aBB indulged his every Goofy whim over the years. ' fist, From auctions, flea markets, the Goodwill, even the V 1 â€$35.35 dollar store, if anyone sees a Goofy that Ken might not ___ _ , ' ' an? .. have, they grab it immediately and are guaranteed a F “$1,: smile from him. 'tgiiM Ken has a small room in his home dedicated to ' , P " 2 / t v Goofy however, throughout his house the character , seems to have encroached everywhere. In a bedroom is 1 . k ' _ ' _ C . one of two working Goofy telephones; the phone rings ‘ V : _ and the Goofy character part of the phone starts talking T, . F, _, _ ' ' - '?t and says he's asleep and therefore cannot answer the i ' - _ phone. A working telephone of this type has become 2 i quite rare so for Ken to have two of them in working Era n d p a " _ I » condition is quite amazing. T _ NI ' There are Goofys that drive trucks, dispense Pez - ' candy, pilot airplanes, give gumballs and then there are Ken C ll e cts a Ken Clare of Blackstock has been an avid collector of anything the SEIEfEd animals, banks, belt? bath, (',1Jl',ydlclllls' bi lare CO "Goofy" for about 30 years. To say Ken loves the Goofy character is an watc es, buses, Pfe cys; the [fre almost on _9515'K it Qf th i n g but understatement; although Ken collects old radios, cameras and a wide Although all l?? Goofy characters are specia , f" h ' eve cy , . assortment of other paraphernalia, it is to the beloved Goofy character resirves a certainfiif/ve 0V1? 0‘11: _,i.s1,1tt1ligli,Irr,' ft prize is f . collection that he has built a collection upon. 130, 5e1ei1l? a g1 rom IS D CS ' aug ffr . _ . QVQU rite He now has approximately two hundred Goofy toys and prod- Sss arovski crystal Goofy and I must admit it is beautiful is hi han 200 nets and from his enthusiasm for his collection I saw no signs that he and not l least bit goofy. Ken handles his crystal Geefy t more t will stop collecting anytime soon. with the kind of care only a true collector can appreciate. Go: h racte cs, Ken does a daily mail run in Orono and he does not have a ' It was many years ago that Ky)? granddaughter t . fy C a l th . customer, a friend, an acquaintance or anyone who does not know 3:35:31de hlmb GEM)†Grim?“ The name stuck and t' O In of his enchant for Goo to s and fi ures, His famil , his wife, four . orever e. nown or 1 . . . , ll] kets and C g daughpters, eight grandcflilildgeri and three great grandchildren have 0nhis 65th birthday, his family presented him with a parchment scroll. With affection, the scroll begins , " - v-e > , r “W, ..... - r w "P "Goofy, known to us as Ken Walter Clare, was born 3 i - 4-: ritr2fj'4 y *f - “if?! - 5g? .2» ce, 'AMt"h'i "tim »\ at home a toothless wonder, much like he is now, and R344; Elle, " , a g P I 'll IBtilgl8i Brg cm, r 1 5 where are his teeth? Probably in his pocket," a†MIM, - 7 iIN g Billlll Gi if; .. _" C _ _ _ Fri. The rest of the scroll is family members reminiscing i2l lam“ ' t ' ‘ il t .iFt)5iild M " 2 . , , _ ‘ , s':. about their dad. The whole scroll is a testament to Ken 2Gii ? . ' "..v - - , " " _. "cir'i", "Mr ,1 T .. . . _ and his love of the Goofy character. It , al, " . B. g . . 1 1 , . - :,'; . As I left, Ken said that his collection will never be t: gE5i , I . 7 r . " ... 7 . tl , e -, ___" " "r?,' ail MR" _ , . R5 . _ . ’ Ts lf / for sale. He will simply pass it on to his children and ...c " , ‘ ï¬t. , Bl , " ’%q=§é§5 (ir-if FS ? , f . grandchildren. "Ws my hobby. lam not interested in tag} t n ‘ & 7 al ' ta fl Ci gt ;_ “15°33 ' . a? 2 g 2- T i. _ knowing value. Iknow some of the toys are scarce but i Q ,3 St " ' I r. idol“ ll " I, 'tes-ix-l! h F.E ( ' . ‘ M selling does not interest me, Ijust love having them." _ , . . ' . e ELI iN ‘ t: J', , - - MI it? (i' a. ' ' f 'gcc, He loves having them so much that he is now inde- 2 & I , Ili' ‘ g . . ‘ _ ll . ' " . _ , if 1 M' ' _ ' Ut = I finable from what he collects - he is "Goofy Grandpa" " ‘ ' CLP, y -- ~ 'a I f . ' 1 - I I . 'ttii, .5 forever in the eyes of everyone who knows him. z,€l Eiiri s ‘ I - . 7 r p a , "iv 'i: 9‘ rSEliiea 'h] . I V i . . . _ Ill . . . i ' - = " ' , , t 2.5 .L, 5...! at I . Cdil . . ", .. '% 1 a... 2 $9 2 M“, 'T r-u at -: g I Iith" . V r!'ftllraritli'"s'i, ssi' T 'r-, if I EK ' = ‘ ' q ~ " , ' qer 7 i rr _ 1" ' ' (illEfi cl " " ' ' 'Ju,?,, 1-1. 1 i _ . q ' = ' '.’ F r = M " 1 T " Lc., Ei . i , ti tea . gill g 'Kia', ’" MI ' ' I - 2 frqF) i M, a ti: . 'all . “’5 - iii-5.51:, Lt , iSSiiltN ' it a mt . Cal r _ , 5; , , ht l Ffi . i It! - MR , Rt') ru' , ' , P , , ' " ' ' k _ , , if , 1,, as, h' , I ' . t" a , ‘ " a C-L' I lg, at , 1 i I: - f = - . Illia tlil Ken Clare dials out on his Goofy rotary dial phone while standing amongst some of the more than 200 items he has in his collection.