Muskoka District WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 1
- Publication
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1999] - [2012]
- Médias
- Text
- Image
- Type d'élément
- Scrapbooks
- Description
- Windermere Branch Officers 1911-1977
Newspaper Articles
Annual Report Baysville W.I 1947
Release Form - Shiela Gonneau, May 12, 2002
Brochure - Erland Lee (Museum) Home
Muskoka South District W.I. Final Meeting Minutes Feb. 24, 1999
Muskoka District W.I. - "First" Annual Meeting May 17, 1999
Mary Stewart Collect
"Foreword" written by Lady Tweedsmuir
Erland Lee 1864-1926
Muskoka District W.I. Officers 1999-2000
Minutes Annual Meeting Muskoka District W.I. 2000
Minutes Annual Meeting Muskoka District W.I. 2001
Minutes Annual Meeting Muskoka District W.I. 2002
Muskoka District W.I. 5th Annual, May 12, 2003 Rosseau
Muskoka District W.I. 6th Annual, May 3, 2004 Aspdin/Dwight
Muskoka District W.I. 8th Annual 2006, May 3, 2006
Muskoka District W.I. 9th Annual 2007, May 2, 2007
Muskoka District W.I. 10th Annual 2008, May 5, 2008
Muskoka District W.I. 11th Annual 2009, May 4, 2009
Muskoka District W.I. 12th Annual 2010, May 3, 2010
Muskoka District W.I. Annual Meeting 2010
Muskoka District W.I. 13th Annual, May 2, 2011
Executive Profiles - Mrs. Ernest Duke
- Mrs. R.C. Buttler
- Mrs. Victor Jobbins
- Mrs. Edgar Wilson
- Mrs. S. Panting
- Mrs. Henry G. Fudge
- Mrs. Sydney Perry
- Ruth Annett
- Edna Mabel Damon Templeton
- Alice Aileen Hurst McDermott
- Elsie Isobel Burbage Yates
- Ada Jean Smith Longhurst
- Elizabeth Caroline Coe Skinner
- Mary Violet Moore
- Clara Elsie McIntyre Robertson
- Doris Grace McEwen Doley
- Sybil Heath Hanna Dick
- Pauline Audrey White McAusland
- Helen Peacock White
FWIO Resolutions,Motions & Briefs 1992
Resolutions Nov. 1985, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
Misc. Letters
Tweedsmuir History Curators 1999-2012
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2002-2003 - Aspdin Branch W.I.
- Glen Orchard W.I.
- Rosseau W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
- Bent River W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2003-2004 - Rosseau W.I.
- Bent River W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
- Dwight W.I.
- Glen Orchard W.I.
- Aspdin W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2004-2005 - Rosseau W.I.
- Glen Orchard W.I.
- Bent River W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
- Dwight W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2005-2006 - Glen Orchard W.I.
- Bent River W.I.
- Rosseau W.I.
- Dwight W.I.
- Aspdin W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2007-2008 - Bent River W.I.
- Glen Orchard W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
- Dwight W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2009 - Glen Orchard W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
- Dwight W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2010 - Glen Orchard W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
Annual Tweedsmuir Report 2011 - Glen Orchard W.I.
- Windermere W.I.
Glen Orchard W.I. Historical Research & Current Events Jan. 1967
FWIO Report-Historical Research & Current Events 1961-1962
FWIO Outline - Tweedsmuir Histories Curator 1964-1965, 1968-1969, 1969-1970
Tweedsmuir Historical Project
Manual for Compiling Tweedsmuir Histories, FWIO 1987
90th Anniversary - Dwight W.I. May 22, 2002
91st Anniversary - Dwight W.I. June 2001
Programme - Bala Branch W.I. 1960-1961
100th Anniversary - Sanford W.I. Aug. 10, 1903-Oct. 9, 2003
Windermere W.I. 100th Anniversary - Oct. 11, 2011
Brochure-FWIO Celebrates 100 years 1897-1997
Obituary - Helen Yvonne Peacock White, Feb. 22, 2009 - Notes
- Tweedsmuir Curators
Jean Tandberg, 1999-2000, 2001-2002
Sheila Gonneau, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 - Éditeur
- Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario
- Date de l'original
- [1999] - [2012]
- Sujet(s)
- Couverture géographique
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.90011 Longitude: -79.36633
- Licence de Creative Commons
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- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Détenteur du droit d'auteur
- Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO)
- Conditions d'utilisation
- For commercial use, please contact copyright holder for permission and details.
- Notes de reproduction
- Contact the holder of the original. If the book is in a member’s home, please contact the copyright holder.
- Contacter
- Federated Women's Institutes of
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Adresse postale d'agence552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6