T es M PCsn AmC EC SnE AAr Tey 10 C T0 eeenks im on omm se en oC on ce ce "f"{ & .-‘ ?,ï¬:l ,.f. £\ es § \~> j : ";f} ? 3"*u ? .", es PP _ ocm \ Vournal Nov 4 /79 - ‘ .? * e . .-> â€" : 7. ;v," . 2 ,X ‘1‘:2.’;‘,‘ | f Preses § ¢ h h .f h 5 ° l TWe > }> >_ id * L * The Thrifty Thinkers ‘ * tF B1 & $ m 44 . * wie alk, n oi 4# » . 3,3# § at < 4. Pss .. ~* e t mss . . M ; CA ds . 17 / _: TCy * ad oC a( % et In Browns Corners _ tf t S € 2s C f t m ' 4 P a l s o eP Miiiintmanet t ‘_% u+ i f \ \ Gip.. f 1¢ Â¥_ ig g&‘ 4@# *4 ‘ anigine Miss Susan McKay gave the Management Area. ~#4 Tï¬xï¬c Ks y e M ~C * _ Aom. weaal InVy 2l ~ following news of the 7th Brown‘s Church Anniversary : * 8 C ~ e "r' * \i' & E »s en 1# % meeting of the "Brown‘s Thrifty _ was held on Sunday, with Rev. t â€" cCn _~/ P k ># : _ .. _â€" vesmain _ ... . M é_;i 4 Thinkers" 4â€"H Club. The Roll A.G. Pease, of Embro, as the ty â€" . . 9e . y o ... l . . 4. * . Call was answered by ‘"Anâ€" guest speaker. Mrs. Melville | n CS3 00 C1 ta . Lt |â€" y k * 4 . important rule for baby sitters." _ Vannatter of Lakeside was guest . tm ; 4e > 3 § oi e in .c l l alonet A discussion ‘onâ€"first aid and solist and Brown‘s choir also e * â€" 5. €3 ’{‘gp. xe ¢: ; € Â¥%$ P , emergencies took place as well _ took part; all of which proved to | * uoc t t\ , t n . wl ‘ 4j eP as baby sitting and child care. â€" make a beautiful and inspiring | / . * C . ,ï¬â€˜ C e _ a [ % e : ; Plans were made for Achieveâ€" service. The ladies of the Church 1 1 > / * es e| C ;“" & ment Day. served a lovely lunch. . k â€" ~gre.â€" . [ mae. .‘ & k, pe® * 4 On Sat. Oct. 22, 1977 the l o ~~~~ §A aoe. n . . _ D. ue " 2e s 3 4 Brown‘s Thrifty Thinkers had â€" 9 ; . zP ï¬} 74. > 5*‘?%{“!‘2 2. 4& . ___ their 5th meeting which was a g .4 e a * e ___.. es 0o o 9e CC uk E. i _ â€" woaerree field trip to the Aylmer Wildlife _ â€"~_Le2 oA m / N s l o s s eC : 4 â€" tWe 1 Management Area. On the way » pa_" > _ yA *ap~ > * Cl ES ,@;; S + â€" 0t cce y pâ€"= there the meeting was opened k T J UR L. _0 a ts o) k e «_ with the 4â€"H pledge. The roll call 2l & 4\ _ â€" o o e 1 Pn M t e _ o e e ‘"One thing I hope to learn on this CX L â€" ~ / tmA P n immnimie o. .. *) AP 4 fln s wl p «4 field trip"‘, was answered by the o. 7 im { 3 i’ 1B horee . Sae * Niiermnes _ t ce four girls present. Sandra Oakes / + / t o s f ~@ a2â€" _ d W _ _|. _ jread the minutes from the last se 2. J M esd s sns ; f C meeting which were signed and _ |. Busy Salesmen ;s _ _ ®â€"== . : d i 7 & 1 x | eâ€"aa=f0. , hat<l4â€" Brown‘s Corners _ Res1den? of the Lakeside, Uniondale and Kintore area were generous Saturday when the Area Boy Scouts and Cubs arrived at their door selling apples. Here Jeff Shurman, David Ebert, Mark & f € Davidson, Keyin King and Michael Ebert load up their baskets for future sales. _ (Jâ€"A Staff Photo.) _ | N a m es O I C e r S t \‘z'{:l‘l)\,,‘ & | ) t) 7 / ‘,‘[ The November meeting of _ 1978â€"1979 are as followsâ€" Presiâ€" 3 Brown‘s U.C.W. was held in the dent, Mrs. Jack Brooks; Past onanalr:i{a1.0}3 4 school with the Christian Develâ€" Presidegt, Ngs. John Hawkesâ€" w/ JC3 feXccd Al+/ opment group arranging an â€" worth; Viceâ€"Pres. Mrs. Murray Browns Corners excellent program. An introducâ€" _ Taylor; Recording Secretary, f tion to the new study ‘"New _ Mrs. John Conway; Correspondâ€" W,I, EUCh re / Mission for New People" â€"on the _ ing Secretary, Mrs. Harvey y 1 Caribbean was ably presented â€" Darling; Treasurer, Mrs. David Women‘s Institute members by Mrs. George Martin giving _ Arthur; Pianist, Mrs. Harvey : & are reminded of the Euchre some of the . history and _ Darling, Mrs. Hubert Uren; Party, to be held in the school , geography of these islands in the _ Auditors, Mrs. Fred Arthur, next Monday night. The Execuâ€" F Caribbean. Fromâ€" the Third _ Mrs. George Martin; Official tive will be in charge, and â€" World region of the Caribbean _ Board, Mrs. Jack Brooks; Board everyone in the community is more immigrants have come to _ of Stewards, Mrs. David Arthur; invited, with the ladies being Canada and the United STates _ Press, Mrs. John Hawkesworth. % Hsked to bring lunch. than any of the other Third The November roll call was j Mr. and Mrs. Ross Arthur and ‘, World countries. / answered by 19 ladies each a son§s of Mississagua were Sunâ€" | Mr. ‘Robert Dettmar of St. bringing face cloths, hand towels day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred_ «Marys, the guest speaker, _ or dish towels. A generous and | Arthur. e . _ showed colourful and interesting _ colourful response was made. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Pryke of slides which he had taken while _ These towels, etc. are to be St. Marys, Mr. Ted Ingram and on a holiday along with Mrs. forwarded to the Children‘s M}. and I’Vlrs. Reg. Harris and Dettmar to the Barbados and Home, Hazelton, Br. Col. where Brenda attended the Eighth Granada. Mr. and Mrs. Dettmar _ Miss Mary Arthur is stationed. Annual Awards Night, at Fanâ€" had very much enjoyed their â€" The new church calendars were shawe College, last Fri. night. ‘ â€" visit to these islands where the _ on display and are ready for Brenda feceived the A._ E. principal crops grown are sugar sale. Silverwood Award for outstandâ€" cane, tobaceo, cotton and potâ€" A delicious noon luncheon was ing achievement in the R.N.A. atoes. Miss Joyce Burgess served by the Christi.an Developâ€" E course which she completed last expressed the appreciation of all _ ment group and enjoyed by all | May and was presented with a to Mr. Dettmar. Others assisting _ especially the fresh apple cider. cheque for one hundred dollars. in the program were Mrs. â€" We were pleased to have with Aqha occasion took place Marion, Munro,, Mrs. Muriel _ us at this meeting Mr. John last sugggy at the hqmé of Mr. _ _Darling and Mrs. Harvey Darlâ€" â€" Hawkesworth; Mr. Robert Detâ€" i ussel Houking, a ing. <~oâ€" > _ .\ tmar and Rev. Jack Thompson. | par es eigb. . Mrs. John Hawkesworth, presâ€" _‘ â€" â€"â€" ~ â€"â€"= e oo o Riradia on " ident, conducted: the business > Ellen, on the occasion of the poried Thetares) of tie ainda) | yA tae 1y., October Bazaar was given by the ; ‘ ; Present wereâ€" Mrs. Margaret Tesasnrct, ho repoliedine nor." ies 2 ts Inggrsoll, Mg zntd pr’bceeds were $§33.65 to date. & e e ns Te Lre c It was decided to continue with t ts Mrs yoter ?:IVIS’ Secret Pals for 1978. The date for i ho tink hnd Mrs.,‘ the December meeting which is wl Refiend Jog%', x;j the Christmas getâ€"together â€" of M is i on dapat and 3 Women‘s‘ Institute and United ; Mrs. Sandy McKay, Mr. and ; Church Women was set for s td‘ and k and Thursday, Dec. ist for a noon | M d ie Povu es( Al luncheon. Penny jars are to be , Daniel. Rev. Jack Thompson brought tofthig meeting officiated. after which dinner SHS" fokn HawkesW(;rth s ‘ wasiserved:" ( ported on a REsources day she R : had ‘attended â€" at Strathroy > â€" United Church at an earlier _ , date. _ , \â€" _ The report of the Nominating + _ 3 ‘ Committee was presented by | § Miss Joyce Burgess. Officers for : ‘ es en 2 o0