Birr WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 6, 1985-1990, page 2

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Women‘s organization founded in 1897 holding its own In the modern world of working . many as other older organizations, tion an effective lobbying group. "The great bond of friendship which ends Thursday, is Women â€" "Women are now a driving force women and instant information, the â€" she said Monday. This, despite the Although the better education of amongst our members is very Unlimited Potential. It was chosen in the agriâ€"food system and more Federatgd Women‘s Institutes of. fact many more women are working women and easier access to inforâ€" strong. They support each other in to encourage women to take a more and more becoming the farm manâ€" Canada is holding its own, says Berâ€" outside the home today and thatthe mation has made the traditional their communities. You don‘t get active role in the development of agers themselves," she told convenâ€" niceNoblitt, president of the FWIC has to compete with many educational role of the FWIC less that in an organization that forms their communities â€"something ruâ€" tion delegates Monday. . " 45,000â€"member organization. â€" newer, singleâ€"issue groups. important, Noblitt said women‘s inâ€" overnight and springs up for one ral women should do, said Noblitt, "We are in the front line of social Althoiugh the organization has Started in 1897 as a vehicle for stitutes still provide a necessary soâ€" issue." who has been active in women‘s inâ€" â€" action and we have the r}’umbers in lost some numbers, it hasn‘t lost as the education and support of rural cial support for rural women. The theme for the convention, stitutes for more than 45 years. members to back it up. women in Canada, women‘s instiâ€"‘ Bssy y~,~~â€" â€"rfrrigg; lutes played an important role in j . 3 s o) their lives and still do, she said. “’Xz‘"% ...____| __ "It‘s more relevant than other orâ€" [ sls w o. ._.| ganizations because it handles all R L bolg _ l elgccge. _ | the issues of the day and it‘s bringâ€" | | _ lc 2c\ ing those issues to 45,000 women." _ l ... ([Z] Autions being considered by about - | gfi%fi;“*,“ 1,200 delgates to the 10th national ' o }.\Qg\a convention of the FWIC at the Uniâ€" ; ' 0 .. T TY &.| versity of Western Ontario this 1. es iess A . L5 l l ts* _ »| ©~ Wife battering, pornography, acid s _ MA s _rain, nuclear disarmament and vidâ€" > WME?:M’;% *~] eo vidlence will be discussed Thursâ€" ° | _ T § . . _.] day, while the Charter of Rights, | | | s ;”o;;‘/ . 5. quality of life for seniors, child ho \gg%\‘ abuse and technological change are * h 0 e :| the subject of . workshops this B 3t . afternoon. BM â€" . ; ... || _ By submitting briefs to the federâ€" BA _ _ _ .. . ___| al government on these and other | We 8M . 0. ooo $ _â€".| issues, Noblitt said, she has been f Uock 0000 t . , able to raise the visibility of the b N m o0 s § ) FWIC during her threeâ€"year term. o . ~ _ Living in Ottawa has made it easier ' i BERNICE NOB_LITT for her to get the government‘s atâ€" R â€" â€"â€" handles all issues of day tention and to make the organizaâ€" Canad|i lobe helpir men ' \ un ~~~ _ "The ACWW is aboutthe developmentofwomâ€". s s s ie By Kathryn Hazel en â€" the improvement, in whatever way possiâ€" w%*"“/-*;\/!,“ »g:‘*:;a â€" § of The Free Press f ble, of the quality of life for women," she said. %3@1? o Wiess f | o_ _ The organization provides education and |____ s e o | As president of the nineâ€"millionâ€"member Asâ€" â€" training as well as donations for projects in such i%‘,fl*k\‘:**‘ sociated*Country® Women of the World, Ellen â€"countries as Brazil, Pakistan, Kenya and Jamaiâ€" ,,;h, McLean is no stranger to jet lag. ca, focusing on the provision of clean water and _| _ _ _‘ .. _ s l ue Elected in 1983 as head of the 52â€"yearâ€"old sanitation, the United Nations‘ theme for this |__ _ ... . ue international organization, she often travels to decade. ;5; Wt . M its central office in London, England, as well as "It‘s fine if we help a village in Kenya, Botsâ€" y |\ to many of its 68 member countries, including wana or whatever, but if we do not help them (\ _ . o o h several in the Third World, with sanitation or teach them, there‘s no pointin L. >y _ & ... _ * _ . Te ‘ It‘s quite aâ€"change from her life in Eureka, having clean water," she said. s s sn N.S., 185 kilometres from Halifax, where she In the ACWW‘s Wells For Kenya project, for | & . . 0. _ WOR lives with her husband and two sons. example, it‘s not enough to give the people a |_ W% . .. . . ... _ . e & (â€" But, when she looks back at her 32â€"year in~ pumpito get clean water, she said. "Who‘s going |. &\\Q«\\g“;\] i |volvement with the Federated Women‘s Instiâ€" tolookafterit? Probablythe women.Sowetrain | _ 1 . _ _ _ _ ... . 2 ) 0 tutes of Canada â€" one of the national rural them." â€" 3 s c ues women‘s groups affiliated with the ACWW â€"â€" and The organization stresses the grassroots apâ€" [ 3 .. %%z%wmi? j her childhood in Montreal, it seems inevitable. proach to development, she said, making it parâ€" | _ _ _ _ _‘ _ _ _ . _ WO . McLean‘s parents came from Denmark, which ticularly effective in Third World countries, { y sssraac 5 1 prompted her lifeâ€"long interest in different culâ€" where women in the villages do the training. | _ . s oo .; tures and languages. This interest led to her _ As a result of this concern,. the Federated |_ . _‘ .. . l 2. y ' increasing involvement in the Women‘s Institute Women‘s Institutes is raising $50,000 from its | . _ _ _ . . l 2 . 0. after she married and moved to Nova Scotia in â€" 45,000 members in Canada for the ACWW to use $ tss o es ie | 1953. in its work. t ';;:;fii}’_ y stt . ~ wl . : I "The international aspect of our work has alâ€" _ McLean, who received anâ€"honorary degree â€"| _ .. WÂ¥ . .. . _ _ . se 0 0 | | . ways been one of the real pluses of being a from St. Francis Xavier University in 1976 for ; °oo . . . ty 2 e c member â€" the fact that we went beyond the four _ her work with rural women, said the internationâ€" I m . . c of us 1 | walls of our home and right out into the world," _ al organization‘s goal of development for women _ | C .. ... .‘ & { M she said Monday while in London to attend the _ is the same as the goal for the women‘s institutes / iC _ I.~_ . af | . Federated Women‘s Institutes‘ 10th national here. s t j 4 css cer ® ‘ convention at the University of Western Ontario. "It‘s all about the development of women in yingit ic ainmis . cA L ow | The main concern of the Associated Country â€" Canada. Where are we if women aren‘t the 50 per ELLEN McLEAN F ( Women of the World is to ‘help women everyâ€" cent of that development process?" ~~ â€" no stranger to jet lag | where and, by doing so, teach them how to help others.

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