Blackstock WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 2009-12, [2009] - [2012], page 8

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I 1"" ‘ % MALCOLM, Neil Taylor "B" V l , _ I , BYERS i t, g II It: Time Member at a V ,Murray q _ “J 'caaa il , Q .i ackstock United Church Peac f I I , / C-," 1 a l a. ‘ (',t1r, of Fidelity Lodge Marcehu 'Y1- on Friday, 1 T i / , ', a? . . ' i. O'HSIPOrf Perry, Member the L k , 2010 at J' a " y / _ -» . . DORRELL (nee Wright) r * . t stern Canada-id/of F! a endge Health , Us, n r", Kathleen a m ‘ iih' r, 60phssycam) CG Centre in Port Perry at . r- q , .A. - I I age 96. Murra ii) F Died at . r"CW At hi I I h y yes _ / _ peace in the 'Its _ IS home with his W e "y of Blackstock belo l - ___ " earl ‘ I I , d . - y hours L (143nm); tl? side, on Fri- l All I hus(band of the iatcvfii, N _ _ - a "da ‘ 5, 2010 't,rC/d'ayAsl'2,'t, 90th 9. y, , 2010, in his ’ " een nee Mountjoy).L 1/ i" W afami ' ' er isgubest friend Jirite Malcolm of Black- if father of Jim Byers angvlii: 'l/dp/ek Peter . (Retired from General AG , [id I Kama: celebration for Lou ghee Cook) [',,",eplef,'re of Noreen stack and 181: e Barbara (deceased) of Black day Llrl; li))) Peacefully, on Thurs. Jes' MAY WATTERS F, ~ 7 " 64th wadind Raltanvs avid Keilo _ a o ordie Mary _ , ice and her hush ' stoék r at his home in Black. U y tm Frida . r mg nniver- and Proud G gg), and Jamie (Gloria) I: _ field OfLondon W and Les Bush- , at age GB. Peter Van R k d 2010 at the Com y. April is, sary. Bom on M J randpa of E! _ . ovth (D _ _ _ Ing grandfathers“ loved husband yfyy I ssarfy Hom . munity Nursing arch 2, 'gCt/:rpi,tgt',aiii,i, “the”. sAlfytfte,ttni Materiel; 1ng Sim) ttLif,,tf/ltar: lii's0t)alior,f, 'lbgltt,"'dtt1ysg"y/7] '"lrrlles i/lehrld/f,7, it Me N. with? f. ttt (Rutledge) an Berth t . ono t slate I t or ushfield (A h I we Angela Li n of the l r Eaved wife rig ,s eis predec brother of L a (nee Taylor) Male l Bushrield (Ed s key), and Dan Krau '. Isa and her husband Kari ate John Watt by her parents a d I I eased awren 0m, Dear _ die),and great na P? and Lori and her h Caesarea, Lo ers of F n sister Pearl Bubs Sh _ and brother-i Ge (Gwen) Jean (I _ Bianca M _ grandiatherofAl Kendrick a d ustxmd Donny ved mother MI survived b h y. e is _ - 'iaw , Im Millet) t CKenna Moll ex, . r! stepfather of e _ and her hush d me y er devoted husband D be mlSsedbn _ ofGordon Cook N _ . , ceased b _ ' , re and James P and his was A reg Atkinson of an Ted Lamb daughtersN . alien. her _ yhis m _ _ eilwill also y his sister) F ' rede- ly' . . my and Brad Atki Mammy” Ja k I ancyum Cama h ) L eamily of Neil any moves and ne h Murr . can Swain, The f _ is Wlie Angie. L _ nson and (decea ' C Waiters In Mood ) 9 an, eanne (Kev. Mal _ P ewe. The ay Byers received? amily of Se h _ owng gmndiather of Lal sed), Put M y. Heather (Gr t M . I WAGG FUN colm received fri d NER riends atthe WAG ra t Nicholas L _ y, Toronto L ugee Of a d I an CLaughhn) Jan ERAL H rien s at the AL HOME 'M D GFU, Laura d r 0gan, Kurtis, Ethan Abi . y WW Watters tl d . n sister Dorm (Ji t IS baker Cha t OME 'McD _ 21 ' C ermott-Panabak , . a.n SabaSlChen D t 1 wife Kirsi fA n his I y "n Marlow). Nana ill Pei. 216 a t ermott Pana- 6 OUeen Stre t _ or Chapel na Robinson f ' ear brother ot " o .Umm attd Har Id missed by her I i WI be 90eiSB5-2171 Ucen Street in Port Per C) e in Part Perry 905- , 0 Port Perry andA Wailers and his . o grandchildren Michael Di _ _ ry, n Sunday M h ' 9852171 and her partne , udrey Buma N wife Maureen of Laura and Emil Wi ickstm, untli4p m and on Monday, May 31 fr , are 21 from 2 T H . , r John Hal er of P n P ymyrket, She will _ F _ ly ills, Carla and Abb . ' from 7 t crm 2 pm. and from 7 T Pin until 4 pm e,is SUMVedbyh- f o W miss it b ll be sadly lin Caitlin R yMcLaugh- to Celebrate hi _ pinumii 9 p.m As _ , _ pm. until 9 pm. A s t of Holl .'5aunl acoba "Co" Jolin e y her It grand . , I emy' Joe and Ma M _ life T _ ervtce ebrate his If Styles to cel- .and and his I H g and her I children wa th I c CODY. Kathleen Umted Chum: will be held at the Black lg was held In the Ch and his v/d F uno e airy Vanderheul . , great-grut1dthild S e epitome of the w A Tuesd stock March 22 at 11 _ apel on Manda _ 're. Shirley of Cae Dear sister of R ren. combi I P""'? who successrulf terment canwr‘on ay, June 1 at 11 - T am. with Re _ y, will also be m . F sarea. Peter P aymond Mann f med marriage f y I ht-U I am. In officiati mend Linda Saff ' Issed by his New on Hope. Thet V a _ . amily and a caree _ Ifdesired me l? _ mo“ Cemetery Black "g. Interment Gartwri h . iey awe and his text ' s and neph- l w tt . umily of Agnes had time and en . r. and still , mortal do _ T stock. Blacksto k l _ rig tUnion Cemeig of P ended family, The Famil L a ers will receive f I ergy foririends and c I cheque to the nations may be m d C . ideswed m . _ ry, eter van Ry k ill . _ y i the WAGG riends at She embraced h Dmmunny' Port Pe _ a e by be mad , emoiial donations at the w swy WI receivetriends rr FUNERAL HOME er role as teaChe or to the Bla rry Hospital Foundation e by cheque to the Bk k may uMcD AGG FUNERAL HOME McDermoll-Pdnabuk r,' supported the art _ r and keenly Unite ckstack Church Memori do stock United!ntit4)1rybaker c i ' 216 Queen s _ er chapel i _ S. Travelling, knittin , _ rt,"/tr,idt,uere, Pemo- ‘WAG Gr the r1',"ry"?y),rf, 1, (i'/iiih,iiCiir11r'iil,i"j'irr,i a V res d I _ , rom -. - ram _ '. I n 0 _ _ . ",:1tt,ctt may ate kD, “if 22:5; Memories and L\‘WAGG :21:th so- 2gi1iffstpig; Mater 113 bhi)itgti fo Blackstack United 3'5th 'at,' 5309 at the sare atw w-f nces ma - F ebratehislif _ ' y'" the the e in 1 I H I on unday,A 2C/fd1,te12',C'vaoiu- Peace c ,HOME shared at www.milggft: ITL-C Huslilili'i, Sir-3711530 am (iviip12i,,h/g King]: 333i»! Nth at gala-gt: Ju/int, AD“(i fjlxgshfltahon at 12 pm- and the zewiiguj: . on arrlrrrily neralhome com ”MAM I iamg, Private Me _By Linda sarir' . ‘eren pm. For those wh _ _ _ . fort-Fumiiy Church Cemete mammals” United I - EV officiating. donation D wish, memorial F ry, ll desired . nlerment Pine Gro s may be mad b tip Mnemonal don - . ve Came e y Che t e t MAIRS N . it,igsgraJel"' made by cheque to the Heaan Prince. Albert. If desires? PPG FUNERAL HOME 'ltr; hmugh the At M,rrP: A r Urman Elwrn BiaCkSinge Jgiilngation of Ontario or the mgartenrgal lilonalions may (i; In Port Perry 905-985 I use" Street Mae-s. _ V _ e Church y c eque , 21 , I Ai rr _." Norman Elwin Mairs mmoclloaldolfund. Memories bm, were; sherry Hospil?l 'F2,,2tL'I't, ifL1,dtoctt,' Eyackstock , r a k if passed away peacefully shared at legit, may be 1 _ Re_dc°m,munily Nursing Home ri hurch. Memo- Fs", WAGG aid“ _ . n on Saturday, March 20, Avaggfurteralhomemmt MetasrlnoerrUs Activity Fund. "as and condolences /‘ Funeral i , a bs' _ .13 i _'. PIO. at Ross Memo, be Ry/tg" condolences may may be shared at www, W HOME Bfi [tr lc, "i ”athosp‘tal in Lindsay _ TF Peace-Com/art-Folie hf (k I ‘ in IS 93rd year. Nor- N1; _ :nan, beloved husband _ / o 66 years of Bernice T ou' I chnié Loving father of Al- _ an o o _ _ Emmi Albert and Robert REES/l“; Sign? of ran ad to Steve Mairs (S e Url. (Chad) Jd Slute (Lin arah), Kate Ershop , _ . sey) and Julie SI t G grandad to Ellyssa Jared _ u e. mat , dJessic M _ Jaelyn Sluts The tami all a alrs and _ . ily wishes to invit a celebration of Norm’s lit I e you to r Sunda M FV B . 23 at N _ e on ' y, arch a ii / W ERRY, ShirteyAnms from rltetr,fj/ir,T/2il,h Gleam} Visitation is ‘ ‘ r," ' T ". ., ria ervice at 2 'r Ir ' _ [ ' Sudde I If desired, memoir Id _ Pm. . t " i . JdT ' my, on Tuesda , th a onations may be mad fELLY, James R i I a if i , i ?hct0ber 19, 2010, ayi eNestleton Community Centre. e io sadriess we gtg'le',aLig With great . , W," _ ' . l gunnybrook Medi- "s'.""::" Ema“? Kelly, 56, of /2,ftiitgu,igg IT " 1% . Cl entre in Toronto, (t -,.1 f Fakering.‘ on October a, 2016 at their? e ‘ ii CLIFF, DomrMRottert rr L , ‘ i _ éiiggekf'l Shirley (my A/ he 'ifrgkiisg2si Hospice Unit in Darby], I I Chartered Memb T 'e a of 8:; )i2tog"iddr' l "d James want g gig-33:: iniiacgcsiiock, J, , L le ofThe, wads”: l PM: I r . Testucg- Loved mother of t, k I 91f (elthelt'lslr/ef Durhgm gnllege.0£i§ IER51 Lions Club' ti , _ CN w rry airy and his f . j. l ‘j _ Valle career solvi " I I. V Berryand hi Jt'ly, ci, Blackstock and Wail: m , y) Partying " ' ject,'lyg,t, his home i " raw 9 yno Oshawa Levi ’ " in 2003 h years. ermmn r t i ‘ rs ay Octob mother of A hie , De F rig grand- _ '.r r. e moved to New Jerse andth g _ q " 7, 2010 in hi er and great 5 gm ”Yon, Jakemm Td Heather. TREWIN, Ruby A. _ P . Glen Mills and _ devoted 'il su SQ [ . aftera cou 3 66th year, , I gran Cl er of Daw w h T assed aw and retain h fa ppo trig _ rageous b V _ Dear Sister of Carl Gilbank and "rial arid Jsznei Hgaltiieé Emil by her side , Egiceiduny Emblem that e, 23hifgt never met a with multiple myemame COUSIN Roland (new ) PK Blackstock and the fate Llo ‘5 WI e u y o 20 _ s awa on Wednesda an ge is lifetime he buil sova "Grimmer - 7 Don Cliff beloved ma. his GE b , le - assed away with T yd Gilbank and si A 10 in her92nd a y, January 6 ita house restored old and b I husband 201 y y his we on ma i ter-in-law CHOW Berry and his W; the lat y fr. Ruby, beloved if , and trucks, and mm r cars 39 _ est friend to or 1 Oat Lakerid e H _ y June, 4, _ fe Teresa d _ 9 Earl Trewm . W eoi Ia d sled, decorated and years. Lovin f h irlstine for age of g earhin Pmper t Linda Berry The family of Shi WI an Doreen and _ Loving mother , n scaped every home th . . . D _ g at er to Jason (L " Roland c _ rya the _ T . iriey Ber Wlil , - her husband Bob Di a latest passi _ atheirvedin. His on (Merits) Rob n (I _ Gamma) husband f ' mm dearly beloved Gen/e friends at the WAGG FUN ry 6 Carleton Place D _ lttburner of onwaslearningio la ' t Z , y an) Mills. Proud t L _ 0 Georgina Cousin t L "w ERAL HOME o , maid and his wif K he gathered andb , _ p yguiiar and n as. Alex Prest grandpa Wing father f _ ' T 0 Port Perry. McDermatt-Panabaker Cha , , Shawa. Dear rand 6. athy of _ _ uiltafimt rate colle ti M J' on, Tanner and t K o Gino (Lidiya) D I _ i, 216 o J li _ g me at Jason Dittti electric guitars. SH ' _ F on of icah.Survivedb hi _ sap GG to l am), and Joha , any, Langis swam Pod Perry 905-985 pe mean we Diitburner, Keir T _ _ timer, Bak _ . ' Wived by his wtle Li y is Sister Barba F Dee nne (Jaeland) S . 2171 on Thu d and will b _ Y rerri. Brian Tiewi atlas; their dalight ' " and her husband Al I m ugelsan , Fanny of Mam I mum- October 2l from 7 pm u _ is ay, esadly missedb in _ n and Ta lo tm Madeleine Ken R b _ 1 sad” missed b 'N Ewan“ frw, Claire, Martyn F ' mil 9 pm A Servi Trewtn of Gen y eff mother Dee I y r Kelly, their son J y 0 binsramily and hi ' y the entire I n and Remy. Roland ill y to celebrate harm will be h {d , Ice Slew L awa. Loved sister of Jean James daughterJanelKelI 'h' awn Kelly: friends call d ls many friends. Famil mlssed by his in WI be sadly a I yand any brothers _ Baptist Church on Frida e In the Port Perry n; loyd) of Haydon Friends m Kelly and James A Y, IS sons Ronald 176 8 atthe Low and Low Fun lephews, News and I , flsteri. I I mommy 22 at ll aim their respects at the Mom ay pay Kelty; brother _ mold, mother Beam 3 Reach Street, Port P eral Home illends will be _ friends. Family and mail?! 1qu Clemens officiating, If (Mimi; amps}, 4 Division Slreet, 803mm: statue, Joankeggeerllyd; éisters Jean 0n TueSEiay,October12,2Oiegillloiog‘95543si tow nfh2ld't'ia1 1)2 ge, AND the 'ce2tet"CC'l7, be made by cheque to Pm hr'/rlgiy,dj,0n1),h"g') _ 4 and 7 i 2 art: was fthe swim the i2,'1r1mltt Eel-i111 3:0? Cgib service was held at Ehgitligt'le. g1tg/loi'] 285-7331 on Fridayfigrhta , s I I I a u /s ME " tak ' _ remalon has _ _ _ n Lies ay at 6 , . cra _ _ P. a 7 to g , that Memories an L\V WAGG that mugs than other 17: (rt/tly",',',)'; in Lhtuetu')gt at? was held in tb"i,ttf"g"tit,2u,'graavl 535453330???" be 'dfhit/21agtf, - nces may 0 "s l owmaiiviile on my mes' memo CTO er 13 2010 e nesda a olic Church 1 shared at www,wa ,/ Funeral January 9. 2010 t _ ray. (3anadi W. may be made to i '. at ll a.m. C I Y St,PortPiy r no Smog I ggfu- --e int a 11:30 am s rln Ian CanctrrSocie C owed. Ifdesired _ _ remation fol- (yon Saturday JunelZ neralherne com AHOME ermeni Hampton unto” p fl Research Co ~ty ohrectal Cancer R _ memorialdanationst D 11am Imemmem Pi £01081 . m .6 _ ' _ Donations to Cemetery J" me tom the lamil to Pglonal Cancer 0 ty urham Prince , " Grave Gemew , ce will" “Milli Sam's 1i',itgl1ggs,stlh2rttutl' St fitiblt',)1,1iTt Kelly's lite. gaunt? Kirk would be g,r,e,'ifcrcirdj',nes Club Camp made At,ridtl?tg0gifi"1ces may Eye am to . F un or t i , pm aith ' ma be I econdol _ . “a awrgciaqégm Gsmatery mum be gratefully Curling Club, 483 Bay Street, Peri Shrew y e made at enees

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