This chronology of the Fewster Family was written to commemorate the seventy-fifth reunion of the Fewster family. A , picnic gathering to renew acquaintancea,has been held annually, 1 I with exception of four war-time years, since 1902. In respect of our forefathers, I have dedicated -my efforts and enthusiasm in preparing this book to the dedication with which they pioneered and established 'family roots' in Canada. ' In compiling the facts, photographs and anecdotes which , were available to me, an attempt was made to produce not only a comprehensive and interesting history of the families of Robert and William Fewster, but also an informative disclosure of our. , early ancestry in England. With respect to any family history . of this type. in which the quality of information depends largely - . on the accuracy of peoples' memories, errors are certain to occur. , , Therefore, it must be assumed that in many instances. dates of i, events could err by a year or two. ; I was very grateful for the amount of research which had 3 been previously completed, and direct my sincere appreciation to ', the following people for their very worthwhile contributions: 1 _ Arden Fewster, Mildred Packer, Marie Jackson, Agnes (Fewster) l, McKenney, Gertie (Herman) Fewster. Dorothy (Fewster) McClintock. 5 I and Sadie (Matthews) Whaley. The collecting of other research ';' material plus a great deal of anecdotal reminiscence was a delight- f ful and rewarding experience. lo the many descendants of the , Fewster family who gave so willingly of their knowledge and family photographs, I express my heartfelt thanks: Wilma (Whaley) Sitts, Fanny Sinden, Stanley Webster. Evelyn Reynolds, Lillian (Fewster) Smith, Olive Fewster. Betty (Pow) Fitzhenry. Grace ( Caverhill) Conway, Olive Minshall and Carl Fewster. Also greatly appreciated . was the organizational and publicizing assistance received from the two other members of'the special committee to promote the 75th : Reunion", Olive (Fewster) Harrison and Betty Fewster. For the i supportiveness of my family, particularly, my daughters, Anne-for l her typing and Lynne, for the cover design and artwork, my special [ thanks. However. I consider that my deepest gratitude must be , to my parents, Nellie (Lowrie) Holland and the late Arthur Holland 1 for inspiring me to attempt this project. 3 _ ---- Shirley (Holland) Eichenberg i JULY1981 j TABLE OF CONTENTS l, Page i _ g 2 ...............Some Observations on the Family Surname ! . 3 ...............The Early Ancestry P 3 . 9 ...............The ROBERT FEWSTER Story I 39 ...............Fewster Picnics 46 ...............The WILLIAM FEWSTER Story ’ 61 ...............Fewsters in the News 68 ...............Wardens of' Oxford County 70-73 ............Reference Maps 1 l