Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2011, Volume 1, page 7

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_ . , . 15. i (ri'ii:"l"l, V 591‘, 'ire) tlilTirE or DECISION ' f?gii11/e'xander, CM0 E g ii" if _i,l,:' " . {Lei If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Cramahe in respect of the proposed consent. Township of Cramahe a I ')"u'rsy?:" 'i-l-Iii).,----) 'rl you must make written request to: PO. Box 357 'ts. i aging; 'rc))"- .\ 'c), '- Colborne. OnlarithOK i. ,,,,, tHt _ '3 L:.,:-:-:-,),:,-:)),---)----,-:--" Land Division Advisory Committee of the 905355-2821 Ext. 224180 t TrT tVV, "r--"'"-; l Township pt Gramahe RO. Box 357 fil'lrgt Ontario _ NOTICE or APPLICATIONS FOR cobseur l INFORMATION I fl NOTICE OF APPLICATION _ x _ - i I E j ‘_ TAKE NOTICE that the Land Division Advisory Committee of the Corporation of the Township ot Cramahe _.. _ . . i T _ ' ' ' , . _ Act. The applications have Additional information relating to the proposed T I .h Rated .2 - ,,.i l has received two applications for consent under Section 53 pt the Planning _ consent is available tor inspection between 8:30 |_a~l',”p,_°”_° -'(; 'grtl; _ - , - _ . , been assigned File Numbers 042/10 and fr13/10( Bowker ). am. and 4:30 pm. Monday to Friday, at the we,)',i,i"j,'ii',i, » _ F . and t 're LAND DIVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING ' _ Municipal Building, 1 Toronto Street, Colborne. at; l “was: These applications are scheduled to be on the agenda of the Land Division ()teghfg,ll2itle, rnteetirig1 ) . . f e ounci a e t DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE THIS ', i ll tdt'nthl1,'teef.10g,i) git the 8th day of March, 2011, at the Township 0 Crama m rs 28TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2011. l l i , um ' . , ifry 'c, t "; SUBJECT PROPERTY (032333? Alexander. CMO Lotto be The lands subject to the proposed consents are located in Concession l Part of Lot 14, north af Telephone Townahgir of c . simad 'jfs'iji'j;i',' Road, in the Township of Cramahe. The municipal address of the subject property is 14524 Telephone PD 803357 ramahe , is... s? __. C 'iiiji'iiij, / , Road. The attached Key Map shows the general location olthe subiecl lands. Colberne, Ontario . J r, //A E The area ut the re osed retained area! is a roximately 27.24 hectares (513 acres), with a frontage of f a l i p p p pp , gOK1SO - T, _._ 7. LIJAII a approximately 70.15 metres (230.14 feet), 05655-2821 Ext. 224 The area of the severed parcel (Application 0-1200) is approximately 0.58 hectares (1.684 acres), with a --"-----r--""LCn frontage of 85.34 metres (280 feet). The area of the severed parcel (Application B-13llO) is approximately 0.405 hectares (1.0 acres), with a TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE lrontage of 4572 metres.(1001eeti, NOTICE OF PROPOSED - EXPLANATORY NOTE a R The proposed consents are tor the creation of two new rural residential lots (a total oftwo new severe DAD ALLOWANCE CLOSURE lots and one retained lot). The severed parcel of Application y.12/10 is developed with an existing single Stag-“CE ipgtthedciturgciluol the Corporation of the Township ol Cramahe will hold a Public Meeting detached dwelling. The severed parcel of Application B-13/10 is currently vacant. . y era p pose me a owance closure. The proposed stopping up and closing at a portion of a _ ': municipal road allowance known " Part at the unnamed street, Plan 57, Village at Castleton being Parts .Lyp1r-TEN-.i0.ih1,LUliNli SUDMlSSJUNS . . . , ' . ' a ‘ 3 and 4 on Plan 39n12293, Township of Cramabe Written submissions regarding the proposed consents will be received by the Land Divtsicn Advisory j ' Committee up to the time of the above-noted meeting of the Land Division Advisory Committee. The Land i AND FURTHER, NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 34 1 of the Munici al Act SO 2001 Ch t r25 Division Advisory Committee will make a recommendation to the Council of the Township of Cramahe _ we might?” at tl"2,gge,pg, Cramahe proposes to pass glib-law to stop lt close and sell a [liaison regarding the applications for consent. it: we a owance n . . . Fans 3 and 4 on Plan 39R1229 "dl', as PM of the unnamed street, Plat: 57, Village at Castlolon being it a person or public body that tiles an appeal of a decision otthe Council at the Township of Cramahe In i a. nwnship ot Gramahe. ' F _ . . respect of the proposed consents does not make written submissions to the Council of the Township at _ DATE AND TIME: Tuesday 1 March 2011, 5:45 p.m. gggggtgattefore it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent. the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss i PLACE: Townshi at C h . . I 1 Torontg 1'd1mtl2tr" “mm” NiTCiLULFIjitLtugL) ' . [ . lfyou wish to be notilied otthe decision at the Township of Cramahe in respect otthe proposed consents. I E: 'l)1fiel,a/)fj?1' by 'li', applicatiog is 'fl2,tnf2 80 meters (242 feet) in length with a width oi 22 me- you must make written request to: ' . ap o earea iss own elow. An a licatlon hash rec . . ‘ . . ‘ ' . ' owners to purchase the affected lands, pp eeri eive6 from adiacent property 53%??ng Advisory Committee ofthe Township oICramahe _ Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make . AS??-, Colborne, Ontario, KOK1SO ' I written or verbal representation in person, or counsel, st,-jsfj?, 0% INFORMATION I , l 'left,rg agent, WEIENTIIPS. Will preludicially aiiecttheir, , Additional information relating to the proposed consents is available for inspection between 8:30 am. and a" y e propose y- aw, " Ji 4:30 pm. Monday to Friday, atthe Municipal Building. 1 Toronto Street, Colborne. ': ADDITIONAL INFUHMAIIUN relating It) the proposed mad ogfij). \I DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF E allowance closure is available Ior inspection in the Township P, _ CRAMAHE THIS 28TH DAY Application B-12/10 Application B-13/10 a of Cramahe Municipal Office, at 1 Toronto Street, Colhorne F/ OF JANUARY 2011, ,. .--e_ ', . _ ' , _ s .,-. . _ _ l i ' during regular hours. I hgfi'i If,“ a, y yyd,f1ic'iya'f, _j If _ ,' , Ci' _" J riltiti,iikr, i i "if; f IT." 311% l ' 1 's, ,\Q_ r--"' _.': tit If _ Ei2s Christie Alexander, CMO q" ‘~ {a m» ,, i ". tis' !ii ,,, _ I i DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHETHIS 5th DAY C', " _ , - ', 'i, ' CAD/Clerk Cf', ir-"',' ”we?! Juan/"ha l ' OFJ nuar 2011 Vs _ . i ' ., i: Mme " k'i5 . I a y. . as x _ JI l. _ ' a. Township of Oramahe morass: 'r,s',fi,',ia,i, mama -; l) g; i' , a ra _ l ‘a l _ RO, BOX 357 "wr aWM'SIJ A9t _ T'" -r-/ric/crs i‘ fig, 1. Christie Alexander. CMO . -“ , A Ii ' at ', " Colborne. Ontario Ir-rel-r-r-ri-,: a 'ijt: l "ssiiec?:v-iw-'i, xi 2/; l _ canteen: _ _ "i: i. a .. . a _ mm ISO 'iriiiijii, ,L 'jj"' _ Ween ',.";".:.; jj-i) iir i; Township tat Wilmette r-' me l 'lr, l 'r" 905-355-2321 Ext. 224 - ""r'-' i ;' i i','i';?,ii,"" l k, F"... " _i,i_'sri'ii,'i,'c,'r _ 'i; Kg, at a-.. " 80x35? f? _ '"irCrs-sii'?,i, _rrj- L" / ii t rliii,i,i,,i; . Irc- i "e new . _iii'i" a "rr-' l Coiborne,0N KOK1So - at K _._ gag; U. g .'i, L l - ii jffs {a g I. r," 905-355-2321 Ext.224 e" NV _ it '-, i, - ", 7 rr i 'Rb-l-i TW,, .' a 'e"--- ta a: “a; ar' , (ir]]), . u-aut-ui-tCr/Tis-il---, I j i l l i 1 [ I ! I

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