troMinsl slone e l ais esd AFTERNOUN SESS )P $:100 a.m. â€" Registration â€" Zephyr 0 Canada â€" Bisplay of Tweedsmuir Histories 1:10 p.m. In Memoriamn â€" Goodwood and Scrapbooks Names to be sent to â€" 9 s 5 Mrs. Elva Symes, Box 48 9:30 a.m. Opening Exercises Goodwood, Ontario LOC iAo : .m. me â€" Zephyr ' . 9:40 a.m HIWelc:o Phy 1:30 p.m. Roll Call â€" Pennies for Friendship & â€" Beavert 9:45 a.m. _ ReplY on 1:45 p.m. Introduce Guest Speaker 9:50 a.m. COnfirmgti‘?n of gistrict Directors 1 2P: Dorof:hy Risebrough â€" Mrs., Corinne Croxal 4 1 Speaker â€" The Literacy Council of 10:05 a.m. â€" Minutes, Correspondence & Business â€" eashess 10:25 a.m. Treasurer‘s Report 2:15 p.m. Courtesy â€" Gamebridge Auéitér'é Report 2:20 p.m. Report of Program Coâ€"ordinator * Public Relations Officer i0:35 a.m. ‘President‘s Report Resolutions Convenor * § 4 Tweedsmuir Curator 10:40 a.m.. Report â€" Mrs. Corinne Croxall ' child Care L Board Director â€" Subdivision 7 s s \ 4 2:40 p.m. Report of Nominating Committee +410 &9 Entertainment â€" Quaker Hill Election of Officers and 1111 * Installation Sandra Campbell â€" R.o.s. â€" Provincial Board Member 20 a.M« s j s 11: Rural Organizat1i0Ons Specialist > ,> 3:10 p.m. New Business J a .A ‘tnstitute Grace ~ 11:45 a* 3:30 p.m. Courtesy in Unison followed by puncheon = Zephyr = $6.00 wWomen‘s Institute Anthem 12:00 noon Introduction of Head Table Guests Courtesy In Unison _ sunderland We are thankful for the day spePt,,*" music during the noon hour fellowship, for the comfort of this pxeeting _ _ _._ quaker Hill place, and to. all who have contributed t9 the ® success of the 1990 District Annual. MCY "C return to our branches with renewed enthU"***" o and new ideas for the coming year. ' . President â€" Mrs. H. Walton . : Secretary â€" Mrs. R. Shier . Treasurer â€" Mrs. H. Wood â€"