 11,151! mama crowed W1)”, but the ("0,145 it the (Italian The: any» {and Iron: 110110011 in my!” autumnal! or the admins of New”. '1'ng ‘ra 'ttii,',",,' my”: Jami-Ara! hat a! a, but may no 's',',Grisu'" 1y ”an”! ”to been IGM', My _. a". it“ we " MI" I d!" ssl . a a, ti a.” mi " 60"”. gait? 1.11” on v - A v6 in a". n, “(We hi " to! tr _?.ift's 'it,', W; .IaB' 9"" 9’7”an a PT i " _- "er: '3'pyo4'ii?/t',it',sr,' "i?i'l,is "trirt P WP', earf, $1 Get,, 1901:; than” . vi opt JH! gotta 'f,'r"cjr),'lh'ir), 10:15.1“, f"2'rke','Fit',t', Jlt,a,"lirrr,td/l%t .ma 4. we.“ pay; awn 5-1., i'2Frgt"' p110 " wow u: . Mo 13196..» 'iiiieifi.,i,vt.l, re re.“ have "VY. ijjtrw $'iil' be! done by ",','ir,y,'t' It by ti'ii,i,ij.)ii!lit'ifsii'iri', mad about out at the “gunning: may were $1163 w all by aha J,"//irit',i,','," of we v.3. so may nae lady manor: of Ohio staged the sandy an: by more man Mro tf,1',1'iiie,; rro note the may” or 'l'Grgtr, in an! of we 'Fe'?' of nil any: of __ nod to show the Fe, ef,7ies'; or we “may! of M“, at” u' 0" gt. 1952.3"! ff, 'lar. z 'l',' 9.13m ae21iref.', it.” 0127,}. I" _ h ','rtss' tare M 91un a'ire.. 1mm. PW! - 119 silk, with wrung! 3.1.. Ma planing: a cardinal ran a- belt', by” as Wont by wove We: ruling: 1:"?th J')'J)'y,,tt all? bot by uni“. may an: gunned mostly in . ml: when: we lamp! " up. "new "is I gaucnl 65,9394 '.'dio?, and 7iiiey "4's and 0111,15, . “4's. Frd't a.» w» 'i',il,it " tii Art 'l'he,ih'r", 4%”ogr r'C " l fie mum" ad I t,t,'ii f ‘HE‘MAJ A A ba/tl' rears" be” mum than " my my. '.t'l'lif,f,i', was the may . of ”mandala! aver reached m a!“ "re' in 1827; um yawn per can. be enrollment in Jiitl, “9:21:45qu In 1350, when it reached and 'iikYf _ - " sri" the loge“ in 187E, Adv 5nd almost gradual ”one of am last w v a» ,3 o no”; to a lung, D :9 of the " 5011001 sg?' 1:0de 'it, Issue,", r* - Cer0s , try nd F - Cu.'".. ”all .,i,ii'i',irii,' .n “math 0 Cs.at Cty--": run-Ion lor'"" hsrgz; “Tobias/J 211305,: WWI)!!! I I d . do 1'iir"rs'tf, “W”; 1.4:”! PM” in? 1.0019" " ,siV5,iii,bori"irlpf,l5iip', 'ti; tt'."l'F, 0'99““, ' I” who 93%»??? we I f 9" geo"?'." opt 001" as: vol turl in Cie,ritFie',').i'se, cu r ',rerf' 1" a” - its.' g'ii'ttii' ”073' Gtr" m "te,, e' ave" "" oe"' an on bt,,. ')t:'aflslr,i,',i,iit;c'it,'il' irote "liry 'till' but this 7 “diet ”:30! ”9,1111. at Vi 1301-1 in wA' “Wu rr “a of trtr rt. T ibsur no; s'iik.t', d " ”merged! 1):. ru? I we, ”a 1y Fay,' AI”. 2ror.',' , "ssl mM, tsrl!'. M 1551a i, srt',.', WWW; My five", . ma smug“. A ar “by .3093?” you: in! of “A P a? tsl it 4-1,]: aka". it r-rn. I irre No1 a, mm: 07.3 I 'itftrii,1?,"/iirot 'iibw we” ." :pdn'l m Jun!” h 11:05", 'f, "I ""' to Ewan late or d ”waif od between mam“ Pd _ A In “is "Ts WT P" ch; F one duh. . 209.3213” I can only P" , :13};an 6011’! me: gunning!" th 511;} [9:1le 1313”" " . 1,5yg' 933:3: tll - . o -.r. g.'ii,irb,,it', " a 4 ' Nu, 5% :yf,o,'.l'ii't,'w'i',iitl doe! not am! t'w'l'.fti,.'f 'r' “’le how and! In: an no?” a Should I); may $35921” on u - ll ro.". $113,591.15 “me . Anyhow”, w gown. about ”my new. a by. ' ' Do you g? to the mourn, .n ir"sbb "an; ind how my; Fa'" . 4, a dam: um» AW “Va and W, r.rA. a” elm“. " 1” “W" e , , b, " rt", l ir,erd)'iiy'1,i'ii2" 2't,Fj1'," /dr mu " o aw a br" » 'l,?i1'il'bi '22? ('fi',itli' ‘13:; 'iie,,1'ii'iu,'i', 'tsl,',' ’13:“sz no good.” a "asf: 190”“, u” all” ‘M of” 1',,,'i?,t"l 'iii/g,', brit: -.tt ”1105914. 'lf/et W a" 6‘10, ”Ivy” “0 Scott ive, treo can; I 411. an maxim! .ml ',ie,', w we Hm w: As the and a the than “an young, ”1011thle 191310er his eight) t, gnawing I do“! ping of};k N: It” 1'iid,e um t,"/iis"t w a wagon duly by we had, deny to an» Frei “gm, and uvgn 'ii'iiili'4 w Ji?tfl m- v','.ii',.',irriiig','it; t'F2*t bei other six mambo bl! t,.':.ii'ii),i:ii'il,ii),'. W Magoo. W n: t on an: in; dd w W: 'it'i'li'rire't 10:: “-0 ,al m Gel um! podr _.. wi- nod Jar, M rid" ot Jo, £5! .1 tleo - 'ire",', 0! my” “I, of arasr for 2”,, ',t'hiiyf, for nesflyeiglnz J'" elecwd so the Senna in '4diyil'l'r"ss' a! the south-Hot of lichen. g. Effie. News" in Tir?? and in 1841, 15513005 1842, and subsequently wan: um: Tyler amine: an gar-crew; at 8 56:1th Huger resigned m 184 more [0031 tor GuillpuIJ, Ite,", re .3 ed slid paved 0130 hit any.“ in! we“ 101:1de m 1847. and cor than) and) we Gus hitch)”, -- we larder-er. " in _ ripe" srtso W 'W'. we In“Idem of tbt' we 101mm 'sire','.' 'iitiiii; iiktry, shawl” Gre.?.'., legion of the . cramming: 1011113 lb, 'i,?hri'.c,'i'i'ut'f, __ tare,',', .ud the 3Gv' 01 A. Amy”! I“ _ A “55,11” an the iy,fll'r,Lsf my. Wibhr, ' p" 7 trr. mfg, for, 011113 5 33 “Jack ha! or Ian 1:32: h Toss' The, _ r,rara . 1151”" "MP“ 'aal . T 'fC,ticrr 'ite rtior m _ n .7 g9t.'T, and“ ’13:, any?!" bow "arm yuan“: a ”at who am? "ieii,1 iri.e,. fe wed"Gl I m, v 6 ID“ “a “m 16g; an m” C-----," rd river, 111$ crer. LA 53 in _ ALA we I f“ A“: {he 15° COPY a" th can“ an“) a noble w"; Voviuoe at Albumin, urn. ork Menu? My! head to m averyinnhn w wdy, mdrdiug my his manly and m min; a! his incl. ban» a ms if the moat mum and umber. :wly 001mm woomg, in low, sign}, um: 'iilre, a! qundmpoda, birds, M ' women. ati,',', Muntcnnol! "mpluiiunml, (3! superb 4 {my-11w gem o! " Wugliab, m C.'nath, A vet','), re', In. P' 'F"'. Fu'" Fm». Hunt 000th wwnwung, n downd- cull amok iitii's, tf JI') "mail a 'rf n a t “Md to (not on “w (wen ' mp, Mr, 001m, Ind 'iiikre, a! 41mm.“ .041 'r'kr8s, 09pm: w mil, [lurk complainant], o) an. 7Fi1"li' and about i"ori'r,C,I jean o, ago. a (1005 not ml bi/e,; id Manama 'iiir,1l in bin 01“ iiifi and in HM Imliln, Awnings” and 'ij/ill' language, one “who 9 Ma magi! and any”, and is IN 'ko, .01 "uh. {Ibo cum» 1mm am! him “ms ijtiiiij'/'i ',"iset _ - with“ soft mun “wimp. f genial) u iil . “I ,i,iriiiiiji,1,isii'i,1i'iii'i' wit 11’1“" a 'ac, "gihiiiigl, " we "Ge rw J g wall??? n... Al an wr uni: 1mm] uh up p'ii.t:1, 11min on, n thick pd: J ilt; on my hwy mom on y pM‘uaHy mum». minding on bin ',i'dti',r'i)ei,'.ti. wp "iiirliig', curly 1mm i2rl?, Wily Albanians. Ila j'fi'firt)" MAM: of (name, In rw. he clown cums pencmwd 011mm tart will sided will: the when Litt vV-‘ro ignored, and!” or wiiied, and the we: we gu' T M wooing. " "mmumv AO nail I""" up- a”. “by..- who Jl'liiit', ate', we forum pr we “M, . red. A |,pw,. body a W .W‘” “I Am"... Ur _ Gitt, p? - my; 913‘? 25d! PAGE 1

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