Therapy dog 0 NETS raisi g t com lete tlieir niform y 'tet/, IUDé’FC/POZAP pMu1rtoy/ ByJohnCampbell Ltrs "We are now eager dents are “so eager to be able - -r?2 It __ _ - V ' _ - __ vide our members with ajuck- to pet a dog, talk to her [and] ' . Fa' ‘ f, Trent Him - Members of the et to complete the uniform," talk to me." ' . . ' ,3; " '. rt b: Trent Hills Therapy Dogs Inc. Ferguson said, When the pair leaves, they i "hm, " " . " Frg. T. already look sharp making Requests were sent out to thank them for coming. r a it I . . EC?-, l the rounds of nursing homes, area hervice clubs and to date They're so appreciative, it i Ci': ' ll _ no}, , _ I schools and retirement homes the Campbellford Kinsmen gives them so much jay," Fer- i m _ l . , J dressed in black but they want andthe Warkworth Ciommuni, guson said. "They're more ‘ " J by ‘ to add jackets to What they tyService Club have' respond- alert because they have inter- . on; . __ , wear. ed with donations of $500 and acted with a Jog, It's wonder- . 4' " re Tar, " SI "A uniform makes us more $200, respectively. ful to see." l V‘ - '* ‘ l i *- -' visible in the community, The group has l9 handlers Therapy dogs must pass "an ‘ - _ ', _ - l " presents a professional look who volunteer their time to extensive evaluation with . ' ' . . and elicits interest in our regularly visit seniors, shut- high standards to determine A, . . W t L"] cause," says Carol Ferguson, ins and other groups or in.. that their behaviour and per- e ' r ‘ ' , - the group's president. Since dividuals in Campbellford, sonality are suited to visiting LI setting out on their own in Warkworth, Norwood and publicly," -she said. "They . . rin " 2014, the Trent Hills group area “who need or desige the bring joy, acceptance and ' ‘ in“ has worked on fashioning one companionship of a dog?’ love into the places they visit. _ " a r for visitsandfortmaparitivi- Stops include Catnpbe iford They, foster a sense of caring ties at parades and festivals, Memorial Hospital, cofiuiiu, and community to those in h l 5 , Theyvre- {editing to raise nity Living and VON Hive, need through the companion- , l " S2,0.00 to purchase 20 uni- lock, ship ofa dog." I' _ ' forms that will either be black Ferguson said the group Trent Hills Therapy Dogs . ._, ' tsilver. i averages about 50 visits a welcomes dog owners in the til ll- r Provious firndrais'tng ef- month. community who would enjoy forts and gem'roust%iatipry, Thedogs are allsizes, breeds working as a team and go on . " ', covered the cost of o1ita'iriraihgrssrshrs-siid.'. . Cr---- visits withfheir pet. Those in, "__-_' T?) ", We: , itag-shirts for members and Ferguson has a golden doo terested ore invited to contact (imam: an d not: ertWatkitts, [sprawling the Campbellfor d Kinsmen. present eda dteque for $5 Into “Mme f the: t.carrtt..Y dogs thatcarry the dle I.asy she takes Cathy F ishy.r at <trenthilli. TrentHills Ihempy tings Int. Gary Ballard President Card Ferguson Allison Blown Patsyto rtitwaite in tellintile and Trent Hills Therapy Dog logo. a nursmg home whose rest- tdogs@gmal|.com>. Gillyï¬sher,inflontwithheitherapydog:5hasta.Phntasubmittedi ' ppe I Y , _7-'-"-r-'-----------------------, V) C h . . I a q rama e recognizes passing of Citizen . Q f h y d t c . amen-moi .p?e9erF'scsryesuT "t . i4} '0 v k mo t e ear an ommuntty Builder 1 0 rue - Do . . M; “mmï¬ï¬‚fhmtfï¬mgflwgflgfl F? to support local residents," when she pm ted Colborne I a Colbome Citizen of the Year am has died him the fYrr1P/,yth Community BuilderAward, the ageof86, 1 at age was a gnarl lead; ... always looking to help , o . CmmaheTownshi mud . ' mum_ mak essway andassuc others an uil li thumberlarad Hills $039131 1tf,l1,iy'gsle at NT n?tur?uly Favi.teterdl to help out as 'd,t,',tt orga- m it l flag ko.eTtiattheaoGusiJa /dilltflgm/iee 't1dQ1Q,fated m announcing his Ming chosen for o a lowered days earliertomark the death of another ltnotedivl Rutherf rd " . . - ' . r'P/,lllrlmemhtrtrthecmnmunity, CadWil r. 0 'Ps actively involvedin m C _ ' “Doug was much loved {and} aaGci 1m ca. on St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, working on . _ l who knew him," Mayor Marc Cmmbs 5:11 of: 2t,er,hmdtaismi including the interlocking brick d b ' statement “ltwasa - _ _ ru ust V _ en! him in 2013 (lilrel1eot'g,tit t,h,ie pm A He was a provmcral Bicentennial Medal winner g _ it Community BuildtrAsmd for his HMS]; oflyaly tn 1984 for his community work and volunteering, . T _ g , . I unteerism and fomrmmity kadershi H ill 0- a_r1iitmhontmsry memlrrofy1tscohome Kinsmen A Colrome, pan charged with ti greatly missed." p. e w: he te Ruth smuggling millions ofdolllars worth Mr. Routerrord co- _ . erford was involved with man other of drugs in a tractor trai er norms 'u W): and was 21et2, local â€NEW?" gmupsaswell. . y the U.S. border p|eaded guilty to Apple. Bt1the"teasmust 'l'l'lh2frd "ti-one Big A We?“ service was held in Old St. Andrew’s the charges recently In a Windsor g berthe 'zmlmunity andhisman 'ld ','d,',t Presbyterian Church inColbon-ie March 7. courtroom. teehng rmar.imgeoFrjects 'i'ril1Clut'Te' Itll?, Mr. .Reherfosd is survived by his wife Aileen, Wayne Douglas Rutherford, 63, 2 and surrounding area,â€lhe tmmshi 6.3" age four chjl1ry1rpyarne Rutherfctd (Nancy), Linda was caught at the Ambassador tut release, p sal Irt News btt (Wife g Bndghérn:g Mayor Mark Walas), Dele Bridge in Windsor diiiwigge a if???" Nordiumba-lmtd _ e “that“ an Rutherford Susan PV on ca in moret an rm ton it it“? him ti?:l(iilitlg,'f,fee1eetuyty- othmefemmhim) five 2l12",e'//ti io,,titttg1Tt1" lin Cram . was sugg an donations ineinAu ust, . g ahetryhavktheresmas and semc- Mxthumtmrland Hills noggin Foundathjnfnade to Tei,tCl,12e, the trgucker is, facing charges of drug conspiracy P, Que- bec. News reports out of Windsor say he intends to plead guilty to those as well. . Rutherford has been free on bail and returns to court in June. No sen- tence date was available,