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Gp c d ifl/ty Lake Dore W.I Adaress of Wel Qdv ;c.(’.'i':zo â€" I% mc aâ€" t y fou § [ L PaJ uas. 5/ r/fl #.1. £ Weilsons algd Rew"" n Memorium ~I\/Ircmv§~“‘ alosl 3 -tr»:;L- 4 in 6 fs" LoX spaik #2* E5: chin+ BKKZ uit x * ts 7@&![% e mame: o. n ‘ .. _1:20 â€" Jounty ~Mrs. Mo ra ts _ C @&~L y amad ;Q sds A ;91den Lhke #.1 f vielEome~â€" m H“‘“p)"}iuoma .4 grev;ï¬;\;b 5 3 ~* \ Minutes «6_ m« L» } go m e E13 fuunplirle stâ€" ursiâ€"g,ef + Pira, ui&(ff,,vm)\corrg?%% 1975 District & 2:88 â€" I;Els';ory é{rfltor Lrsxfl:j&&;sj;gï¬/bt enc as spondanceâ€"0ld busi innual~ â€" . uy 1 piast _ sports of Siie â€" in "grtauld 2. o ngrat :s cretary‘s Report ousinessâ€"Bills ud Y (ypd xk y Agricult se se ons Comnk btact 4 2. da. [bg,i'xu»df;y pessurer‘s o 15 fugrahes! n e Mrs. V ure and Gan Committeqgsâ€" &7 (%wj.gl/gé gudi,wr,s Rep;iï¬sr“ e hi Sages "Cug nst o giany uiti'og. Ki1by BAsdisn In?,&?s_ g I id â€" fltns is | s | ~4 Lk UA}}’ Nirs zenship and w tRatriesâ€" A â€" â€" ROT1 C: ress Atearfe d £ L s‘ /’CL "4 Gation an § s ul \}’ $x : me donts adare ingf-fzu:/«%cï¬/kNï¬iy@/ o8 |p"" _ »~ Educati on sjardine Affairps Wuwm}w{:dui?fled yA T. nors Apv ~R") W Urs. Nep and Cnltura: C .‘ï¬(\"mfl%xxi\’(/e(w/' ‘:c‘lfl*lng the past :,'eé;I' handbook % »/’n)//? domlly gndrngt uk. onï¬ m i e date of orginizat Eriag in ©«Ly* °_ Gennestis resell & 3%/\//{_/ B branch ." rginization of your %J)X,\:"“ Com:;el;%l“on Bursei{ * *** 34 * lrflu a8 j ¢ » § Y x in ol i ~ P Sf aapr Radification of Bistri & wag mm S‘ he4 / fennies for ® f Bistrict Direct e e es @1« ,)‘2.5 â€" ffxehange of :,'r%en?fisfllp Lgaa a T/@'oï¬zf‘% 4:59)/97/1?8;81‘% g% 1:1 sltaeise® o ce SNy.I1L: iyan of 4 A4i Y $ 65 xC Nall:QQ â€" A,Provinéj_gilBNa sions u/n t geram eb U s _ (I JA S :'/53%3047;€1\h§{‘:'t30bt' MGIHE;lng QOMi%S'Y 11:>0 ZZMAIrs. 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Mac. @ynn uy 2 gp JoJt: & ilanist: . §# T ~la=1. o 7‘;411.()\./ e plate ?Ht for lunchâ€" $5 507% ,u’ljj;«iw [2’ ï¬â€™v@iï¬Mrb- Mac Fynan J(/Vâ€X ;[J }\1 ts , £ Y 4 Ad+q F ) in e â€" + s v"- 9 i en '!:,;:1 2 4 t o S oY ‘\Z . s 'ï¬'f iavzfl ‘?;WN?EI‘Oductlon io taLg"{"(“L}"“wf C.Lf;‘:\'w{*&w ? ,:E ME As "7*?‘4?.{, ,k:)»’;sx»g{}n M(}\u}\,Mj Gï¬u psols wTep) C irs. m eS Jn g, im C be in al, / q244 q 12 W C thah fusk. b 4 Enterggfi‘g; D?Ouin Te S# (u/8 *#g3,08 ie t t ts SS t * rroabale at Couiee on eok) for entâ€" Germani ; I‘/»‘ v mank th P se * laa S 2 j * a * ; C tr \h 1 i~ § l A;ML/ ae frack . g pg/, Conse h ’yt 1018 W.IZ)('): & / .d‘ood, frieilg:' Father for T; CB %fl_ 3 4 â€"â€"+â€"â€" MA n gr d [ x: low?(! ~A A : c § j & . /;mef.//f;u4&»-:«“7 botA dn h {, *4 ,uwcazf:â€"qflï¬f%,,;&:f * Aewil ~A! 77 May we forey anf1 kindlines ‘J care ta flvï¬f\ 2.X i{/bfli ZCA:t_ ';:u,‘a}e en A B1 '/’/Czt’?/ 7 ]flt.uJ{:‘- /Câ€,ujcu Of "Home an?‘ ‘gomlndful be S wwe{\ ‘\:.‘,\)7\4&&«/3 M:;JT/M»V usn tace ; Aafl hhbr 4:/]4?;%/ wb A>4 ig wof AEtgo t "’/%Jj "p?)‘ 1 4 C Oy ; | f ns _AAA fraas e lt 2277 7 gars 4712248 us R sds R q4 4 y y " ‘ | : /f: o. {( "L/ijâ€"«l/"{( ; f! *f hn i. /516†{/ F“‘/ 3 ,â€"5}~"‘*"I \\J $ s \rb C J/ x) § f J y3 ?MZ]J{ Alget fr"*" %M;/ ‘th. se ;%‘/ etrd 3. 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