Burgessville WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 7, page 11

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, ' _ ". r." ' "’“‘”‘an~- We "ar'ilfriirniEtotmerrwrrrt Page10 B illd V . 7 r, 3 w F f rr f V _ urgessm setting, ",_i , Maldolm, Wallet vows " . "i _ , [ . or pretty wedding l [ o _ l. exc an ed at armlc 1.Pgtssvyle United Church was the r egalia. Beat man was Keith Bover, { ' settingfor the lovely afternoon wedding on brother- of the groom, from England. 2} . . . October I, 1983, of Carolyn Anne Malcolm ushers were Andrew Malcolm, brother of ' t Debby Ann Wallet, daughter of John and showers from their friends 1r,1fc"eh1','t and Kenneth James Woodley. Rev. Nor- the bride, dressed in kilts and Bill Smith. , l Marsha Wallet of Norwich, and Andrew It and Mrs. Andrew Malco are now man Pick of Clinton, cousin of the bride, from England, friend of the groom. l, William Malcolm, son of George and residing m Toronto. officiated at the double-ring ceremony. . T 5 Beulah Malcolm of Bur'gessville, were - - - 8tit 'gtgtBBtRi-MW%t . Vocal accompaniment was provided by Piper MacRobbie of Embro piped the _ f united in marriage on Friday, September 'tlil" an?" ' , . Lois Bailey with Faye Bailey at the piano. tee, party from the chulrcl'lhand plpet: ; 16 1983, at 5 p.m, at Norwich United ”y, . . 1 . _ . . em into Oxford Centrehaflw ere les. ,f Church. , 'csr,r/i"i'iir' I Ill il, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and were greeted by the bridal party and Mrs- E 'l Reverend Norman Pick officiated at the Kt-ii,',')"]';,'),-,"- r _irl_'-js,',)':-'_il il FFT , 's, ' 'l' - 7%? Mrs. George Malcolmof Burgessville, and Malcolm, wearing along dress of rose silk i, double-ring ceremony. Soloist Carolyn 1lriir:i1ci.vl,,ers, 'fli C 'ie': '4 F,iirli, i c,-" h; 'trica It', lgr0¥mdisEthe son of Mrs. C. Boyer of " crepe with embroidered medallions. j $6 , . ,, 2235;" ’ k; ' , Mika 'ii:: r _), 2jsjsti':il' " W,-',,)-)),.." w" ems or , ssex England. _ Malcolm sang I'll Walk Beside You and 'sVcts' t'r'"r , W,“ " Iktar T " at“ , _ . . . _ . tt 's l T r - . - MI .. CWr,'PFfre'/ai E?ir'i'h% Carolyn and Ken will be residing In " P a er . ', C a ' mgMMl8MTaN 'Fra "u1i'sr'"iitjcJgt Wsrfv,rfvtr3ag . . . E Ito/ f fes, in: a friend of the bride, ' . v“ s,talIlliilllllE_,i,)ii'iri: (ri, g 31; ti,,';,')",':,';':-:?,,:,:':)',, _ Gwen m marriage by her parents, the Chelmsford, Essex, England. " k Missa Ruth Stanley from Tillsonburg. r:e"altil:!lWrP'!rAa, 'ii:":":,):,);)");-';, bride 'ttt a dress of ivory chantilly lace .. , . . "gSiEif:1".", .-"-: __ .rr"_.y EtfSlg, /'itr'3j,ii:j,'jWa Fssjii'i'% o . ' . . . w Mt', . . l INorwich friend of the bride; Mrs. Susan /h"a',li; "vc). _ a k'iiiai',sics)9",,l; Atiiiar sleeves and d p eo ar, ll engt p , , " '-, 2 . r , . . ' . . ' ' ttii,',ir.i, jCf 'dl' Bjiiiri w, am eep buttoned cuffs. The skirt _ 'ilk?, ' f N l M on of Norwich cousm of the bride; " Fr'rcr'rv,str' _r,'2' , '4difra g; lek liMBl . . . _ l - as ' . . . f "g " ":rli: ( 'Rj',iy'Ai"al a q it - . - was gortd9rmingaehapeurain. Her silk " , 'i-, , 'Its,. .. q ', l Miss Brenda Wallet of Norwich, sister 0f (A,, '"c"ctjtis: 7731-" I I I . . veil was held in placebyasmall profile hat a. will 'ii ' $i-r2r",4 _ . _ L the brile, and Miss Nancy Van Bommel o 'i' " , , I tcl] lirltil I I , of ivory lace and pearl bead trimming. The M , EE)rE,,r' ‘ " ( F Otterville, friend of the bride. ' to 'l. T (i'_r,'r_Tcalt b,Wt,tis's; J, ' ttt8PPrtlll bride carried an arm bouquet of cream ' T l Mil w“ r,", l Best man was Trent Forester ot TOFOg'li- ", 'l, 'li,,)':"";-,'.":'" . Ilia l3" _ _'"1)"r:. c.'iiirr"a'vi'ici't'irt"' --> , yellow chattalaya orchids, light yellow “I ' _ . ..,.. 'ir'iir" _ . 12}. l ; 'friend of the TPly. Us.her..'s, were I. "r:rc'tr, F IC', 'v"jji' crv'eN, "-r'riirfi"yf,is"jcii' "s'_s'_'_?,C,',r",,,r,,t'_'iirlri, azaleas, mauve primroses and cherry I LO. - ", C vii-r.. 2' . C". , McKie of Norwich, friend oi the groom; 'tr f'sirrs'is, j"?',;,'?, (,tC'r,li;'t?s'i;i,8srs, .9 "/ii(sF,, ,’ blossoms. F _ __ s , . John Wallet of Norwich, brother of the if" q , 'c'-","). ;, _i,(,f,,/st,," 1iii'grt",lj,a, ,Wézf: _ a" i' I F . i 'bride; Jim Schaafsma of 1ygtigllt; (v. . _ _ 3.; ELL“ & Matron of honor was Cheryl Bell, friend i, b . [ friend of the groom, and Mark Stubbs O ' , , _ "a: _,"'; f 'r),' z?" ' _r"r,'ir'i)ii'aii:i/dtiii"j'x:.' of the bride, and bridesmaids were Janette Tif. IIE, tsaith? . _ 2 ",'o, I Norwich, friend of the STOW"- ' ' t ' y" , q {it "it" _ti.,, _ _'"it_i_!,lt"r_'i:.i',iC'_, Maxwell from Scotland, a friend, and _ " _ _ <i. . .' 'trr: _ 1 'i, i _ Ringbearers were Keith Graydon and l. I, '. _.,' (r, ,. “ea s1'sri,lfr,'iil Marie Smith, a cousin. They wore iden- L'3, if ,‘,{H:." is"; _ I I Derik Fuller, nephews of the bride. ,' . -'. gr: ' "" '?tri' .f"r ';,'i,"iij'co?a' tical, long, full, unfitted lined dresses of . a L" V _ r", li, .' t : i' Following the ceremony, a dinner was Lr, _ /'r' "Ce" I, .,:.f,, oi"):',-;',",,',',,?:; mauve silk crepe and carried ivory fans E-ia' "tu if 317': /e, _ . T G "? ,, 'i, 1 held at Case's Pizza and Restaurant In l I. ., F (r j:,';. T (tls,, " I '"t"_fal,)_t_',f', _ with yellow portral roses, yellow seventh car f " r f _,? ".s,r,r.l'rrj,:acc_ci,i.r,s_' " f Norwich for the immediate faring; Rik';, a“ "f"rC, 'ic/iii-tjr?'-':',;,)'??,:, " T ;urri'cc3alI Pt heaven, mauve cherry blossoms and - Er; Te?'liaR-5. '.. p', __"" ", _ , g . . . e - 't,r'rCiirirscr, "i trr'raa-, '.. e»- . . i . tll, "'&5 fy _ :5 I, 'i',.', ollowing the dinner a reception was IE-F/ st. V ,,,.,,,3 ”3- I . . cream green grape ivy. . . r' , Er, I,': Fra ryfb,' . _ i y _ a.) l, i, it Oxford Centre Hall. . ' _ "s-,,:lJ",)isir' " . . rtr. ' " M 'll,tal The groom was dressed m full Scotch a: , _ q, Fr sdiri'itt, ri): fel, V _ .'. F i i. The bride and groom wentonawedding ,e_.rp_ . -- " tlE,iriiT,i"7llli'r,,trr,,,,'_' '. " ._ _ 's 5 l t i to the Collingwood area. . Mr.and Mrs.Andrew William Malcolm . _-_-" __ __ _ q f [',Ci f -;‘:iI,-.. iii, f‘, V i, i l r'ghe couple were honored with Six (Wilson's Studio, Delhi) - y Vr» r a, 'srT'iiifiti'-, "V . I " I -_. - T - F,:-,] 'lr' q 373:: "i' - _ , , " . -, _ . . r. " View"?! I, .. 3.7;.” . IE f... . . a . 1tM" _ . . N lt U . V v.1: _ V, ‘. 1 ' ‘ ’ ' .1 'p. tr . s8:8l A" r' MiM1 k . sr 'Etitig in. I '. l ' ‘ f 'ii, iN '/iiil'4, [ . 'r' _ J'. ..-"_- ', _ cir1ar, T _ ', ', , " a . 1,. P""a"11t!5. , “ I: . . a» I; * - Fitv5isfri?c) LL ',efrrie/C-,sr', _ '. _ i, L I 'It', "t2, " V m" ..,. C ci1,t" I tgt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Woodley 2 , - ,4- .. v Fill'. El : . , ' . , . I _ Illll lllil . I' iiiiiiiiiiiii f , Iii/tl' Bad I: l _ _ - .,ir'rd, - u " 'tf, ,5;,i.-irj, CN. - , " - ' - 'rr"", , - . ' ‘ . GP. - , in IIE-ii; ',i,i'll,,, Ea IEiiir,lt?t'i"i" . , , .' ' lll.g tl - ; _ .." , [ ' ' “ls-”fit“? t,» is , n . ”a, F, Vt%. A?, y " . - or ti',!,,,,,?,',"" f. I...” . - , _ I - BL" . prm 'p' Ill, . E5T, . ' " .2 ' _,r.' 'ca 1.40019? ' ‘ Ltytu' ' "5i,'ri'i'. , Fr'"',',')" I: . . 23 Iii? - lbf' _-Iss':'.,'.,!,,',,,;,;:,!,,.,, ”my + 'ia Iii'3lr?iilb, . 'l ai; f'~L' 1:3"? t . /1, , ) , 1.1"” tr'), Ftrt .. ' w " " 1i'11U' P, l ' [,"i:,t', iiiti “g”, Eia" "_':"'L';,tii',i,_r_"dll . «g g’i“ 'i _ . ers I , f w. I j' - , " , ‘51! ",i,e'diri'i,' 'ti; - x. 'V ' ' 1"U- ‘iv-sf 'iii':?,:,!!',':',')' =”%- - ' iEltig Illiiitlsitiss'Pd, Mk MI l Itift,l 2 , I Vriy, ‘E‘i- _ii'ii' 'is"',": Cu" ”:2“ r: Ij/ii' ' n tiid" . r “they ai . "“ i " g, [i'), ip q t . i, tj a ‘i .". a". . ' it: , r r Bi r 'rl, t . ( i,'; , iN Ei II " 'luis,,,?,::--;-')""'?'""'" tlit E', © , a, . Lil iris) _ ar, (i. '1 El:,, R, q 't ' , a. N * ",5 i?" . ' . . ' 3 _ tag iiii'_'i?'ir'll “‘Q 3’ y" ‘ ' I , _ -, ',' N . 2 2 _ f" " &ail " g , t - IlNlt I ", . V 'r; I _ C, , Tr -' _ , . _ . / : . :\ . . " y I; l _ . Uzi“ M / 75(3 New guide members :t..Azearn/L2t: / f g u', l , Brownies enrolled T.' can d t th Comnany No l of the Bur essville Girl Guides enrolled new _ t "L l The Brownie Pack No. 1 in Burgessvil1e enrolled new members last w es ay a e the N rth N . . h P . g h I In the f t _members last Wednesday a l _ North Norwi h P we School In the front row left to right are Jenny Pehaan, Jennifer o OTWIC ublic Sc oo . . ton. row left to right are Angie Ryder, Sarah Meloshe An c I Shell Karen Buckrell and Kelly Caughlin. In the second row are Jessi . Doan, Daphne Rogers, Kelly Coding and Er!" Eacott. In the second row are Melissa _ Cullen 'i'dl.'l/,t'l'ld muggy Carrie Martin and Morgan Almost. In the back row are pack Casler, Julie Smith, Jennifer Smith, Jennifer Douma, Tracey Orth and Jennifer leaders Janice Wills (Snowy Owl) and Marie Buckrell (Brown Owl). Absent from the Overeem. In the back row are leaders Debbie Smith (Goldie) and Pat Smith (Rainbow). photo are new brownie Heather Bertrand and leader Sandra Bertrand (Tawny Owl). (Staff Photo) , (Staff Photo) . l -

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