[ .... . _ -"' .. 4 November 16, 1983 PE NORWICH GAZETTE Page ll) , t 2 i; r' _ tint - 2 2 " ' I, 4444‘ 'i'tiqi, . irri'_i, ll 2'54 (,-'i,t?,iii: ( c,'" ‘3‘ . . . - 2>.-.< , ï¬ï¬i I - g g _:'":-'),:, ' 7‘7 ,4 " l _ . 'G' a. . ...2‘ , 4 Il1,l,8ii"t" _i'),si',::,.,3, 2 - 3% ' " E I iii, 222' 'IrrFrr", l By DOBQEN HOOVER removed from the pattern and sewn ontoa ili,,,1Nrr,y,!,s5l 4... I Fic':,':",::);,,".,','" "tt"i'1tf'llll lt' 2 I il "'s.i'y,' If: ‘4‘ , Amine? Woman sinterest in a century- piece of cloth for use as a tablecloth or "iic,rtiiit I i§§ l rl,iv,8"if5r)iriss; 'r,,,iFllr,r'ric,i;1 2 b'r":tr3, IFR, 4 ' l fi g 44444 444 _") old crait.is. resulting in the creation of a other articles. :er,':i':ri'd _ Illia 'i2fli::,,,C,ri_'_i's4l;cy, I lk"::',.;',';,,":, . (i'iiriir' r'ici'iisi Tg ' Eirial I 'L/l/l 4 , F. s',i/i ta: 'ti-tttii'!' 2 wide var iety of lacy articles. Lace making allows room for individual "itil Brlll.'"i'c'i""dl' lil. T , 'air:":':,,-')',;,,,,:'. 'i'raisijijiii, 4 , I 24 '?,vr-;'ss'vi4 , 'p.': 42 'lt, Mary Depoght, RR 2, Harley, began creativity through the use of patterns. thia’fre 4' "Ei,):'-,,,,', _', Isa , Ill.:?,":)'"'?,-',-), 'ti,, ,rr,l," her active interest in the craft. of lace- Mrs. DeVooght followed patterns until she Mill p, I " tig 4 V 4 ' I.ii/r,1sl:rl,.1 3222'.4.2,*22-'\= Br-ri'. 'gi,))--,')"::)",))"', 29 'ci,'?'?'. FI, H Cs,: , making in the last year although as a child became more proficient at the craft and Cd . 2 or; sa, ; .4 A 54:. .'r; 'ir, 2222423424222 _:'".ql . Itli"ulB)ird.lfiir,i_/" “4247447- "' (i', ssRll Ff il .2 , in Belgium shé remembers her grand- then began following her own designs. _ 2 "i,'ijtitf),i'r', ~..; ','" .. l .2.2, j' g", :-:,'lr - . F.. -. " - . 'iittir: . til,; '3P, 4465* mother making Brusseys lace. A great pleasure for Mrs. DeVooght in _ /icj, ati"liaiffir'a' s', 7 I T,’ 2.’ , . N44“ F l' c, 4 a' A MI ' . . 'kri' C, 2 "s"?. r'., 2 c,' . 4 I Her interest in the craft was-again lace-making is to see the finished product , Ill 1t't ,v‘.1 I 3 I' (i, I,' w"r,:, 'tlt1lMIl ' II 'k-- ',' 5244-? _;r"s/'z'dlil" " ' l piqued three years ago after a visit with after the many hours of work she has put Si8 ' ' 'lt' I? Ilr 'ill ‘ l l _ Ir, l†. l ,'"r, IlllBlltli8ittllt ir.jiiic5:?.rr)" " l her sister-in-law, who makes lace as a into it. She also enjoys the wide variety of or" " Bi' . ilMie ' . r- f ( ' " , ‘4. ' _ Ilill. " . 'i, . 2134345422 living in EurOpe. _ articles she can make. Fill]. 5542' i " I I _ 43 (: . l 4 _ _,". I' , 'iltiillll. . 4 , br'rr-rfira' ' l Mrs. DeVooght returned home with "You can put the lace on anything," she gift, ' .4144“ I â€It G ., .'. 1rr 1‘. _'..",. ' L A f i - :1“ 4 444733.444- I t [ _ patterns to get her started in the craft of said. "There is no end to it." " 24 '_)-' " " †, - '. , . 2' m.' , ' " " :2 - " - MI " , 2; I making 1.Ir.ueel's lace, but the patterns Mrs. Devooght soon found she had a . s ' . 1:5": or . t. M, i' _ -.. l, _' . _2 . _,,' ,'-, 1" " q a , , il, IMI 'k1k? al 2 'iT2'pf, w remained m her closet for the next two large number oftinishedarticles and whtn La trill! Mi " Ilit If I . f f l ". .244 . .. ', or,',', I I , . " I l w" tit:,.. t5ir')sr':., years. asked to put some on display at Gladway c Ill, ,. u. w ' . I iiti 2 4 .’ .- ",, l" , i “2 ". 4-424 " Bi I, - Wt' ill 2'24" "I was always too busy with something Gardens, RR 1, Burgessville, she quickly I . i WI ll1lri , , " , . - A"". ' / pr I' "s _. f f .. f 2. " ti, J I Be N , FlrCcj, . _:'i,i:ycs?; else," Mrs. DeVooght said. She actively agreed. 4 MI t,» 4 li- - ll ' I .r C' .‘ ' I:. If? "," , " _ 1,.g/,,,ii(ii'),ii.t;'aLI' ir/j-j-all 'lllei' turned her attention to lace making last Many spectators who attended the 18th 'il',?; a}; " - , . . R", i' "i, G. I, l ':', , .4“ sl , I , 4 $iiti't'il"iu ks': E: 2 I e _ year during an illness when she was annual Christmas Open House at Gladway 'g'iuci 4% " C, 'ce-ttss',)),,,',,,. , . ’: 4' ', '. _ sr..' :)_r's,J, PT - Iii-Sli)",,-',:",, 4.44.: unable to follow her usual routine of ac- Gardens last week were able to see fiiii"ii:),i"i'i"-iit_vS,ll, , W ll ialll $iRtMltl r - _,,i'-'U" Ilitlfiill _ . = i ' tivities. "I couldn't do anything," she said. examples of her Brussel's lace on f,,irTi::)':,,ti,':i,',"" 44/ 4 "s'd: "ilr,,s,j1uSl,, " P, IlIl I h . 'Fl"'!:??'::,':'),, , . - " "I started it to occupy my mind." . tablecloths and Placemats. £34. it'Lrri'Ci,l,s'ct?ir,;t'd - aiq K, l i444. Br .rss'" F" ci':,'-)',--:,',-,",':"),',,':,))-'.' 2 q 44 2 Mrs. my ooght has always enjoyed Mrs, DeVooght plans to continue iiiriP3rgrl i's'a'tltt1 . Fd titl ll Blk, 7’25; 534‘ w,ii?,,,)cij7Ilt,,l,, .,llsF,ef)"" _ 2 T _i'i'ifrjtcls'-ciiisaE:P, ._ tm working with her hands and doing any creating crafts through her interestinlace â€no 321.1433†il “4 "rii,,(i'-,i'ii,_,i't-,ijai, (jc', E'hi'd form of needlework and she quickly came making and her articles will become p' _ "P""')'"'?""' I f: ri ' , 44 t"t'l,ir'iii_'i:iiv'd'" a. r"S q _", fie"tr?a%ir',ia,t “45242224 , 44 2 to enjoy making Brussel’s lace. regular display at Gladway Gardens. 4 i Iii " 'MER? ' dr/i',"", 4i . _cryc'r:r'rcticVr,y 4.4,: witc"iii'rt5..'V'rj I') The craft takes a great deal of patience _ " " - , " r ,irg 'rrl 'r'i,l,i' W‘ o..,". "ii' .5424? '. Ilk-r-eh, ,,.:,',iC. _i.j 4 IE!! for it takes a long time and intricate / f , 7 7:5." . L' ‘ . . i4 Ir, 4- '4 23%;a44x44 4 " needlework to completeaproject such as a k. " ‘ 9 â€.4 - fll 2:52 'i',,:,:'),",),,',):';),:":",:-',,')?:,]' "rc; new. 2 PG- 2'2 . ', tablecloth, apron or placemat. 'ti 2 Ii' Pu LP. " a" 22 Pi' C ir _ _,ri"'"s'.y'j"s)'i'see: 292 r,, 4444\ _ .2 ‘ Er5iir,ri,"C,i'i' 4 _ Pieces of lace are attached to a pattern -.-- 4 BltliiMll8 . v', 'rj. 4 _',i)i)i,ici,'e')'rdkl'(_ 's, his: "r $44 "iliil"iiisi 44 44444 " and the Ine. stitchery is done. When the Stanley Lloyd Wand 2 4 .r . I i . a: ra 4,’ I Ur'lr, r)ri'iisri'ji's'v'r, _gt_,-',:,:,:':)".", ':' ."), 4444 _'"").-' 4 2.2,: _. if?" 1 _ ', fancy work is completed on the lace, it is Stanley Lloyd Wand of RR 2, a 34.41: i 'Bti' ".3. "/, rl,f'i,r' “if“, __-,' er' "C 4m†l' Cr" _-i"-,:;'.,", , Burgessville, passed away on Thursday, 3:54. 'lrlill.st/5i,:', " cr, ii,,-:'.;",'":":'-:.:,'],")':"")";):;?,; flea“ ' _ ss,"'., i) J. 2 Bu, ill April 26, 1984, at Woodstock General t' " IllttMt ' 1Wti',f,rv" ', 'tir a“ 2 iiejirs:'sy" :2..;j.:'2-_2‘ cr" [ os ital, inhis 65th ear. , ill 'felt a " '_',,"'" . "2 __ 22W? vi/l, si': 'r,,' q f Born in Burgessville, he wasason of the ' a ‘ = r "2 'sil [P. .t,t,'rf:\ a?“ waif,» itji'a'Pirt1(Ir ":rv" 4-3 4 , WI 1 . ., ate Mr. and Mrs. Thomas s. Wand, and . BI . 'lMiq),rs,,s,i',"si,iii"" 43 _ “ï¬res 4 5eirFur)eCr-.id, __" 22 cr' 4 e Bets tfjsu (A, / f tcle been a lifelong resident of the area, I "I: Ig, Bl -f 42 V C ir' 4 v 5415445 _,is')j'Ccsr""i':i(1/'" 4 _ it' WV-'. sii(ri')r' _ V L l . ' . where he farmed for over 32 years. Mr. V it I " ter::'"" 4 43“???" :4 _2 __:_s_:',r,r:rr"j, 2 ur V V _ _' s/if/ri/ , T _ that? 2,rSit11t,i)2nsrt1 s Institute held Wand was a member of East Oxford Bale k", ' I Ill, , 1';s)' "; , '. 4,.r3‘:4«i;3, _ "i' r if: -- _', _ T _gr)t,'s " Buckreli's hom g at Mrs. Maurice .ti.st Church, ammo and was a very ac- "'. _ePr" "tr "i' r:'--" 's"."- 333.... $ Mrs. Buckreiel resid . tive member for over 32 years; a member " tt 'sr,,'-, sc.'" ' " _ 3: f4] q 4 meeting with lns4titut4e egaeop:n(iingM the, of the Baptist Brotherhood; andamember 3 " '. “we c',:,-:',';":-." ,2 "situ/ff':,': 2 Stewart Collect, 2 n my of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Court . T 4 p', f 24 , ,rs:,rs,r:/i'it:.i' , "r,r":,. """___r_iiii1siCc"gllitts. Mrs. Ross Johnson, secretary-treasurer 285. . T 244 'e'. ..,Fr. 44 "c" 44 _f i ‘. ' gave a full report. The roll call was an: Surviving are his wife, the former Lace display q q [ 2 swered with the paying of membership Elizabeth (Betty) J. Taylor; two Mary DeVooght of Harley displays an example other handcrafted Br , . I fees. daughters, Mrs. Donald (Doreen) Cook of the Christmas Open House at Gladway Gardens RR 12; Burgess 1448844 s lace during 2 The conveners of the standing Binbrook and Mrs. Wayne (Donna) Beam DeVooght, whose work willbeon display and sate at the thop. heal/1434,: §aturday. Mrs. _ . committee read their reports for the year of Stouffville; two sons, Morris Wand of placemats and aprons using Brussel's lace last year. (Staff photo) king t.atttecioths, T 2 V 1983-1984. Norwich and Clarence Wand of Edmon- _ _ g . , The nominatin c . ton; two step-sons Larry Lowes of , Orth and Mrs, {103142422453ng . £24533 Woodstock and Kenneth Bowers of yor- . report of the new officers for 1984-1985 wich; 16 grandchildren; and three obituary . ',. which read thus: Past President: Mrs brothers, Godfrey Wand of Seattle, , Maurice Buckrell, president. Mrs’ Ross Washington, Ralph Wand of 'Everette, ---.-_..--..e-e'".M.--r--"--r-r"re-----_ \ Johnson, Secretar -Tre . ' Washington, and Winston Wand of Moose ARTHER TANNER Palmerston, and by two _ Maurice Buckr 11 y asurer. Mrs. Jaw Saskatchewan. Arthur Percy Tanner, step-daughters, Mrs. Bob I' , Assi t , e and Mrs. Lewis Austin, i formerly of 182 Waterloo (Molly) Barton of 2 i ', Vict4osrall4/l Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs, Rested at the Arn and Son Funeral i i?cc't1de 1304:)??? (12,fif,ho/1r andMrs.Henry , _ . . . r . . . 4 F l V . 4 2 2 Maurice Ogre, District Director: Mrs. Residence, Norwich, until Mon-(13% April , day, Oct. 19, p1984. He was (H: l? )ale2'7vh1elii1fylatr,1h 2 2 . uckrel], Second Alternate 30, thence to East Oxford Baptist Church, 86. brothers Fred and Joe 2 District Director: Mrs. William R. where the service was largely attended at He was born in England, and by four sisters Bessie I, 4 , . McMillen, Resolutions: Mrs, Maurice' 2 p.m. Funeral service was conducted by son of the .late Mr. and Stainer, Eva Er/iii", Ada ", 1 7. Buck'rell, P.R.0.: Mrs. William R. Rev. John Thomas of East Oxford Baptist' _ 'ggidfeelt, Tarlaneiii He Kerley and Elsie Kellow, _, . 1' I 2 McMillen, Curator: Mrs. Wilbur Morley, assisted by Rev. David Houghland of Nor- I from 192448-195?†wig! T, will: Engllirlllg/ed b nin 4 i' , Assistant Curator: Mrs. Fred Newton 2 wich Baptist. During the service hymns retired to Woodstock. He grandchildren and riigreaeta T Li _ Auditors: Mrs, Russell Orth and Mrs4 How Great Thou Art, Face To Face and / served with the Royal grandchildren. " l l 2 Lloyd Sackritier. 4 God Will Take Care Of You was sung. Mrs. Navy m the First World Friends may call at the _ 31 " Mrs. Jack McCr d . . . T . War and was a member of Rowell Funeral Home , . . ea y presided over the Vivian Snyder sang Beautiful Garden Of the Oxford Count Naval Ri dd , 134 T 22 2 election of officers and induction of same. Prayer and Beyond The Sunset, accom- . Veteran's Associaiion, the afltere711 84443 24440344440444 , The May meeting will be going to the panied by Mrs. Jean Huggins. . Woodshiek Cricket flub., tuner J/lei/e (1,',gi',oh2t ', ‘ Dtisérict Annual at Curries United Church Rev. Thomas' message was on for me to El, tt Senior Citizens' an†Egonday 3t 2 pm. V l 2 a :30 am. All members are cordial] Itve is Christ and to did is gain, from . ev. “me. uitor of 1 2 _ invited to attend on May 23. y Philippians 21:21. mile 333535 14443135845113 (,il1ttrigsad.niteti Church 2 I After the business was over the Pallbearers were Glen Mather, V Alice Diiiry"inrii6,,yltltt Interment ivin be at New ' ': 2 memoorsjourneyed over to Elm Hurst at Lawrence McGilvery Wilbur Lowes, Mor- T former Lillian “agate In Durham Cemtstary. Ingersollf ' 'st . . t . . 1978. He was also As expressions of - or a lovely buffet dinner. rts Buckrell, Jerry Tree and Phil Fitch. 2 G sym _ M R . predeceased by two path)? memorial contribu- _ rs. oss Johnson presented Mrs. Interment in New Durham Cemetery. brothers anda sister. tions to the Woodsto k T Buckrell with a gift for her term as a very 4 He IS survived by sons General Hospital com“: fine presi dent. Allan, of Woodstock, and care unit will bry '. " . _----, .2 Rev. Kenneth of appreciated. e . 7 , . T r----------------. '--4 -"""-rra.--r,rarr.rcT,