Arlann 1 ' EI BB o o [WM NTX ~â€"â€" | l ts t oslaace. 5% F2 00 a P oi se â€" _ USseiunt S ) itc o 0 e tese C u§ ;r?ï¬jw ta . o i i t > C ie K ons o ol . . Te '] o e cire l . i/ k â€"â€" m hy B K TN â€"~PT l enc k i 0e . _ l 3. ME RR. #1, 552 Rldge Road LW’JA w f; Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada s ,,Zmï¬*:: E.o s e mss on ces Telephone: (416) 662â€"2691 ___ . Rssar: . C R y j . e & as) ts Erland Lee C@id) mang. [ #i isea i = (1864â€"1926) | s l Y T T . . f ;ï¬ll'l{:ï¬‚ï¬ | | Of United Empire Loyalist stock, Erland Lee had a > z. is1 [ #.. B | reputation as a good farmer, and had a keen interest in | i ids ol\ pidtiel p gz‘#% tzss the welfare of his fellowman. On the Lee farm, he raised â€" e S usls l Jersey cattle, was one of the first to grow grapes comâ€" sae y (ue k ol â€"s .. Volet : Q" mercially, and he shipped carloads of R.L. Greenings #0 td :g‘- > apples from his orchards to the British market. He was 4 â€"pem d + ho. l one of the first maple producers in the area to use an | a M ies evaporator. ; FREaâ€"® e He served many organizations: secretary of his local Farmer‘s Institute for 19 years, Township Clerk for 20 Inside vi - kitchen, includi years, first president of the Wentworth Seed Fair, presiâ€" o,:zéirfalzlilgnodfâ€"%zofl;e;inlCcuepnboglrcdf‘ 4# dent of the Wentworth Agriculture Board, and Secretâ€" aryâ€"Treasurer of the Saltfleet Agricultural Society. But it was his work with Mrs. Adelaide Hunter Hoodless to found the first Women‘s Institute in the world that r is hice Wiee n n gained him most acclaim. The organization was his idea e s ia s ; 3 "',"‘1 x: originally; he convinced Mrs. Hoodless of its merit and y A4Z ."‘Fb x ï¬"\?’ i proceeded to develop the Constitution and Byâ€"Laws and ï¬ im s * * se t 34 carried out the necessary negotiations with the Minisâ€" fals ol n (im, â€" aitfo zin ; e t 5( o K ter of Agriculture to secure the Charter. B ‘t_"f_’\ï¬ en e _ The Erland Lee (Museum) Home is now an historic ome==~/ Srrdaeke site at Stoney Creek, preserved and maintained by the i E Te en Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario in memory of ol atge Displays of farm related its coâ€"founder, Erland Lee. n neinppeiie ie .. ‘}'&'2' h\ | implements and tools. canememinmmnmmvenmecenmecemmemetyemiine | Quilts and other iitercsting artifacts can be seen here. t ues $ Saf ; hodly CiPyâ€" W | 7 4 h. | ) â€" ') o : se . < s es B 0.; -;\ in Mx | esd s CC l o We is <> rmagâ€" us ied Cae ies § e e n ‘ m 1 > f‘;\:"r? P-. «5:5,’; i sapias s Walnut dining room table where the Constitution of the Women‘s Institute was hand penned by Janet Lee, wife of Erland Lee.