| arkworth syrup festival TR ; _ <* f , Ans *L stars in international m» . "I B4E¢cerom _ . e s ~e _ "><~‘ TVseries _ 4 /); 17 /16 f o y s J M#A â€"1 // o â€" rag 20 . 7 ‘ ByJohn Campbell _________________ "It was the best in years," said Globe‘ for Taste Me, a food and P * 4. & â€" Dennis Gebhardt, head of the festiâ€" travel production company. eR W S * Warkworth â€" When you boil it Y2l organizing committee. "We had "We were sad there wouldn‘t be W‘%:};; t ‘ w 2 e down, the 30th annual Warkworth the perfect weather. It was unbelievâ€" snow ... but it‘s been so wonderful," dito. â€"3 ao . | Maple Syrup Festival had all the inâ€" able." said the show‘s producer, Jacquelyn C i is gredients of an ideal family outing Attendance at the sugar bush on Jamjoon, who found it "amazing" " $ * last weekend. Saturday was around 4,000, equalâ€" that volunteers organize and run the mm 18 ; A ts $ The weather was grand, the sap inE last year‘s total for the two days, event. . e h C t : was running, the attractions drew h¢ said. "We‘ve been covering food festiâ€" E,‘{’gr"}i - 3 E large crowds to both the village Another 2,500 turned out the folâ€" vals all across the world," she said, 5‘3.'.’ ,j'h Pineman, > 3 and Sandy Flat Sugar Bush, and the lOwing day. including a Christmas festival in | J | â€" i e / e : sausages and pancakes soaked with , "Normally, Sundays aren‘t quite as Germany, an onion festival in Switâ€" ‘ t A4¢ > 4 } E maple syrup served up by the Warkâ€" busy but this year there was a lotof zerland, and a tamale festival in [R _ _ _ 0 f i Goas ‘ worth. Community Service Club traffic," he said. n California, [ s ce ‘we . C n ctaN were as delicious as ever. Gebhardt credited the 200 volunâ€" â€" By the time the filming is done, |__ _ @@@etee C ol sura‘as i The only thing missing was snow teers who helpedM&RM#Whaking the there will be cight episodes, cach ‘ ' * in large quantities, so while it wasn‘t festival a success. _ seven to 10 minutes long, "that will ; : possible to go for a horseâ€"drawn There to takeâ€"everything in was a be coming up soon on ABC‘s newâ€" uy y sleigh ride, there was enough about Sixâ€"person crew from Chicago filmâ€" est platform," Jamjoon said. ®f MS W 4 to fill a trough and pour taffy over it inE the festival‘s sights and sounds The show is hosted by Amy Shusâ€" a to make easy treats on a stick. for a new online show, ‘Eat the ter, a food blogger and "profesâ€" e es $ ; s sional eater" who We i,!. 7 y _â€". â€" o o. We |] said she would t:.:_ ( ‘ +. ol V% s »-"‘; ~\â€"eaaaal s ,;{lw' §:" M be cating "a lot [@Miat 3 e | s 4 . ,:‘f?_ ns es s} sys m*:; s (a:rf:- dtaltgs ‘::1 dsnlgz Volunteer Bill Turvey helped Carson Laing, 6, of Whithy saw a log. Photo by John Campbell 4 Bo. â€" mï¬ â€" 2t + ce e of pancakes" for way to introduce ‘ n Te~â€" ~ CA se > * cce ",;_,lvg\;:. the episode beâ€" people to what‘s | * t . > B _ o onl â€"!’-B W | ing shot over two. going on" around 5 ies saoamil éf "';‘l"lf"'n-f.,i $ e days. the world with e io â€" P k: Eue _ 10 Aae . c _ _ | Shuster said she food and cultures | > 'gi:" Y e . es ue ht was _ "learning and to "educate y " ie 4 B _ s ts â€" s ,'-'â€"‘jr; about the whole them in a really \| & ar i c c _ _T s _ | process of how fun way." m > Eue x JX . . ie o O O | a maple tree is Sugar bush 28 * # ‘the . J YJ .s., . Hpeatcsaanet iz e . i | Rig, C . â€"* * tine. * â€" tapped for sap" owner Derek Van + o . . sa._~tf W 1 j s E3 t § and maple syrup Stam . said . it‘s txs Csag Ca) c . © . s 2 i: +: 30 1s“made. been "an excelâ€" |â€" ¢ j #% \‘ e CA â€"â€" ts L CE S | _ "I knew nothâ€" lent _ season ‘sol 4 j . k Mn se -'-'-;r'gis e -a, ing," she said, far. | | . e & '».,.,,;% hm o t [ 9 || other _ than _ it Trees _ _ were | c x H.& es ~ kss _ __| came in a bottle tapped in Januâ€" . © + e | > _ W | you see in a groâ€" ary "and our first . Te f L ©â€" l O\ O | cery store, "so boil was Feb. 4, | % 3 e \____| this is really cool so_ we‘ve been & ; es _ | to get to actually boiling. over a g C 4 _ __| see it coming out month now," he y [#A 52e g out mo 7 . > \H Ee ) of a tree." said. "We‘ve got o iz . \ J 2 § _% Shusterâ€"said the a lot of good syrâ€" > s _ show is "a good up so far." ‘\Hyla Cassidy, 4, Brighton, tried some taffy on snow at the 30th annual Warkworth Maple Syrup T1 0 0 , | Festival last Saturday at the Sandy Flat Sugar Bush. Photo by John Campbell F f : o . Y ) | i