Nipissing District Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History, 1954, [1954] - [2000], page 1

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pemmntey, v[.] [ q F fl pripay, OCrOBER 6, 2000 + PAGE 3 _____‘_______“_â€"__â€"â€"_/’â€"â€"-’_q_‘ Women‘s Institutes valuable part of ‘herâ€"story mm mrnnommmooenmmmunem i|io township park, o es o n uk. t ' * Heritage Perspectives and 2,000 bulbs were _ |a 4 ; s s 2. t e . s & * â€" _______ planted, making :11 Lk o. > TCasar j n 14. . F0‘ us ig on ’ ‘ f â€" beautiful spring disâ€" hn css 6 ogh . »’s,?}#l;-?":a* 2y hm L. Fak s ll dA is By | s * Jw3 34 play. A kingâ€"sized bka.= x’ ‘7":;%? 2 rstare s i,f,:’ e U dn "TZ, »ni im 2 Doug ~ M ~ / \ f : quilt, made by the pycys~ /# & uds t utle . CGireltiwe Hiks > F hes d ‘ members, was raffled _ [# ~C C ~C@ Tut us $Az e s MaC]'Ley | se . : off as a fundâ€"raiser. _/ Y C & .~ | «l * nasby . ofi Several speakers . ce en . S â€" {-’:. ‘f"’a W eR O lme! _ gave presentations on 4 ~ § Ts# s] es § igpung _ es sSS . yarious topiCs. A 5PC j \5;" 1 4€ ) _ . \11,3 *z 1\,}, i1 fe ”/:‘\*%“\ f:‘*z.;\»v_b\\ cial selfâ€"defense is tssn \ B 3 * Sroom. CC . 150 / a" NP krl Y \ Women‘s Institutes began in Ontario in 1897, and by course drew close to is es of #::,/ i £ dorlald %3‘“ * ,,E,;? ?fl’ \i} 4 }‘ V ‘?i‘g £29 / 1919 the numerous branches joined to form the Federated _ 40 women. The WI is 3 es n * thkel KEXAZV Ob 5 Women‘s Institutes of Ontario. As the idea spread to other _ continues to cater for _ Exm Wis im c o 5 moe > # comeny PP l provinces the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada special events asre _ BWR ©*C _ fae e tpfi} [ mppmme c n ~opl O" d was formed. quired. Graduation [ § c cefi o ‘:é;‘gfi" l * fler~â€" *~ «t ‘," The movement eventually spread around the globe, gifts were presented _ |Câ€"@@ § e o { y 1 o a 5 s _ Pell currently exists in 60 countries, and is recognized as the to Grade six graduâ€" #t rumamamanel in ns lia Clz 3 f s ~= fal largest women‘s organization in the world. By 1951, at its ates, and an exchange |â€" @@ [ y: A R s dorel it naiitrong | 0 T pie peak, there were 1,500 branches in Ontario alone. Today student to Japan was â€" | _ J:â€"â€"z k invnixe es is 98. *3 there are about 700 branches in Ontario, including many in _ supported. poals e S @ nnbaus : § i. ~ Northern Ontario. This year‘s proâ€" W# ommmemediiiemrmrier sn . n _ fftrenmmmnl 1 O At the turn of the last century Ontario had a major perâ€" ~ gram is similar in naâ€" [ mas * o mWt % Eons fln B2 S centage of its population on farms in rural areas. The ture, with the comâ€" (,LZ%# §:*~: BC i esd TT sn t NescX ~ provincial Department of Agrieulture sponsored Farmers pleted September & 4 â€" oeemmnome ez Bc Le..~ % Institutes that provided adult education programs for meeting attracting f ; eeemtonooano : Meeensepee m n farmers. Some women were marginally involved. sfrranac Women‘s Institute members celebrating their 100th birthday in 1997..__________ When the idea of a Women‘s Institute was proposed, it _ guests. Two members PHoTo courtEsy or hE rEpERATED w OMENS NSTHPUTES OF ONTARIO was scoffed at by many men, but the women persisted. In from each local WI 7 7 the years since, millions of women have been successfully _ will be part of a major new initiative of the provincial ofâ€" ucfit rmy‘&Ch?{nCC tto \vg}._ holm WTJ, and to the many involved. â€" fice on health care that will take place this year, partially W k t a‘r;_ts 8 h?ol ml?â€"“ for myaking a significant ) In the early years, the program was primarily directed supported by a $229,000 grant from the Ministry of Health. o;r}_eln ? w utcsfio Jntzn] ”] )f the province 3 toward domestic science courses to teach housewives From a heritage perspective Women‘s Institutes have conDl(;:,:, figsfiél}leca];lc{):(tgln‘; acted at RR. No. 1 Powasâ€" cooking and sewing skills, and how to keep their famili¢s _ peen collecting archival material formany years. In 1947 san, Ontfario POH 170; by phone at (705) 724â€"6882; or by healthy and safe. & this process was formalized in the ‘T‘weedsmuir History eâ€"mail at dmackey@p You can also More community activity Book Project (named after the Governor General‘s wife.) _ check out the Past Forward web Site at www.pastforâ€" Each branch appointed a curator who coâ€"ordinated the colâ€" _ and click on Heritage Perspectives to see past This soon changed to include more community activity. _ lection of material for seraphooks for future reference. Eliâ€" _ columns. J _ The current WI brochure states that they are "an organiâ€" _ nor Smith, the local zation for personal growth and community action." The curator, recd B * community involvement included work with schools, Ontario Herwesâ€" / recreation, and lobbying on the status of women, legally Foundation . and politically. Achievement During the two world wars they supported the Armed Award recently on Forces, and after the war sponsovedâ€"bebs.clinies and Supâ€" hehalf of the WL _ d © ported new immigrants. Many of these M The provincial government‘s Department of Agrieulâ€" books evolved into ' | _ ture supported the institutes with administrative staff, local history books teachers, a magazine, and money for conventions at variâ€" sponsored directly ous levels into the 1980s. By then, the demographics had by the WT, or supâ€" changed and there were not as many farms. With the ported by them. * w Women‘s Movement many other groups competed for _ Much of this work membership. Many women also began to pursue careers has been microâ€" M outside the home. Membership dropped and some filmed (at the Uniâ€" > Women‘s Institutes disbanded, but the movement continâ€" _ versity of Guelph) _ [IiR ued to thrive. and recognition has [ > f In the 19805 the Women‘s Institutes separated from the _ come from geâ€" government and became autonomous, established its own _ nealogical and hisâ€" offices, hired its own staff, ran its own training programs, _ torical groups for and began publishing its own magazine. In 1997, in their the work. centennial year, they published a definitive, awardâ€"winâ€" The Chisholm 0C A ning history book called For Home and Country: The Cenâ€" _ WIhas produced tennial History of the Women‘s Institutes of Ontario writâ€" _ two fine history R A ten by Dr. Linda Ambrose, a professor at Laurentian Uniâ€" books (Our . > versity. Chisholm Story Vol. f The book outlines in "detail that can only be touched 1, 1880â€"1960 and Volâ€" f upon here" the work, progress and evolution of the organiâ€" _ ume 111880â€"41972). In [ zation. 1996 the Chisholm * F WIestablished a Copies available communityâ€"based Copies are available in local libraries, or from the fisioly t F(Jhm' B provincial office in Guelph (519) $36â€"3078. mittee on whic f To understand the work of local branches, let‘s look they wA n&em : M briefly at one example, the Chisholm Township Women‘s _ NCS {9 PMOCUCE 2 Institute, one of seven in the Nipissing area (Phelps, th“fld,boo}f_ eovu‘lng Calvin, Mattawa, Rutherglen, Trout Mills and Kipling.) tPhe. pfi:\slt z%years_.l The Chisholm group was formed in 1926 with 17 wellâ€" C ls, (;) IJ] ?}JHCI known women involved. The numbers grew and a wide pm?‘ & 1 8 “; id range of work directed at the home and community was payable nanv ‘? flr ] carried out. A playground was established, and later a to the n}loneyAr ‘“%ei( community centre (in the old S.S. No. 1 school). The W1 _ PYFRC@OMMINRC® !0 + built a cairn in front of the Chisholm Central School and pulglllhs_h Ehe E“‘?k placed the bell from the old school, with a plaque, there ]ame}]izd%(i t[?cas commemorating the history of rural schools in the comâ€" Chisholm United | _ munity. A swimming program was initiated that continâ€" Church‘s Millenniâ€" jR ues today under the township recreation committee. Work _ m Ffomecoming on was done with young people, and some of these activities Sept. 23. Copies are evolved into a 48 program. available from the They also supported the township schools in various Township Office ays, financially and otherwise. (724â€"3526) or at Cl Today, 75 years later, a look at last year‘s completed. Bob‘s Kinfolk store A ° gnda shows a wide variety of activity, including regular _ for $18 (while at B hly meetings, occasionally with other WI groups and _ Bob‘s Kinfolk, have j ours of places of interest. a look at the latest + Jre was continuing involvement in the Powassan WI fundâ€"raiser quilt Milkr, As a millennium project, planters were placed in _ and pick up a raffle

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