ROBERT FEASTER (farmer at Troutsdale. near Hackness) WILLIAM FEASTER (farmer at Troutsdale. near Hackness) m. ELEANOR râ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"1â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-j WrL1/rAl)ll FEASTER ROBERT FEASTER JOHN FEASTER (farmer at CrOpton) (farmer at Ho1mpton,E. Yorks) m. m.. m. RACHEL EEEFORTH JANE BEEFORTH' NiyLu.?.lC.sloAiirlrfifi)p F 2 sons & 2 daug ters 1 son & 1 daughter f i, 5 JOHN THOMAS HARRISON GEORGE LEVI i b. 1818 b. 1822 b. 1826 b. 1830 b. 1834 ':, (went to d. 1902 d. 1891 d. 1859 d. 1887 , Canada) , ANN --â€"-â€" ROBERT BETSY WILLIAM ELEANOR , h. 1816 b. 1820 b. 1824 b. 1828 b. 1832 l ' d. 1898 d. 1893 d. 1846 d. 1917 d. (went to (went to Canada) Canada) From research done by members of the Feaster family living in f Yorkshire County, England, we are able to determine the names and origins I of the Feaster ancestors back to the early 18th century. The first 1 knowledge that we have of' a direct ancestor is of a Robert Feaster, who l farmed at Troutsdale, near Hackness, in Yorkshire County in the early ': seventeen hundreds. On examining the Family Tree (above), we see that 1 Robert Feaster had a grandson, Robert Feaster, who farmed at Cropton, in Yorkshire, and was the father of' ten children. Three of these children, I John, Robert and William, came to Canada about 1849 And established the j, Fewster (the name was changed back to the original Fewster) families from which we are descended. Thus. Robert Feaster (the older) was the great- grandfather of our Canadian pioneer Fewsters. f.Ti5 M3‘1‘\c\%'\: . ' ‘ g :A'1i,'1'tEiti'is',' ", on/. Ic, _ I "o,, 'i"hi'i-ri"i".i::]--3t/iiiiilirr-i,,1,i),',,y, ‘1 L. l gh y“ M "tgd/i/ . , _ , " (ef'ettiiki.ii"iriiL 1ilfit;,t:,t,tr--, _ l A '1,.i' 'lr't't:.'tet.'"s( J.. I w,', 3'" KGls kit , WSW h 't R. 'ttr/it-r;') i"' "ci.?) ')h, "ss,, .. . I f L'ISV . ‘éosczlc "t .t'tiil)," MqytrurmWyke i I l cs r."' f'. ."%--- tey gamma“ fuoii, . 'c.. . ‘ I C.", If LU, 3 tinsrsGr _tsditeAii'hts,i) Vtttston 1 , , utt o ". . . " . (V Scarborough 1 I aaool,t,u,tey, e ¢~P+wr"\ CR _ , trip 'u,14..n . A V t _).: l , " .wkcnng “EM tl,ts; I cri WW“ 1 . "fthtuttif . L? W‘To il " _i','s,ti'"ti,dffiiiprif'l.ii-' '"t"N Pt(t't .15.» -- ' tchued,u, . _ r/-yttsnt"uew; orpaj" »‘ , L, 'trc ~.~,"'<kwy .- )8?“ w." J CRT"" b Weft I Q?,',,,, . 'q _ 5:me. AHhamo . I to - i. . Prea I. .Mn.“ DegiiiY' -3- . F