F 2 (é) N. v ;' Cramahe has new dog bylaw > t goi , e‘re not going 5 C ‘:/‘7,} f /estimated $83,000 a year to run it. This goes some way in w By,B05 OwEN ‘O After passing that idea up, Mr. . answering the concerns expressed tO take lt, Count y Says chronicle@belinet.ca Harris looked at operating our â€" by Dr. Chiunti in her November 17 j 4 ‘One month after Cramahe own animal control and using â€" interview with the Chronicle, council began looking at animal someone else‘s building for The cost of augmented service O control for 2006, it has a deal. In a â€" housing. 4 will be slightly more than what resolution passed at its December That was rejected too when the â€" was paid in the past six months, 6 meeting council also approved a startup cost came in at about but when it.all plays out, Mr. ( h new animal bylaw which will $60,000. Neither Trent Hills nor Harris hopes the overall cost will W ) ramifications. It amou‘nts to govern dogs in the township. A â€" Brighton wanted to share the cost, be lower than in 2005. By Cecilia Nasmith putting yourself on the line, he new contract with Shelter of Hope . or the additional employee. cnasmith@northumberlandtoday.com said. Animal Shelter is pending. No cats wanted { "I am there, but I just hope by On November 1 council Improved service The contract does not answer Northumberland _ COUNtY | pacging the resolution we will authorized Bylaw Officer Jim Mr. Harris then moved to see if â€" another of the vet‘s concerns. councillors have served notice 0n porr if up to the end," Mr. Harris to research all aspects of â€" he could get an improvement in She is unhappy that the | the province: they will fl9t accept Macmillan said. "Or it will be the animal control and housing. service. |_ _ tfownships of Cramahe, Brighton | the administrative or financial | 1.5¢ ons pm going to back up. I When Cramahe‘s arrangement In the contract which is and Trent Hills are unwilling to do | responsibilities of the next big have made this speech enough." j with a private contractor ended in expiring, Cramahe has animal anything regarding cat control. | download. 4 "If you believe in something, the spring of 2005 the township ~control from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. five â€" Politicians from these townships Responsibility for the Ontario you are going to do it," Mr. Finley entered into a sixâ€"month contract . days a week. . refuse to "recognize that the cat is | Municipal Employees Retirement reasoned. "And I think we have with the shelter and with Quinte Cramahe _ Township a domestic animal that needs | System )OMERS) is about to be hed that step. I am prepared West Animal Control. When the veterinarian Dr. Michelle Chiunti â€" service," commented Dr. Chiunti | shifted and, for county rea{;k the im hcétions suggestion of renewal was put has publicly expressed her in the November 17 interview at | councillors, it‘s the last straw. to (use en P the citizens are forward at Cramahe council on concerns about the deficiencies of her clinic. They can be as big a | With second reading done and the I can tell you, T. Rosaw November 1, Councillor Ed Van â€" the current contract. Stray dogs . nuisance as dogs. She was told by | legislation expected to become f}O’t going to accep 1}: e said. Egmond balked at the cost. The bill are often located after hours. the Cramahe bylaw officer that | law before the next countyâ€" It‘s time we said to the province, to Cramahe for the five months â€" There is no publicized number to . people see dogs as more of a threat | council meeting, . Alnwick. . YOWTe lViN§ in 2 hk . prior to November was $4,591.21. It â€" call and no service in off hours. . so they are more ready to deal with | Haldimand Township Mayor Bill °4A not going to take it. 4 worked out to $459 for every dog . Unable to find anyone to call, them. Finley‘s motionts sperveynotice "I feel exactly the same way," picked up in the township. people call the vets. _ Mr. Harris confirmed his | was passed last week Cramahe Township Mayor Lee Further documentation from It was her opinion that the opinion that cats are not as big a The amount Vtee uld put on to Dekeyser concurred. "It‘s time to the township received by the township has been paying an . threatas dogs. local t S ,lbmou PC _ stand up and be counted for our Chronicle last Wednesday exorbitant amount for poor or In his research he found no Finl aï¬payers o mtpie constituents. revealed that $12,388 has been nonexistent service. There has municipality in Northumberland | c mtey earo mds cighhto 10 per "We are doing the work of the spent as of December 7, 2005. This â€" been no coverage for twoâ€"thirds of has a bylaw governing cats eI}‘I't’ ; province. Why are we being is significantly less than the every weekday and none on. Clarington has a bylaw but does b hs es amgesonis penalized? I don‘t call it $17,551 cost of animal control and weekends. As far as the vet was . not enforce it, ut they tried to put in all these doxnpadine Apymore. I rall it housing in 2004. concerned, private citizens can‘t _ Speaking to concerns expressed enléancements, ppract a dictatorship." In a phone interview last beexpected tocatch stray dogs and in the community regarding obourg Mayor Peter Delanty "I entourace my) fellow, Friday, Mr. Harris outlined the take them all the way to the â€" standards at the Haven on the Hill noted the provision trhat aloved councillors to vote in favour and steps he had taken prior to making _ Shelter of Hope. If they did, they â€" cat shelter, the Cramahe Bylaw Aol in ioh it reats for not to fear," Mr. Macmillan said. his recommendation to council on . were the ones doing the animal . Officer is convinced, it there were | Cssentialâ€"services personnel. "They may break us and they December 6. control. . a cat bylaw, the cat shelter on Peths addâ€"ons that really may kill us, but they are not Mr. Harris explained that In the twoâ€"year contract which Parliament Street in Colborpe | CORcern me," Mr. Delanty said. going to eat us." erecting an animal shelter in the Mr. Harris has negotiated with â€" would not contravene it. If one |. . NC Worstâ€"case scenario for the "I just visited Warkworth | ¢ township was not on. The cost of a . Richard Lamoureux there will be were instituted the owner, Linda | CP unty is a $1.2â€"million addition. (correctional facility), and I saw | building would be in the service24hoursadaysevendaysa Hopley would need a kennel | | 2 SULG You have done the math . (COTH pretty good cells down neighbourhood of $150,000 if â€" week. When animals are reported . licence, adding to her costs. e | 19", YOuUr municipalities, but for | EOME ® Bomfioh ‘Township townshipâ€"owned land was used. An . during evening . hours, Mr. â€" added the Ontario Humane Society | (h8 TOWD of Cobourg, it‘s 4 | $F5T5) porrest Rowden said. "I urban location is not suitable but LamoUreUx _ will determlnp has beep to her shelter and added $435,000. 4 think I could take one of them." there is suitable land in rural â€" whether the pick up can walt until . accepted it with some changes, Mr. As for standing up to the Mr. Macmillan suggested areas to place a building. But . the next day. He will maintain a 1â€" Harris acknowledged Ms. Hopley | ProVince to make the point, TreAt __;@ojaying the motion to all Cramahe‘s two potential partners, _ 800 number and a van with a sign . is trying to do the decent thing ana | MiUs Mayor Hector Macmilla® â€" 5o) zo municipalities for their Brighton and Trent Hills rejected _ on it identifying him as the animal . a bylaw would not address the cat | UT8ed4 council to consider the â€" pomajon and support. i the cost of the building and the . control officer. shelter issue. y 3