_ . earners. 1983 THE NORWICH GAZETlE Page 15 V - G f hh t q f om kin r . _ _ BY DOREENHOOVER "Im- e. " EN q .. :i,ii,saip,, - I - l. TT 'lil _ a. "' . Teaching ceramic classes is giving illllllllltiia'i, *w t .;~ "ic.' "sic-els? s,s,iC" ii'.'ii'_,i'i': “2. ' _ 1. T Q." .122.’ /r; 33* L/ '('i:; " f Cheryl McLellan of Burgessvws the op- 'gr Earl - MlllglilSh'igi'ii1'i; as: _yi"ri' _'), uiiiattithah _ ', , portunity to sense personal' ac- I ll _ ll 2 . F." ' Ill _ _ TV & a V /i"iii'ira'liie( as}... W . _ C',': / complishment as well as allow her ‘ . M' , l ll? " - K Illli1 2 . " wr . was, ' , . l 'ir J, _ ' students that same opportunity. , 'rr, ii; I I MII = 'slr:,,,,,,!,!,,,,). l Ilillllitliiglll IgllllMl t . , ' t ". “it '.. I interest in ceramics started so years ago. (FLi)iiilik'iiSi' Sgiieca2q 'ir, at _,t,llitrr,,,l8iriii,ti'1i A friend in Buriord talked her into at- _ .. _ .\ kc“ “ "r,ii"dl g tending a ceramic class and she soon stoCifsiiiol' _ .. . - . {w i'hiigi' 'i'i)ss(i/Tai' VV" 'et F) 'iv/s')"':),)'.)",", _:.'i. " began talking lessons m Brantford. i":fWfrijhv' IIB, II' 8lts,sii,%3,llE,, I . " - - 1h'i'i'i'ii'lfpiril'iitilil as...» "r, . Mrs. McLellan found she was making so Nas . llIlilill . it‘s: - Ill' EirtltlsSri Cs' .53; . many ceramic pieces that she decided to ' . , ' " C"",". _' 5aajll iri'i8iiiii'iiil,, age " D, - V ' _ {i . getherown kiln. The next step wastooffer i e _ i'il,s;',i_i'i,ii_it,_ls,_' IEi',:_iy_,ii), K,lt,s8l, - I _ A classes in her home. My“... ' ' 14itii' '/,C "ic/iii-i:-,':):",':,-).)) I " My.“ 1e'cr::irS, c LI ‘ She now has, from 25-30 persons from is. Tali) 'if, 'iari:i,,," 2 I . liEsisiglt ( Norwich, .Burford, Ingersoll, Brantford s "ir, -.:~t'_ ll ww. ' ", . Egg . l, and Burgessville taking part in her four was "i, "te, _ '_.r', tsg, " Illlllllll . . ", . ‘ _", weekly classes _., ll, W C..; "â€. "'.' V qtgtiL 22.2. MisMcLellan took a Teacher Training _ Bl a. '2Mi'rt" ' Rlllllgllll . 'L'"'." _ l Program to improve her skills in /?,,,1llrllr,, . .me ' .. cl,,',",,,,-;,':,',:,":,,,),.,,, ' . z“ a I I Siritt 'ie! 1 ceramics. During the program, which ti» Ir, f. M"), _"lrtikiitsii; _'sli"Cc"11"r,it,"'. WW†w " I' page _',), is“ l eomistedof five weekends of classes, she 7a" .2 r 1rE6c. â€was“ ici'?;,:;":,:;,,',:,:)., srjtihifsl, hasâ€. 2 produced eight ceramic pieces each as -r, j, Est,ri2 si's,fs,',,,ii'iri,r,ic'" _'fi:_,',?"'i,ji,,t,:i,ss,:),ii':' ')'tt .ch is. is; , a. . weekend. The class taught her how the [r',":: ittah __'! . . [j-rr,-";';"';','-'-'" as 'v/jiri/x";:'-', _,l'))i,s,,ii,,',ii: ' _ oy"? .. , 'thilgi'i IasM, Wi' . j' various paints and finishes that can be vidiliMlllh,;,, “We, ' ' "'s' 'i"'ri'iilo/av,,is,1iiriits,c. i; tret' , "serici"r"' _ , "I. til as: 'ithi, M, 2.; l trsediaeeramicswiilreact under different {WW's . t,rr_rt,tiri,_issii,i,'iis, _.)i'sisr; ', 'r:'],:,. vti'yrcs_ 13‘3"»? l _) amditias. _ q Lt'ii, aw , N .22?“ F criiri'i.,ir;,,, c... s- _"s" 'ik.i,rrs,y'1'slrM ' 23' l Theclassos have allowed Mrs. McLellan ï¬â€ï¬‚*a%§$§â€fmm , as ... Mm Fo _atritiiik' "..'. [il!) _ T tobeof more aid to her students and also ’ 1lhsdr:"'ti. ~%&w§§w~€k§x “was _""")""')"' , (N, _ l 2. C star,';,-.':",' "iiMgr- .m improve her own work, a Eiltjii, ii/i, _ a... :7 'r'rrrlii_:lJi,t,i'5'1-s)., 5'“ 2.31;“;g . .-' .s..... '":rjl'r'lirsi11x:1"ti, '_" . ct'??, "sr/fi/is-trj,':,':,?'?";'; ""tre. . _ C", ThenNt step inseramiesisto chose the . 'ii:t'ili"E'sr' _ M... i -r"v" 'cr"-)"":)",-,::)')::::::,:),,, trvic" o', as "'li'iirlr' c", rr. _ "as; Mylar-e and then do the fitteling which . F a _ ('" _'"'"" _ (et.-, /cit!i'ii"t _ is the cleaning of the mold. Mold lines Love of ceramics . "p, 1 , mustbe removisd tsetorwany further work . Cheryl McLellan ? Burtretsville works Ott q _ i, be done.- classes she offers in ceramics m Yr horn a ceramic Sc . late d rin one of the I can . ' ie classes she teaches four tim e. Her h emc P . 11 g . _ "h lot of people dislike the cleaning," ceram es a weel: (Nabby of ceramics developed into the , Mrs. McLellan said. "It is the dirtiest . G Photo) , pm." She enjoys all the steps of creating a flexibility with the paints that can he used t E [ ceramic figure, but dislikes cleaning for of all her work her two favorite finish ' eelin " . thin , 2 [ long periods of time. products are two large German iiii;/l'lt' . nice aighssifs {rigs 'i2,aelSf7l!,i'il. l/lf T 1 She had found that a quality that is and a German stein. is fun to seeh , thi . turnout " There is I needed to excel and shiny ceramics is Shehasno ideahow many pieces She has a feehng f at: f It,' t ifiiiv that she _ . 2 patience. "You have to have the ability to _ created in the last 10 years because most Created at: sa is ae Ion o " l I sit and take your time," she said. "You of them were destroyed in the 1979 tor. The be; agisides Mrs MeLs11an's have to take your time or the piece will nado. The only pieces that‘survived the feeling of p rsonal accomplishment is turn out crumby." A good sense of color tornado were a frog and a mushroom. When sh e 'dl,' how ha her students are . alsoisan aid so that colors can be matched one good thing thatcame about from the when they see the '/lel5, of their hours of to create the best effect. _ tornado was Mrs. MeLellan's depision to Work. Itcantake from two weeks to months to teach ceramics. There would not ha one RR 2, T a finish a ceramic figure depending on the been enough room in her old house to 't tir'2'd,ti,r, 1tl1,tghl',egralfsttridt2 detail in the mold and how fast the in- _ able to offer ceramic classes, . ceramics because it makes her feel proud. I dividual works. Although the hobby of ceramics can be “I Me what I an accomplish,†Mrs. ( Mrs. McLellan most enjoys making expensive, if. the finished products are Cowan said "1ieelgreat whenlgive them _ scenic plates because there is more used as gifts, itisnotthat expensive. Using as gutsy f a--------;,,,..- the ceramics as gifts also gives the artist a The first thing most of her students do on sense of accomplishment. their arrival at the classes is to quickly 2 _ Mrs. McLellan often gives her ceramics Search out their piece of ceramic to see - . as birthday and Christmas presents. She how it turned out after being fired in the _ also does orders . for weddings and kiln. _ ehristenings. _ After the initial joy of seeing their She enjoys eeramies because of the completed work, they once again start '--, f“ _ Work On their next creation. Vi. . - _ i 1