+ t\/’G 1 S Institute members were present and 1 B l kc | provided ga:ckgroll(md inf{)rmation "'G . £ | to me on the work completed by â€˜ï¬ ea ton W I | the various branches. Alice Winâ€" . ' j grove is the President. Evelyn (G j S Celeb?‘ates Oliver acts as Secretary, and Ruth f Hodgeés is Treasurer. Georgina [â€"==4 s 8 0 t h b e h j Brown and Jim Wingrove spoke of 3 IF t day various programs run by the areca & 3 % i o uen icars institutes. The Long Point group . B uLc has operated for 42 years. . 2. During the Bealton celebrati0n; Cw f # __| Marion Anderson reviewed variâ€" ¢f : | ous minutes and agenda topics . , y ; _ | from the past 80 years. Past Prestâ€" _ | “‘ o eg _ | dents were recognized and. thanked © o m <*| for their community involvemeDt. _ . \ o * n N .Thei'r creed contains the folloW!nE G ‘ 7 td "| verse:~ .' 5 : . | : cgl [3 \ Keem%;(? Lord, from M c f ; ‘“Y'm"fï¬m%mï¬m ceenete Targe in thought, in | ' ~ / Mayor, City.of Nanticok wo Edeed . .. Loo : \| : n ts Cityof Nanticoke _\ * ter us 6e done with fault ; *~ !G f .. The Bealton Women‘s:Institute finding. _ _._ yX# ~ o. e & a celebrated its 8Oth bitthday in.June. â€" and leave off selfâ€"seeking.:â€" .> f 3 at the Bealton Church. Representaâ€", . May We never Be hasty l? | " tives from yarious institutes were | | Judgement | . _ _ _ S§eRe 0C @ 4 in attendance to extend congratulaâ€" \~â€" _‘ And always generous: .2 0. 000. > | y tions. Blorence Armstrong is the |\ ~ Grant that we. may, realize that C President of the Bealton Branch of | .. it is the little things that : _ | f the Norfolk North Women‘s "..â€" ‘ ~ create differencesy that im the h 4 Institute. * J, _ Wisat â€" big things of life we are on P C : Over the years the women have | : Many people work Hard t0 .. ; | : acted on environmental and social | make our communities better â€" > U _ issues. The Long Point.Women‘s \ places in which to work and live." Ei T | I ‘ (