Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2007, Volume 5, page 6

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MAY _ F Hnwrmund rr". [vE"t_2c2ct7 W - THE INDEPENDENT - a _7 ,4__7,m - ,‘ ,, PAGE 31 I t . l E l . l 7*â€" by Paul Dalby bi . . ilized their forces on the l am 'A ara" ww “ >" T "sl t, i“ - - - THE peep e come home from , IlBliMiN© . f _ AW. rl Pf' cm t yt“~.~‘m.~'x\":: " . . “22:93:“ , weekend, quickly circular shopping or work it's too giiillllgiliir" V 'si),iifi1t,ii%lmmll, b Mr. Macmillan said that " L , t _ . - . . 3 w: MP, » t" yrs-m , ', 3AtMMgBlSB$MWg' . . _ Aing throfh 122W “de R? a petition entitled late, they are cutting trees 'illlgiigiiis 3;? T,: Kr A' * "gRMiilliiNilgillt eaushlcuttifng IS the achpt hills f T g . mg Save Our Side roads" in on your private property." tiB..alN'arhi'y 's, W. " qhEk r,'i%alliMMlMtt way 0. mam.talmng ing C, rent Hills is shap- local stores and also "If you take out trees Bgtgtil IN if) I l - Itifiighl,iNiNEii, pgoper drainage ditches at as a new - . _ . t , ' ' one". _ " ‘H tiM' a: 'limEtilB' t , . ground over hograttle launching an (mime peti- it's gaing to look like Sud- Eaiigiitalll, I, ' . 'tttil ySiimiifiiiEiit', e ve‘dg? of the iodd and countrysid d . our lion http://petitionon- bury around here," said rSggIgr%-Br n , Esfil'i'iii'titt,' illiliWt, preventmg tree branches in the futureema s Will look 1iryyRm/y?n.21y428/?etit,io Mr. Townsend, '!3lXiiiiglllEEE r , 3‘13}: it‘dh E' f1 YI] becoming a hazard Lined up on one side is a galthml $321011 has already Other residents along 'illgiliEriM" ' . ' itl q ii,fii'C-sci;sisag't'gillli; Ni 53:11:10]: wplow crews m the . ere signatures (at the normall tran il id tM8iigiMElN - Mi) It?.' ME “ii-7i . it! _ V group ot' anng residents - press time) y qu SI e ilNgMEg8lit?li- MMME F 'W', - , R% Nil. M " r _ . _ . u . . a, - a, w - ., BAN ' ,3“: MiNil r. 1'ownsend sees it including storekeepers a Th road were equally dis- IiiMramllBl!1lgtltW,. , F ' aNlgElN “.1 . . . _ , 0 storm blew u o ' - 5r.M6Mwtisi, - kw WBts ‘; -CuBMtt tME' © somewhat differentlv; famous Wildlife artist,age- two fronts la t k p n turbed tof'ind an entire sec- MI illmWtiMll "la ",. v s ASH Em "They do th . b 1 1t- ograph te h s wee when tionof trees and brush had i.gE@NItM 'keaa - A?“ "dMMq , Nari? e JO 1a ticultui 1at; er and a hor- a Trent Hills crew arrived been leveled to the ground Ililt& E'tTal8Il I Ilh . 5 J' _ iiEMil 'l Ililtil assed, scrape out the vege- to b1061:1315I - attempting to brush-cut foliage at the "Thank God we live on 1lMEillNll, IlillFAl . Mt ', 2 'lllBliNlt1llNil tation and throw down policy of c t1i',)1i,',t,t1ygi,i,tve side of Concession 2 West, this road and stopped them 17"" ' , - I I . RN" ue, , Irlllallli, tlt gravel which washes out. trees shrubs pp (in? own about seven kilometres when we did," said resi- . - , 9. . - ' . V n. f M 'Ire IlllliilillNI' Then they wonder why tion from th Ill vegeta- west of Warkworth. Work- dent Jill Pillsworth, a hor- " V " . I t t j c W, ct E8 .llllm MI the road washes out. They road e bl es of the in}; alOFESIde them was a ticulturalist. "We are not . i ‘ ',' " All iii Ee: ""‘ V , $gll illtr, remove everything that ' . earn D men with chain- tree-hu b ' gm , , . , . , - l fi . . . l 't.ltm would hold back water and Leadi . ' ggers ut council W2rig, ., A I}; - _ " . trt i B, . Fr k ' Ft _ for the brhglhrilieg :ggrlgmfnt saws Choppipg down larger gave permission to do this 'ct,sriFtri, k H t \ Hi "-ric'yeEaiii "1 'lNiiSllllr / E silt, he said. Trent Hill M: a s is trees, including alarge oak without any consultation." t's. i5 y =-y! is a,” 5 2N8llEltiaRl , For now the contentious Macmillan: aytlilr Hector tree standing inside a pri- The seeds of the con- T , _ aw“ l tr-kr/aa-rc-SS, - liiE5 iiiiiBhlltl Mi2llt -- road clearing has stopped , _ t - - \ ' . s x-~H:-. - and»: ‘.H. B.. , "there should blimp sag/s vats property fence line. frontation were sewn afew 'e " ' I j: Ei???il22Ml%lllillillilllll, ; although the fence demark- tion on road allowahige a; It only takes 10 min, weeks ago at a meeting of _,,,)-..,,,,.; _ Jr, y Fre r, I,ii%ii.iiiialEi-, " I mg the property line at the all." The road allowan: a LIES to cut down a.1?'yeH: Trent Hills council, which 1' _ Vrr N" Fa7Trsarr. . ,1 v'ifeijJaijj,'-.2Ca5?s3SSllal8El+ I side of the road has been Trent Hills is 66 feet in“): 3v il g'fetrri't'iirid some? iiccepted an offer from . .-': _ ert)u-itla'gietrl.f. i"iiB'tigiiiiliMM8l Filled gown Adelegation ri v, IS ren ocal woodsman Dou M-ea-rt, - - " 32%;".135 . itiiMiltitilttB, _rtrornt e Save Your Side ttl1fyd1,1211gthiotf,hte.) road Townsend, Who has owned Kelly to cut down tree: i"':,,, f l c, CCC' w:,':!,.,:,,-,,,,,))'-). , ’ roads group will get a The lo l id tsc, mommy down the road along the municipality's i we“ » _ W - _iti'd MBii iMeiiiiltli4 chance to present its case l ca res1 ents mo» Since 1989. "By the time property line "free .of ‘ L, 3" l _ I . Phi , Bilglia© l before Trent Hills Council all; IME2Ra Ar " 33:14:.» new- " Charge" . " ' Neau' '. ', 1riltrilti giiiii, nextMonday,May 7. Ir, xr, ll BllMGN 'l' EEi$itRa 'f:iliiBaf i% "The council consid- ~ - '4 - . EE2'S " P. “4.1.? Deputy Mayor Dean Pe- MI gMaRi , as?“ - IiRMit' r%Btiqt-F.. Et e dth ' _ . A u 3" a = Gi _ y?, ters f h . l dWiEi?. 4:- 'aa, " Blew; 'i8aiaii' ' re at this IS something R - in, -. , TI _ Yt _. , min t e Percy ward, Eg'?", " Etgail Baalliglka fairly“? 'atit is, we wonld have to do any- ','ll', and Pam Chasm" walk their dog along Porter Road. lays the whole confronta- 'MSI Cg') 'rt2% t BBIMM:gi N 'r'--",riisSii"i,'frgg b' way and here's a person of. w are perplexed at the Item Hills tree trutting plan. tion over tree and brush- 1’ tPs 'ariimE8l BM - thX Kg " 'di, 2eSl c' feri t d . V cutti ' ' it widgets 'EIN , NI K31, _ - iiiirirji"iit , A " h ng o o it for free. He of the mostbeautiful walks There should be no vegeta c ng - Is. really a . his la' NiNititM Bll2Bk' WE Iitlgi am B, E as an agreement with the in east North . _ ommumcatmns issue. 'aiii ’ swf Ill-Mi-tgiggle-i-iii-tici' municipality on which County umberland Eff“ on road allowances at "They have expressed fail” " .__ R t Mtgtt 'ttSt" \~~~ke§1.- treeshe ca td C I' ' . significant tt "Egg-‘91" Rih , I n ' B5Biiig " " 'aNiiaigim I n cu own. Ron and Pam Chasme . . _ concerns, he i. i - t .. I8MllglrMitEgttgesr'isi, That agreement also ex- walk their dog alonr .ASked what his ideal said. "f want to try very ‘3: -' We it g mum.” tends toa15k . g road allowance would look hardto tth ma he. IIE 'tr-lt " ttK ' N A: ' we. x3e“ ' m. stretch of Porter Road severaltimesa like th . ge ese people to “a In '. r ssl" MlEltMXliEp, Porter Road, which runs w k T , tr , e Payor replied: findaibrum for the rest f 8EiN a... 'Wir' l4 he; re my"? " 4"; be}: he . ee . hey are perplexed No trees ust t' L . c, 0 _ Mi Melt in t a: " - "h"M15iN we: from County Road 29 right at the plan to clear cut one atth 40 y] g ass. o?lr co.unl to hear their lite-v M" my. new ll Amy}. 'A» if“) Concession 2 West. sideof the road ipaHiies1 gf, “hermit” points." 'ih2 " ttif, Mt' ' " " ' " E __ \4 (at he ro ii . l t ey “ever a ow MB, P We? t ll , t' mm shah“ sid pr [Party on the east Iwrite geographytext- trees on road allowance " " til 'tiililtlllli BllimMlgllgtlliMW, BW. e 0 orter has recently books for Ontario high s. as " . " . 'rt iirlillii. 'lNlllNilrBti8it been purchased by a new schools and my latest text- Irtirgl 'r"t','.fi7 :1 - T" T' H 7.. . - is 'dgalli * ex lltlgillllilll Iige8lilitllrIllmN owner Who wishes to take book includes a chapter on we?! 'topi,'-'iccir, . "r" T _. 'AI- . " = . " t N5 F. 3.342%. Mr, "fBiiiNINSi out some trees on the prop- global warming and the alMNtWi or/i), ft _ ". .- T ". _ 'C, _ "r ,'5mtBil C - r mt "- ' tm 'l, N BW - - ~_, ”‘2 = _ F . rt . ' -, 3-? "ia'-,,: TA, _ "', _ _ ,'r _ Hr. ‘7‘: T .~ ag its: il' I 'iii " 13!: - ' if? erty P allow. more Importance oi preserving refiééc; iseriii,lesj 1 _rr, i-,rirs,r,C'ir ' . c, l "i'. _ ' ’1 may t$i& - ’ can IitiB8, " '3; " ll' MI! sunshine into the fields". our trees," Mr. Chasmer st2aiiBltii'ii?ii':fi:i'ri1 i/, Cs _ We?" e _". -:rc c-fi-e-ci " , " 1iliM l (if. I Ir-ill, I tt will?“ 1111;! agreement said. 'T urge kids to think %W"‘“§'§:§‘i‘ 752315 f"- _ 1:13""-3":1" v/r':"':', -. l _ I”) Bray " trim t ' ' , " .- w " .:- " " V . . H ' INF , - . . “rs: V. CF:.: -- 32-.» 132-2, ;,-';-.,- _ fr- Ml IN " 1:3,, in? ' El I " . V; MI BW, will J,rtehflllsi, 1:3; 11:11)] globally, act locally We say jiiiiEggd 'tB tisyi"ij,iii"ii,,'(ii,j, "(t-few? _ "," 'y, ",i:rij1rr.r-; _' ' Rst " at"? " tt ' 'Q " IllNMi, - tt ' PS we nee to rotecto ' . _ 'NtigiE8Nl 'rak'itt4frif's'ir' cejt'r/t-cc,( _",'-:':."-,,",-]'"-:?):::-:-, i-C,. B. Til} 'i _ Ml It ll' tg' Mi Mh' ' ill ’ lie; on the private property but forest 'lly', ' mam 'tiiNtgiiiaE8lll ig'éT-ifii" r' ' 1tlie1tit" rAsa , ' 'd V” . -lllll t " 3/, also any trees withatrunk down on W]: are cutting Ets'eillBaN2a1 'ra' figt‘ 3;” .f?"'Ft, ifs."- , . I tlMiltill Igiiell F233;}; filameter of less than IT me a brcdkf trees - give Si, rlttiiii'1i' -.: S{”€§~‘:‘;~' wir?':-,'.',':, Jr}: ' R Mtl _ Ill giiirt llEflliii aitE, inches from the municipal But Mr. Macmillan is E' 5aitlWh' ""7335“: ’ y‘:~,>11’:::;,;â€"‘:'34. , ' Ir GhTdS ,. '- iliiaBl 'ifitiiE6NNl" lty'sside of' fence line. unmoved by the ar u- #5333: 'gs,' 5‘724’éi-‘CLIâ€"dzoiâ€"X _lBBm' if IMilM - i Br, I 7 " 1 Thliwould effectively ments "Trdes are grEat 'lllifiilESi,ig,1ijf,i1t, ' 'tEeiE%"i'ii-iiiiiiiifCi'r?:sti' '55-? -' ‘ , " "-‘- . . e -' -. - > V“ C ea T . . 'il8iattg, e, r pe, "r'a,'gi':,reh12,' we "SEE BtMaarir/ii' F " rger trees aren't exempt from the Trent hills plan to clear a ti on rain“??? and vegeta- natural resources and they I MNiliiile,itk"is" 'iEliglllEiiRmrkiiiuslii,,'ii'. . llssleel across mad allowances. d g " e of the look beautiful but they "S " x J- "wer" w JWyY iFM ""3”" Aetps, ' ___ ___'"' ---.- -_" A? ---" I -___ro11fl, 710% considered one don't belong in the road Wage 'e.',,'?.', "!y and throw down gravel which __ _ ___ ,fi_, - ---= _' "C_'Uf_C"', -Wtsrtes oih"tarsf1iltili!t1relet?trrtie' on the plan.

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