Island Falls WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1931-59b, [1931] - [1956], page 2

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-..- 'r"""' ...._....= .. ..... "'-'-"." -'FV ..... -'"""--".' .. we ..... y - numeus institute T Institute was held at the home of 15- to be observed on February is. The Decembef meeting or the W. . . Mrs. Irene'Ernpey with It mem.bers 1951. and will be carried on radioEL was held at the home a Mrs. - . and one visitor present. and TV. The story of the creed tor',ttene Empey with five members The theme was "Nuzeaship" and blub women was explained from the hand two visitors present. Theme was the roll call was o.n.."rrow to be a Country 'Guide. A paper‘was read Health and'the roll call was an- ' F _ better citizen". V . on “Innocent household cleaning swered'b'y ‘brir'tging a visitor, . Letters were read from Kate fluid called carbon tetrachloride It was noted that We did very? Aitken thanking us for bookssent to can cause your death". [well with our November bazaar. ai' . _ -.. selqisre..,end trorn_Mrs. Thompson The contest was trom the wording} was to be purl d for the: concerning the Kemptville holiday "Shamrock". Everyone then wurlredi'eupboare in the halt in which the, _ _ in August. Miss Petty wrote to say on the quilt. Meeting closed Wm‘baby scales are going to be hope: good-bye as she is retiring from the, "Ideas to keep us on a diet". Luneh'Donations were to be given to the _ wa. A: survey of radio programs is was served by the letter, Brownies and Cubs, the Hospital _ to be taken. I" "'. .-_ "WW-vars mull“ -r'titor Sick children, Toronto, and Miss McKercher sent word about The October meeting ot the W0- lute Lady Minto Hosoital Cochrane grants tor delegates to conventions. men's Institute was held of. the t' The paper Was on Charles Antel Material was handed out to be ihome 'le Mrs. Doreen Beck with tive- beauty hints and the demonstra- made up into things for our imembers and one visitor present. tion was application or make up November bazaar. Christmas cards pe call was answered by "A kind.. The contest was “Powers of Ob: 5 ftp" ,'tsyl,rg,,s:ii,'ii,; iit, tssiigsii, 1"" guess someone has done Fem lservation" which was won by Mrs.,', _ _--____ 1;:55.,"'..g"-r_§f&gbegt"c9 A letter was read from Save “mi-Elle Edwards. 3- - this; ' 4.3419; '; btitj'itiiiiiiitiii, {Children Fund asking for good used . ". E mmr‘l‘fiaflY-Eé’mfiaifnfié clothing so November 8 was set Guts were given out and those ;__â€"N:1.'_'§,P..=‘-‘.~".-%?‘?IF$EM.:..¢:tvui:..f'.-_‘¢e».:~'e-s-.-. as. as thtrday to collect it, present learned the identity ot their l f 199%.- El‘fiEK-flowfiéfilflgfiifl; T 1 tt . ' d "Pr t “Sunshine Pals" Lunch ed :ifi’fir'gtewmtunfir“! _ A e 'ir, “5 "". tbit o!ee lb th h . was serv , Ifi!-{§iflfifiéfi’@fifg’éne%bwwe 'iGiis'i?.iFtterhug , on keeping your 5r'"l Y e ostess. i _.-. _‘“_:._._ ' fmunity tidy. The school children ----- q s". Women-s Institute gwere to make posters and prizes _ .' I The August meeting of the {were to be given tor the beet. A mo- _ " 'Women’s Institute was held at the-Won was passed that we purchase _ 7 home at Mrs. Annie Stevenson with " set' ot btiliy scales. to 'be used by . . ' six members and one visitor present. fonyonev in the community. __ "Theme ot the meeting was “Semi-.3 A paper was read by Mia. I. Em.. _ _ cal research and the roll call was‘sPEY ctt "TN. - the best is yet to V "'What's your Beet?" zsome". . _ A letter was read trout Mrs. E5 The contest was a lucky number Ayers. A survey was taken on TN Won by Mrs. J. Toye. Meeting closed and radio programs. 'i with everyone giving a favourite re- Mrs. PJWalker was elected asicipe. Lunch was served by the new convener or home econondés 1tostess. ' and health-and she spoke of getting i---., -u. m """""° medical supplies tnta camp and "The November meeting of ”2.11:3. altered her services, M. a nurse. in wa. was held at the home of a; . giving needles, ete., to anyone. Elia Edwards, with tive mam erlsx A delegate to attend the conven. and three visitors present. Rn I tion in Eugen“; was chosen, Mrs. call was answered by bringing a, . 'Doreen Beck. Visitor.. . t I __, --e_e-e-v A paper-"5n "ttTis-ttWt-sits-sarah -Posters were to be pu I', ' . in Moosonee was read. The demomi around ramp advertismg tEl summon was the Tweedsmuir’i bazaar. Prizes were to be mien (il TTistory book. A contest "Guess the? the children for Best posters an balls" was won by Mrs. Irene} essays. Goods tor the boner wee Thnpey. i . , 1” ilUliatti, Milla 43 The meeting closed with ttv/Ire/iraqi-gills,',?,), reading "rt "The wirteher-Mother" x: H 1WW I'iY,'.',te,r, .: >0 GLr,EiSril'ilaTC. taken trom "Home a: Country". and " W.' ". ar. 'CT/sill, r11 'f'itl"l)'h"i'i' 'lunch was served by the hostess. fif. . (tiairuslg,tM9,9l1tartlcl, MN' l _ . _ ..__-i' 1e r 6t thanks was o‘be sent " §rig September meeting or mel'to all those in Cochruue who so Women's Institute was held at the', generously donated tooued the home ot Mrs. June Toye with sixl1maat1r. . members and one visitor present.; A motion was passed that we Theme of the meeting was health donate ice cream dixlc cups to- ' and roll ’caii Was answered with an wards the Christmas concert patty. ' "Idea for the: sick room". I The contest was making words s.', Mrs. Doreen Beck gave a vevs!.trom "Institute. Bazaar" and was T interesting. report or the District-Non by Mrs. Irene Emmy. Copies _ i I Annual at Englehart. Conservation it)! "Home & Country" were passed: l was stressed and every Institute but to all. Lunch was served by the l . i was asked to help in this w'trsvrisj,)iostess. . t 'trt.'?: .

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