$ m iapmreppoprtomenenmmrarcommennpertan nee nc iexfomleare m ratrancemeeanrnma in mariren o rompmeentanin e oan c ineedaipreananrerreniaeneen mm e mc oc remmtrartt it e e e o o w e o o i i e i c e Spirit of the Hill s juried show w1 "ECILIANASMITH y yO vYya= %3"; C c n n i I iA ieae, y eï¬ Cl e S tai e s C ipnopimants7>~~ â€":~oupe NORTHUMBERLANDTODAY nsc C 2 s â€". . Te . OA > i io. ut mpacil Te C c 2 c ime ..‘ £~ .20 eA 4 WARKWORTHâ€"WhentheSpirit _ _ [ / > * ioi (/s , o Mess in of the Hills 16thannual Juried Art_ _ _ _ _ 0 PBR [ o ME alse> e . s s i \ and Photography Show opens this. _ _ es se ‘._’_g‘}:“i* ts x$\ i_"’fégu flnc‘ c\ & weekend, artistsandphotographers ______ :f-.:.v.g}éfg,z?*s?,i’%‘ Pmb t t s e (~ U eaomt lt .. â€"I §‘ S fromiCobourg,PortHope.Grafton _ | â€"â€"â€"â€"|â€"|â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"|| { K O atcLeP sx n ~U ~ Castleton, Hastings, Campbellford ) _ _ _ _ ‘5 Pommaciings, < ~ _ â€" â€"| . ~ <| in sssllsters |..| NKA . _AE and Warkworth willbepartofthe _ W S "oasss i i y se Y .3 s 39 display. C oo i.:’_'f};:? :=: 3o° VE ‘:‘ F 42« h-i Lh P "’.v WX T. s itin : #* ons\ Thoughtheopeningis Marchi2 .\ ||| [ _~ k s s 41*-\“\-_73‘: â€" WO . :’; NO /J{ T%" l /o s L endlardesiqnedtocomcriew [ the m 4 ons * w K e S Nes "A01 / We CX y 7 N Warkworth Maple Syrup Festival, en ~A '& es 3 ‘.'}:_:.;’i'{',}a’:’:/-m’*% E.\ ;'1'.7 a / Lâ€"‘(t::s h \ 1 7. the winners were determined in a & *J YJ Cl c on : AARE: | P 1e 41 Y 6 i i 4 es d / i Enc k2 ) ks 'é 512 “\'\ Veu } private session last weekend. | 4 y _ _ .. .m»,-vt,\i;g:_.‘ Sighe": : 7 wap * Â¥. o2 Fimn t \~ ~lobge James Campbell, executivedirecâ€" _ > mc . e s : s o Cam <â€" uy ,E * t 11 62 3 wP ‘\*a â€"â€" ols tor and curator of the Visual Arts t Pss ‘, o o e in ce d â€,@ F Al ) -\' ~AMaive CentreofClarington, examinedthe _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ | cmes / #F°, _ .( . \ kn l 4# .\ S workof3lartistsandphotographers . . . w i ce * m uzs /12 wbes to name works of special note. go¢. (pstaty -"J . e es c 0d r 0e + * > ks + Dania Maderaâ€"Lerman. of . | Sm JP y i e s s, *# F1 a\_ iR Havelock took bestinâ€"show ho || | | y _am, y e *K_‘\ ons iommamcnienigs imtamnt~ ours with apainting called Alec. se o ':“‘5:; “«‘.“15 P ovell s "The painting radiates energy, . ;55,-‘, PA e n nc © MARY WEILANDT PHOTO sound movement and music,". _ _ + i e & _.â€":r_:fi:;v;.i,- > O _ Alec by Dania Madera Lermantook of Havelock took bestâ€"inâ€"show honours at Campbell said. 2al repiose c3 7â€":.: * "fl%&!},†Ts :. l,“}é the Spirit of the Hills 16th annual Juried Art and Photography Show. ."It radiates what the subject is | _ _ 4 ;3, is : ~â€" â€"~ m ‘L amai= l i ",»",‘ET‘ i doing. The artist demonstrates D e “?;*“‘ ‘f t ons f 7 | : q very sure and consistent handling | _ _ _ _ ___, (ieame ‘ï¬â€™gf;: i “ z;.e; â€"â€" Reessumn I â€" of the media with a truly dynamic . «esn o het Bs | . â€" y*s éfs e oo 5 en j surface." ? . P A 4 " x.; ybA ’ y & ym i 3 . * Olga Neinhuys of Cobourg saw : a 3 . aie > $ m 3 2 #4.~ i: ; s -:‘:.;«_)‘-_\ } her Behind Main Streetnamed as | _ _ _ _\ |â€" kb & esee | e \) ’. & e _ } best painting. h. ie es | ds I : 52. Then) 4: Feal 6. es Campbell said the work wasinterâ€" W".iï¬"%;.-z $~ & ,2,“, m j B k W ‘?' x "f i 4 esting on many levels. [ss ;’ s BPe l e s $ yO f @; Â¥%: #. C } "Ithosahaintingdreamlikequal _ O ds eS °_ ind â€"|â€" o. é j YÂ¥ . U * j ity toitdue to theabsenceoffigures," . ___â€"â€"=â€" * Te # Ala â€" Tk_.>s [ 7 4 | t k 3 i/,___ ts > he said. e . § _ _ > 6 > W > "Itisan interestingchoiceofsubâ€" _."_ _ _ / j‘, TA se mm &n I | C e »aoe ; jectandvantagepoint. The painting . â€"= > 472 es i: A emyaiesi ouk h. c e ol ; has a surreal dreamlike air." MARY WEILANDT PHOTO i 2: BE . Pï¬\ mss s An honourable mention in this _ Woman of Summer by Georgina Schaeff of Warkworth was named best wl â€" | y cessn d category went to Julie MacDonald _ 3D mixedâ€"media piece in the Spirit of the Hills 16th annual Juried Art and â€" n Le L 6 on cestoit | . of Warkworth for Canada‘s Photography Show. Cc tvck. e ies i Wonderland â€"notable, Campbell Ras is «ass l said, because it is burstingwith vital _ «GeorginaSchaeffof Warkworth _ tograph), Warkworth Remedy‘s RX Cc enc nc colour and motion. took the best #3Dâ€"mixed media _ (for best 3Dâ€"mixed media piece) S MARY WEILANDT PHOTO "A wonderful overlap of colour _ award with Woman of Summer. and the Village Pantry (for people‘s _ Nature‘s Embrace by Carey Campbell Dinkel of Warkworth was named best using acrylic on paper," he added. Campbell said the plaster of choice). photograph in the Spirit of the Hills 16th annual Juried Art and Photography 'WarkwqrthphotogmpherCmy Parisâ€"andâ€"clay sculpture of a The show will be held at the Arts _ Show. Seen in the photo is Judy Hopkins, chair of the visual arts committee. CampbellDinkel‘sNature‘sEmbrace seated woman wasabold fusion of. & Heritage Memorial Hall at 35 _ 4s A o neontctens was named best photograph. materials. ; Church 8t. ih Warkworth: Hoursâ€" |npppp tb uie ol o in agke â€" (Acaptivatingcomposition, beauâ€" _ "Wonderfully textured," he are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and _ _ ‘" im _ ut ï¬y#;ï¬ i ,mrgncmmbmd@gï¬gatgm_\m{“, aing Nuts 10. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday. > -â€"r>’ Pargi ies pmentee inighinnet inrorgents â€" i.) 9 o l Oemrenches assumehuman â€"â€" @She â€" exudes, a physical _ The Spirit of the Hills group is i â€" _ o e . _.â€"> :g«;-_%am.;.; k‘m;lsvezrywscera], Campbell prese & dedicated to promoting all crea~ _ j \.:3 | ha\ . â€"â€" o E1228 "The x \SuzannsTowns of Campbellford _ tive art forms and traditions in .. i <4. sys â€" io Rodin‘sThe Kiss. Awondo â€â€œâ€œdd{; won "-*-!,:_ mention in this â€" Northumberland County, includâ€" _| A) Hooveâ€" palithâ€" cid e‘ Ks andâ€"white." i‘%ï¬oéï¬_’r @ fibre piece called . ing the performing and visual _ ' §3 =: | _ eey .. Tom Groot won an honourak l"It‘sJ;‘:ea. Te * . arts, media, design and the literâ€" _ uoconere eR o xt ~ ko ~0 mention in this category for High ©anator l §° Sanic,softened . ary arts. _ J | _ tPLraea. On A Windy Hill, termed a striking â€" org 'la}’ifa wonde ul fusion of < . Founded in August 2000, Spirit .. h o \ C I image by Campbell. i. efgrmap;iaï¬mmonal of the Hills is essentially sustained _ ~yald |, poa j "Timeless forms of rolling hills Prizf'ï¬â€˜if“ ieig by coluntecrs membership and" e*"**~ _ i / s 4 and shadows with the sky cutting . by Eclectic Ié‘ï¬ienemusly‘dnmz:\tec] revenues from the various shows . [ e 0 o1 Bkig ; © l through," the judge said. Warkworth F (forbestâ€"inâ€"show), OIAPETfflrK{laHCEssponsoredbythe_ MMieareratiees 10e C se | id "Ttalso has contemporary energy . painting), the He ?“W‘V (forbest organization. _ f MARY WEILANDT PHoTO withtefubines" andBusinésSSe olmestead Print cna_rsmltk_@postmedta.com Behind Main Street by Olga Neinhuys of Cobourg was named best painting in rvices (forbestphoâ€" _ twitter.com/NTâ€"_cnasmith the Spirit of the Hills 16th annual Juried Art and Photography Show. : # [3