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" SATURDAY NlGHT REVELRY AT 60805†CAMP l ' Saturday Night Revelry at Cobden Camp is the title room at The Cobden Sun office and we. know of this work of art by M. Ahearn. If you can tell us nothing about its origins, or even when it was more about this drawing, it would be greatly drawn. Who are the people depicted, and where IS appreciated. " was recently uncovered in a back Cobden Camp located? l un tro es a... has A little later, from 1914 to 1917, pp'".." ' . . _ - hers grew to include the Pe" , Main. Young, T.C., V.S., Livery, It was Six years betore, in 1886, the num , ' _ _ ,V Crawford. y that a telephone line was completed Connaught T%liph§he 2550081300. _ Ei.. . About the same time, the Bell between Pembroke and Almonte, the ')t'i,t)'J,esLi eell}I0hIeI 55333119". It I“, David Telephone Company was promotinga passing through Cobden, Renfrew, the curt Mm: eEPkOFler 1',ii"/l'2, t, / new long distance telephone, which Arnprior and Pakenham. However,? tton, the us rat a e- eep one l {r Whiteman gave more satisfactory service at telephone office in Cobden was still Company, the Osceola Telephone _ greater distances. to come. Company. the Rox Rural Telephone By 1990 there was also a new A dispute over just where the trssoci_alion, the Wolftown Telephone person running the Cobden tele- switchboard should be located IASSOClatIOH and. the Acorn Rural phone office. Mr. Allen had turned apparently kept the Bell Telephone Telephone Association, Whenever we have a mystery the operation over to Julia J. Company of Canada out of Cobden From a mere handful of telephone around here, we usually ask our Hannah, his daughter. However, the longer than might otherwise have users before the turn of the. century, 4 readers if they can help us out. They office remained in the Allen home, l been the case, In 1891, LB. the. numbers gradually increased rarely let us down. New connections were popping up i McFarlane, an official with the Bell until over 100 customers were A few weeks ago, we featured a in the area as well, An M. Bulgeâ€: Company. wrote the following to recorded by 1946. The 200 customer picture on our Sun Reflections page had opened a public phone statiorfin ‘ Robert Allen of Cobden: mark was passed only four years entitled "Saturday Night Revelry at Bulgcr's Corners connecting with the "There appears to be so much later. . . Cobden Camp." We didn't know Cobden switchboard, and a year later diversity of opinion on the choice of Tlyat's basically where the article what the picture was about at the E. O'Reilly established a second one I an agent in Cobden that no matter finislics.I It does report that at the time, so we asked if anyone else in Osceola. whom we appointed we would lose time ot writing there were 900 might be able to tell us. Towards 1912, Mrs. W.D. Tuffy ' the business of some portion of the telephones in use in the area, First, Amen Hill of Cobden told us began what was to be a career of 25 community... Hence, it is not in this however, since there is no date on that the camp shown was used by years as the Cobden switchboard cyppany's i.nterest to side with the clipping it's unclear as to when the workers who first installed manager. h was at about the same either party m the dispute, and our that actually was: l telephone lines in the Cobden area. time that the telephone office was _ decision in the matter is to defer Of course, there are thousands of Now, Harold Bennett, another moved from the Allen house to the opening an office until such time as telephone users in the Cobden area Cobden resident, has come up with Bank of Ottawa building on Main the parties interested can decide today. Telephones, which obviously even more information about the Street. upo.n a .man who will give general were once considered to be an installation of telephones in the A fire on February 13, 1913, 'sati.sfaction and be acceptable to the extravagant luxury, are now a village. completely, burned out the bank business men of Cobden." necessity in our modern world. Our Seeing the old picture apparently building, including the telephone Finally, Bell did make a choice. He lives move along at a much faster sparked Mr. Bcnnett's memory. He exchange which was forced to set up was Robert Allen, a magistrate, who pace and our communications with recalled reading about the same again across the street in a building became the local telephone manager one another must be instant. subject many years ago in the owned by Mrs. Tuffy. The ofnce was on May 17, 1892. The switchboard There are some other noticeable T Cobden Sun. Since he has always still there when the article I'm was placed in his home on Main differences too. With the exception made a habit of clipping articles of referring to was written. Street, which also served as his of the North Renfrew Telephone historical interest, Mr. Bennett knew The following . quote described office. F Company in Beachburg. all of the , he probably had the article in what it was like running the lt was a long distance office at small telephone companies have; question packed away somewhere. telephone exchange: "In these early first,. but by 1900 a regular ex.change disappeared. Bell Canada now holds _ He did some digging and he finally days, Mrs. Tuffy found the office providing local telephone service was a virtual m0nopol And we said found what he was looking for. The hours long-the f,xchange.was, open put in place. goodbye to the y'days of local cli ing was yellowing and crumbl- from 8 am. to 9 p.m. Six days a The .first 12 telephone subscribers switchboard operators many years inppwith age and it lackcd a date week and from , to 4 13:†on 1yere.listed in the official Eastern ago too. Now when we dial a 'un/if/duff/y',' but he brought it in to Sundays. If a friend or neighbour Ontario telephone directory for number, it's a com uter that makes us anyhow , wished to make a special call, or if December 1980: Berry, F., Butcher, the connection p _ .,',, tl art of a an emergency arose. these hours Main, Burton, R., Residerp, We' ' T seJil,te 1tee'cagg1g,t), yeairryl days, often prov.edveryflexible indted!", Crawford. C.P.R. Station, ci". fm: iiiCt2lT."i,f))ett,11ce,tte10rg, documents the arrival of the A series of Tell telephone Atcheson, agent. Delaney Bros, majority of people aim today have . ilk m 1892 It companies started s owmg up in. the General Merchants, Main Delah he, . _ . telephone m the v age . d 19 E ' d . C' cy, " er had to live withoutone. imagine I also that year when the area aroun 10. ach serve about Dr. F.C., office, Main. Grand Union how thrillin it t have been tor heirssclcss carriage was becoming a a dozen or morej sutbscrrgers teg) Ihti T.W. Patterson, John and those very i-id/t Ellejnhone customers ' r . C . _ d were connectc o, t e o en mm ey. McCo is Hotel, t . ' lesalhtiikoyiggy 1armjfs'i'"pu1t1am//d switchboard. Queen's Line Telephone McCoy, Main. hilcharen, Dr. $051] l', (llfi./ni1iptt,'rjjbih,1egarihtlo,eugig, frla, ' .. ' , ' Association headed the list. Then office, Main. Mair, Dr. ' ., . ' flr1.ishi.Y touclle? on The Nutyrac.kH followed the Snake River Telephone Dru gist, G.NAV. Tele r A.W., Od‘l lookidg Imachme. Computers Suite." Direct telephone servse. had C d h Zion T l hone M,.g Tuff E G g aph Office, thrill us ocPsionally today, but that just been successfully established 1"l'l1,1ilantiyona.n t e eep am. y, .. eneral Merchant) really must have seemed like magic. between New York and Chicago, a . _ _ - distance of 1,000 miles.†‘