3 s | "a‘ mt . a d | circulation x | B i (499% #t | 4 e [ * [ _ ..~ & ~<B s Scott Simmie E \ > 6 ys 2 g% El 1 A Eie R . ° E 6: a"Se" :: - 2 | #} mnl i5 Faking It € | * i . §2 E p is .. No :'g Although today‘s highâ€"tech $ | O m is 4 58| equipment has made it easier || «l2 i1 ES | e 1 5t tn?attpempt to counterfeit ; 0 um( gee: s m&&‘%fd m 5S ‘ money, this is far from a new & | > * crime. a | 30 35 §a &8 3a¢gi£T Back in the midâ€"1880s, 7 I ;§ 5 EE%E;} §3 § sig 8 8 Canada was awash in fake # | Q\o" § %",og & § reys! nï¬%,’n ; bills. The Bank of Canada says 2 I 3GS g,a‘é-“ w@‘"j.;‘-; Bg * 28 & § more than $1 million was in é §:v';§ °£§ o 18 7532 : s circulation, enoughto 2 I g 35 5 m a §\E e iR is §5 potentially destabilize the Z2 | o m EC’ 2 ce Eg‘g_g 5?36@)\9, Canadian dollar, A detective x0 | 20 E%’ éS:x C 3 m% Etï¬g a § with the Government of § I g'_-‘&g 5$m8 18 E EUB T005 § Ontario, Jonn Wilson Murray, £ / Ja Egégg 5 ‘_“gae EE-EEEE was put on the case. 5 A ;_* ;E?:"E e E*ï¬h_l\. 05':5 & 9 5 The counterfeiters were 3 | ce ELEE bEbSs35 %ggg s E producing a number of bills, CU 04 S morâ€"e as305 including a thenâ€"used 1 5 es 5e‘ * Dominion Bank of Canada $4, [ 5 £ E"g"g 243 ¢ g% 25 s <§§ a $1bill, an Ontario Bank $10 1 Bs t BA m‘aggwï¬ï¬‚'{JE,fll& note, and a Bank of British t | W $g.m-§ § %g)n.l:aâ€"?'w $ Egggg, North America $5 bill. | â€"â€" §2$5$ 5587 ?o-gï¬Ã©f 24g The quality was exemplary, i g-;,...‘ §%g2gm EE Es § hnSg and Murray knew "that | was â€" @ .E ES‘ES’E $s E‘S 8 $ $ 9 4 4 $ tackling one of the hardest * 1 0 5 sA 5%3 g Su%aï¬â€œ?‘ $EZ cases of my life." I EE“Béo.a“FEsé,ï¬v%“’w: It took nearly five years, but [ s $84a48m.8 24 28g5 ,_:â€"E & c § | x 3 PR C a Murray finally nabbed the t O .5 gg 9 84 2 4 §_5 E§°4§ | 3 fraudsters. The case did more [ C %gï¬oï¬ï¬‚z'ggï¬ï¬‚ï¬.ï¬ m;gu | ® than halt an economic threat [ 82z 12 6E, 24 89 QES < 3 R to the nation; it ultimately led 1 6 SR s Ea~E 13 fapnas 83 to the production of j f 7 { =â€"# e â€" banknotes that were more 5% g_gg € %g 35 $ 8 g_qé_m § difficult to copy. [ sggg&ggag §m§§4§%gE a 1 1 o # i & ; | o Hfilgig fls don‘t accept it. [ ;Eggabgg mm $4 58 3 $ & "One thing I always caution ,.S 3544 q’gggld%ï¬ g%,: g‘ég consumersandretailers is never | <â€"â€" §g149 558 5s E Né.: 1s$3 & focus on a particular denominaâ€" 1 S E-,;:'ga mg§§â€"5 §E§§j§ ‘ tion," says Marsh, [ rfoiect EESQ.QPg 5 98 Pelcleake ; In the first half of 2004, a new 1 : AE‘Eï¬vggm-mezEavzxm series of $20s, $50s and $100s 30%965519%‘55320;%%&2 ; will feature enhanced security ’,Q gggbgogmma@&g E.Egg features designed to keep ge [ > B aday BE g685B8s A bank several steps ahead of the [ § s S € s counterfeiters. £ [ '-U 4 e E’% E.4 éfl 5 8 gï¬g% "That will make them harder | m & 3 a 8 §3 3’20 :é"q n€ to repr?duce,†says the Bank of [ O -‘,; g-g"g's}gt;;:'oi’i’é E'E §$ § Canada‘s Stockfish. 5 [ 5 ,E:_aé 52@3“;‘2"3_%&-:&8 ; If someone does happen to slip 1 O a o § wE{glâ€"h 5 §3 g §50 3$ you a bad bill, authorities say it‘s 8 â€"EEE g 5?5 gz;EE 3 é-g §DE__, your responsibility to ensure 1 Q_) § l E Té%%ï¬"’ $ 3 5"03 that the buck does indeed stop [ ,-Q 9%535“§§°’* ‘;‘.‘â€"0'527‘“::â€:' here. Write down any [ Egoagâ€"gmr_‘gï¬ao_%gs%gg details you may have [ a m 9 8 Erï¬â€˜aé""ï¬gï¬.s h’{é‘_o“é‘\ : do about where you reâ€" 1 >} gégg_ugmaéa.hégâ€"g .E,,, ceived the money, | 0 -QEBOE ;’g p“gooï¬ggkg along with a descrip~ . . | .A Aazâ€"aobss~ ho3e £ , ma." tion of the person. Put 1 5 § 2 * . + ng. the date and your iniâ€" § E %-gg %â€â€™ggg 8â€"2’ 3 §E.§ § tials on the bill, keep it 1 3:2'2â€"‘“1 pue B5.8 C u%ï¬:{: ie sale place and cal | oo s pp is police. & 1 ;_‘ * Egjét;é_g: 2 § 28 0 & Eventually, the phonies taken § %l $8 .59 ¢ Ué 5 E_gua 4.3 out of circulation wind up in Otâ€" 1 q) € ï¬ gâ€",;_g s 8 o §'ud§ cR * o § g tawa at the RCMP Bureau for [| <hd s $5 ggfg %dgé.‘â€gf’gg Counterfeit and Document Exâ€" 1 Q & ,gogaag ï¬:gggsgggsv aminations. There, smart peoâ€" 1 .2 j a s3 BZ34 0S &ï¬gï¬ â‚¬ ple with fancy machines try to [3 & %,gï¬ggéggggï¬â€"uam figure out everything they can, 1 = 94449 °y s §4€ ï¬â€™og'.E about the play dough, including [ 3 o.3 375‘_3 3,8_5 §4 * § oï¬ whether what‘s floating around 1 a 688a8F EAREESV $587% came from the same source. ; Finally, when the time comes, _] the bogus bills are incinerated. Now that is money to burn. . _â€"___ 9m ’.’4 2