s ® & 8 m m m «Possible cougar sighting in Cramahe Townshi | ship 2 ~CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP â€"â€" A cougar or into then e 6 earby bush. » If you see a cougar or lynx f 3 f f ; 13{33}5‘1_;""35 spotted in Crag}ahe Townâ€" _ The Ministry of Natural Resources up small children agnd do 3rlwt'rsut?ipn'l‘ll)lc'k ass;ritjlve $y tss â€" © f}}iup bn laï¬dné;:;lr)ung, according to Norâ€" _ (MNR) will be notified about the cat sightâ€" â€" instinct is to chase, . Their an I; 1memg anlythmg available. 5 thumberla & a ng f i eap & f 4 e he animal attacks, fight back wi E. resident on County 80. 21 nea the Tghor Nflggu-z; investigation, .pohce ?ald. * Stay together and act as a group. Chilâ€" _ everything you have. * heswith & intersection of Shiloh Road said she saw _ a coL(:-gar orl‘J fer:;t:lz foltlowmg i. dre;l flce a esn ol e ie astreso 2 unter: i 6 5 * w g a large cat on her neighbour‘s front yard _« Never apgrrl:ach s anrimal y b;dg;:le ;}xaanglnal‘ Talk to it firml_y while _ & No person has been attacked by a wild . & atabout $3gamm, on uy 19 and watched. | ifitls neamakihorwith T » an[:l neve); .. egm 3 y. Always leave the animal an â€"cougar in more than a century. it for several minutes with binoculars, say _ offer it food. Â¥ e ]:Fn noltl :r.uuch or hide. T ; C Dt e ainainuidieall policarnt g1 0 â€"â€" 7 * Released or captiveâ€"reared cougars â€" larger. & Ciysto appest . 1.080.010 1492 or the Minisivy of Natural s d"r:eb;zf/:/iem'tgesclnbm the cat as redâ€" _ may be accustomed to humans and allow _ » Do not take your eyes off an animal negoutces lat 1â€"800â€"667â€"1940 if they see a l Wi i i & 9 Or i t ï¬;) police setd. Thae galigfl::g “\’;’;‘nl:i;::lac}(f yg}l to get close. Animals are unpredict _ turn your back. E?:t?s; 3;; rog;::i](l)dc;?&jfc%rifglgrr%l."ï¬"’ & $ off _ able and you sh_ould always use caution. * If the animal does not flee, be more land Who‘s Who atwwwA hww.ca es & & s e am y + . .. Beekeepers sign petition to ban pestici : ene 9 pers sIgn pEtltIOH to ban pesticides 12. eeoy aya maiah /A > ue EMC News â€" Trent Hills â€" small sideliner wllrt?15e30 ali;ve':\ li"acr(r):jr:s“]r,r::rl\g:tlrf ]t](;ssh!igsselhng fat the | Te A $ . * IP e i e y o ced = The buzz about ing j § Ne sw i & 4 |â€"ooie > ol .n uit onpt / . _ Wl aly Ae oob e 4. gutlouudz:r. ut bees dying just ?:crm:;sl)lfnjmlï¬; Eï¬hbgï¬ki;u 30 af $ Laist winter was very harsh on my > ’T\ & es ;. C “"..%r"‘;‘{ ,_“"w tss $| ® There‘snow ahiveofactivity . bees." ying some bees; 20 out of 30 hives didn‘t survive. WWe * W y 4 o & k. O .. n . % h hak : 5 § It was my third winter as a beckeeper, [ Fip x eP «x+ 7 h P . | * ons Hï¬iongtg:mer Sclm?ntzsd He has bee yard locations the biggest loss which I hope to never Ww sX Y# es ) & o / en I | â€" 8 mp: (o on %eem ar’s 3252&‘â€1&?’5?'?; r];[as:;gsbg; :;:pcal again," he told the Trent Hills Inâ€" _ e $ ~ Z ul ?_ C P â€"._ k & â€" /7 S . Association (OBA) to have the . Heights, Warkworth." M r o t 22â€" i o â€"a gek e hy â€" 64 &\ neonicotinoid pesticides, which _ "My home yard is on Silver cluded meany ernoaduniinl. Oe o5 iz j 4 (â€" 3 BA WE ies < hJ y 3 it says is responsible for these Heights where I own a fiveâ€"acre ï¬yiflglia"geâ€liad%ed_ land is within bee s +4 / 'E:!' h 20LE P ie < salf |.. ® _ losses, removed from use in piece of land there. I plan on _ "And as’lbel'e Tat Een f% C Sums Hr es TDR T. "I mA * . Ubhihe, uce tomke etater _ "And y ieve that use of neonicoâ€" W + â€r PM $ <+ eS g l m Rahfo Makovie 1 a bee: cumingga td time(g:ek m?_e' tinoids has something to do with above the s zl l PB E: m : 1 a _ Keeper in Trent Hills, albeiton a _ "I sell honey in three stores avï¬gï¬aï¬;ff t,,‘:‘;,‘;{jï¬;’;f’ vince wiae." io P se j . T small seale at the moment. here in Toronto, and Carol _ "I b:fqpe we ge'! enough people signing, 4 :ï¬:’eâ€"@__â€"} | h j i zs s T= a S so a ban on use of neonicotinoids becomes i «. S B * A Ae uy o â€"> . (nOFESDEPANMNGIMNG, | mis. ie infuoye" hesid [ aâ€"â€"t es i 22. . 3 S eas Ai 4t ujle c‘ ommercial beckeeperHughCampocil, Bs / _ BSWPEAE C e / 1 PAE Cl t ce .m aal r > Ab§ 'bw € & w‘;x]u?asl;een in operation since 1983, said, . [Rs E- :. {pÂ«ï¬ 3 _ (BeJ se s4! ':;,’.-ft Bc > h) E_ f 5 (We lost 70 per cent of our bees last winter, [| | Ssn . 0A l cage 24. S â€" , 9| R lost 50 per cent." ring prof lothing Yan Skoda, from left, 9 Ey «* x4 .. g We serve GTA & Cottage Country He and his son Peter operate Campbell‘s working for Hugh and Peter Campbell, helps to B . #". 3 Driveways * Parking Lots Honey House near Warkworth. :‘f:aest the honeycorlzbs in preparation for the * I R +4 s 5 When interviewed last year he said, "We ction process. This was taken during last < . C ol 4 Tennis Courts * Farms * Etc. have 1,200 colonics H.fld)f(:ach colo:yhas year‘s harvest. Photo: Sue Dickens â€"â€" â€"| w EREE ESTI about 100,000 bees." The recent losses are _ about 3,000." , J ~¢. e c s e QMATES Ejtz‘g"g.m pile up and he is worried about _ "Everything needs pollination, accountâ€" [R @ig@s _ . ud Jz\; * ditdg . CBpiNeilteEEeya Eusiness. _ ing for about 30 t of th H P f d CA LLL‘.‘D_!@ @PE@M_\& ywmtsgusmmcmlfl-&mwmmom ea%.,"headded_ per cent of the food we | iâ€E [ F34 js NE e e scg per cent previous years and still _ According to the Ontari e P ]|â€" Wls ) ) No\ Jil e caoie 1e T es akono7 = an j , . g to the Ontario Beekee P is CMamth » 01 t «RaÂ¥ iC 3 s 10e @F I_I_LS Ie"ï¬m in business. It‘s not going to last," _ ers‘ Association, "Ontario‘s bees a]:e w 5:‘5 i ang 2o B un P 25.( | «t ASKk for MIk eonicotinoids are widely used on the dying in massive numbers due to the [R@WNY| t : 3 é * Pt or Mike Wflé;f:Pbe ‘ 4 pervasive use of neonicotinoid pestiâ€" [ % I ]| j ) _"? f " iake «s s 6 1 3 ipbell said he realizes fa:rpers don‘t cides on agricultural field crops. Fully x â€" _ > "Th #, eP B 7 Belleville: -403_ 6886 want to give up the insecticide. "They are a third of our food relies on pollinators: Hugh Campbell smokes the honey bees to calm them down while preparing k afraid it‘s going to hit their bottom line and without bees, Ontario‘s food suppl); to remove the honeycombs from the hives. Photo: Sue Dickens Toll Free: 1_866_240_5426 | th‘ey Iar outnumber beckeepers," but, he could be in serious trouble." pesticides, it states on it ething about i g cmai: royalsidepaving@sympatico.ca mei%]“:f’mm don‘t want to lose the _ Canada‘s Pesticide Management web site. â€" * Z‘\’temrybcflf/got I;Jelh}:;dgr?scâ€mm a % :z Campbe;ll noted, "There‘s only a few Ee;tgu;:;nrlz ï¬fggg é] aj cbonï¬amelf.;l] $ ]Qampbellhasalso s o etmumiee neima en : & Th . § C read bee deaths in online petition. the petition go to: <https//chn. w > € beekeepers in Canada, in Ontario there‘s Ontario were caused by neonicotinoid _ "It‘s time that we all did gej[?_(]:53 J(.;.vgo o bpeichn COLBORNE PUBLIC SCHOOL & < S $ ‘& GRA teoan Nee en e on & : DUATES & AWARDS : * Elijah Askew Tristan Robinsonâ€"Mumford Science Award Kids Who Care William F. Isaac Award t Madison Awender Damion Taylor Julieanna Baldwin Bryce Bailey Elijah Askew Bryce Bailey Dylan Vermeiren Patricia Prestâ€"Thomas Myles Materi Mitchell A. Ferguson Memorial ry gt 2 Julieanna Baldwin James Wallace Rotary General Proficiency Award _ Early Act ~ Rotary Award Music Award > ShanteneCBufr!eau Dylan Vermeiren Ethan Crossâ€"Darrah Patricia Prestâ€"Thomas ro a 7 â€" E?::nssgmss-D arraln AwARDS Legion/Parent Council Most Fawcett Family Sports Award Etljaan. bioss Darch *A Johnathan Douglas Inner Wheel Math Award Improved Student Award James Wallace Principal‘s Award # Jordan Duguay Dyla'n Ver‘melren D-amlon favie, § Dingsdale Family Creative Arts Jullearma ?aldwm f Devon Griffin Legion Literacy Award Lizzy Corbiel Memorial Award for _ Award Valedictorian *A Taylor Jenkins Dylan Vermeiren Citizenship Taylor Jenkins Madison Awender A . _ Myles Materi Madison Awender Chantelle Bureau Chantelle BureaU Chantelle Bureau Patricia Prestâ€"Thomas / P\ 7 7 â€" {/â€"~